Amazing space news from around the world – 6.04

Spacevidcast HD show

Summary: In this live episode we look at a ton of space news from around the world! Here is a list of all of our stories: NASA Curiosity Rover Collects First Martian Bedrock Sample What is this metallic looking object on Mars? Chris Hadfield may be the coolest ISS commander, ever! Google Plus Hangout Duet Video Shatner Video SpaceX Software engineers did a Reddit AMA China developing new propellantless thrusters NPP saw Snowpocalypse from a few miles away Just listen to this solar flare! NSS kickstarter Campaign update Social Network in Space NEA Space Agency Don't forget that the conversation continues! Spacevidcast After Dark is our show after the show. To view After Dark you'll need an Epic subscription which you can get for as little as $10/mo or $100/yr! That contribution helps Spacevidcast continue doing what we do and cover more and more space related events. Check out to subscribe today and help us continue producing the show!