TRB001: The Manifesto, Guest Tony Scarborough, The 80/20 Rule, Failures, Police Stuff, and More!

The Rebooted Body Podcast: Reprogram Your Body and Mind for Sustainable Fat Loss, Vibrant Health, and Peak Performance show

Summary: Listen to This Session [magicactionbox id="1563"] Session Notes If you're on our Facebook page, you'll remember that I alluded to a special announcement. Well, this is it. The Rebooted Body is launching as a Podcast in addition to the blog! I'm not sure how often we'll be doing a session, but my goal is to do this weekly or -- at the minimum -- biweekly. In episode one we discuss the The Rebooted Body manifesto and sit down with Tony Scarborough, an Atlanta police officer and psuedo-rebooter to talk about his weight loss journey, how it affects his job, the 80/20 rule, failures, other police stuff, bulletproof coffee, and more. We'll be posting most of these episodes on Fridays, but I had to post this one ASAP in order to submit it to iTunes for approval. Once that's done, I'll tell you more about how to subscribe to the podcast using iTunes or -- even easier -- your smartphone. I want you listening, I want you sharing, I want you to be motivated, and I want to you get smarter. Those are the goals of the podcast. Thanks so much for being a Rebooter. If you have any feedback on the podcast, you can leave it in the comments below. Submit A Question To Be Answered on the Show → View More Podcast Episodes and Subscribe →