How To Lose Fat From Your Tummy

I Love Weight Loss | Milton Keynes | Bedford show

Summary: Highlights of the Podcast: - Recording the podcast in Mark’s car A listener thinks the Gray twins are humorous Intros the topic is why you store fat around your stomach British men are becoming more “feminine” due to the environment and toxins Difference between fat around the bellybutton and on your hips Eating processed carbohydrates leads to fat on your hips Mark and his beef wellington Proposed cooking lessons at the DVCC Stress and high amounts of Cortisol causes the fat around your bellybutton Lack of Cortisol in the morning makes you struggle to get up The inverse Cortisol relationship The Cortisol test Remove stressors to de-stress yourself. The twins joke they’d have a physical fight Identify the cause of stress Steady state marathon style training versus long steady bouts of aerobic type exercise Magnesium regulates Cortisol levels The different ways that Cortisol can be raised too high Ways to combat high amounts of Cortisol Adaptogens like Holy Basil, Licorice and Carnitine Too much caffeine stimulants cause stress too How To Lose Fat From Your Tummy   Hello and welcome to another new episode of the podcast. I’m Mark Gray. Stephen: And I’m Stephen Gray. Mark: So, it’s Monday. I hope you’re all having a good start to your week. Stephen: And where are we, Mark? Mark: We are sitting in a car. Stephen: Sitting in Mark’s car because the place we normally do our podcast is a little bit noisy today. So we thought we’d test out using the car. Apparently, it’s got nice acoustics. Mark: I think so. Stephen: So we’ll see. Mark: So what are we talking about today, Stephen? Seeing as you are the assigned – I assigned you this task. Stephen: I have the brains. Have you noticed I am the brains behind – well, the brains anyway. I was going to say not the beauty. There’s no beauty, but I’m the brains anyway. Mark: True, true. Actually, Patricia sent me an email today, saying that she was listening to our podcast and she thinks we’re humorous. So… Stephen: [Laughs] there’s one. There is one. There is one person. Mark: It’s official. We are humorous. We are very funny. There you go. Stephen: Apparently. Mark: Right. Let’s get on it. Stephen: Right. So with today, I wanted to talk about, or we, we’re going to talk a little bit more in depth about why you store fat around your stomach. I’ve spoken to a few actually guys and they said, “Great episode last time about menopause, but if I’m storing fat around my stomach, does that mean I’m going around through the menopause as well?” Obviously, I had to look this up. Mark: Today, anyway. But to be fair, guys, they actually say that British men are becoming more and more female in the way their hormones are because of the environment and things. So you know what? I would – well, it’s not going to happen. However, more and more issues that women face that are normally specific to them I reckon are becoming more and more… Stephen: Yes, they are. Mark: Prevalent now. Stephen: And that’s due to a lot of the toxins, what they call [Unintelligible 01:54], the outside sort of [Unintelligible] 01:56] that are basically affecting men’s testosterone and things. But anyway, we are going to talk about why you would store fat around your stomach if it’s not a menopause reason. Mark: Okay. So yes, exactly. So for men and for women who aren’t heading towards menopause who are kind of, to be fair, 20 to 35 to 40. Stephen: Plus, it can be the reason of going through the menopause as well. Yes, and this is for men and women. This can be for anyone, really. But I think we should differentiate between what we mean by storing fat around your stomach because obviously, you’ve got your bellybutton area, and then you’ve got your sort of hip area, and people kind of treat them as the same,