Evolutionary Health  show

Summary: Title: To Carb Cycle or Not to Carb Cycle?? Hey Brad and Mike, Great show guys! I really enjoy the work you do and appreciate the time you spend. Here is my question. I was reading into high protein/fat low carb diets that claim to be just as effective as high carb/protein low fat in terms of building strength and muscle, but also you won't put on fat? The eating split I was reading about claims to raise your testosterone, increase growth hormones, and IGF-1. Basically it is super low carb, high fat/protein monday-friday, and then a semi low protein/ low fat high carb based diet on saturday and sunday. I may give it a try, just wondering your thought on it? Thanks Fellas! Title: Getting Big, Mass Gainers, and all that is Man. Hey guys, I have been lifting for a few years and am struggling to put on the kind of weight I want. The scale wont budge, I am not getting any bigger or stronger. I have started taking a mass gainer my buddy gave me and I wanted to know your thoughts on this product and these types of products in general. Do they work? Are they better than just protein? Should I eat food instead? Please help a sarcopenic brother out! Thanks for setting the record straight! Title: Cholesterol… I am so confused Hi guys, I want to keep my question short and to the point but I may ramble. . . I have been hearing a lot of conflicting things about cholesterol and heart disease. For years we have been told dietary cholesterol is bad but you all said it wasn’t. What does that mean for the standard blood tests? What exactly are they measuring when they measure LDL and HDL… What the heck is particle size? Does that even matter? How the heck can I make sure I have a healthy heart as I age in regards to cholesterol? Well. . . I think that covers my questions, I hope you all pick this one and talk about it. Thanks!