The Vikings Podcast #103: Wrath of the Northmen

The Vikings Podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Ragnar successfully recruits a band of adventurous Vikings to sail west. Will they find any land or only a vast empty ocean? What will happen when Earl Haraldson finds out about his treachery? <br> <br> On today's episode of The Vikings Podcast we will review and recap episode 2: "Wrath of the Norsemen". Then we'll look at the history presented in the show and see how it compares to actual history.<br> <br> Wrath of the Northmen<br> <br> The stage is set for the first journey west by Ragnar Lothbrok as he gathers a crew willing to risk their lives to travel into the unknown. Earl Haraldson's paranoia reaches new heights as it becomes apparent that trust is hard to come by in this dark era.<br> <br> <br> Watch it now in iTunes:<br> <br> <br> Listen to the episode now<br> <br> <br> <br> In this episode's history lesson we discuss:<br> <br> * Jormungandr<br> * Viking raid on Lindisfarne Monastery<br> * St. Cuthbert<br> <br> Send in your comments and feedback by calling the listener voicemail line at 720.722.1066 or send an email to<br> <br> Download the MP3 and listen to it on your favorite MP3 player. Subscribe to the feed or in iTunes so you never miss a single episode.<br> <a href="">Direct Download (MP3)</a> | <a href="">Subscribe in iTunes</a> | <a href="">Miro</a> | <a href="">RSS</a><br> <br> <a href=";pubid=21000000000282429&amp;lsrc=17"></a><br> <br> Copyright © 2013 · Dragon Moon Media<br> All Rights are Reserved. No Infringement is Intended.<br> The Vikings Podcast is a Medieval Archives &amp; Dragon Moon Media production. Medieval Archives' use of any and all copyrighted material is only for parody, news analysis, critique, and/or for educational purposes as provided within United States Code (USC) Title 17 aka “Fair Use”.