A Warning From the Future


Summary: Coming up in this program: leading scientist Dr. David Karoly says record heat and fires in Australia are a warning to the world. But we are not alone in the big change. Insects may adapt or die faster than humans, as told by "the bug guy", University of Maryland's Dr. Michael Raup. Then Steven Davis explains why climate solutions advanced just 9 years ago are no longer possible. A new report says existing technology is not enough to stem the climate tide. Now what? Welcome to another full load from Radio Ecoshock. FREE MP3 AUDIO DOWNLOADS THIS WEEK Radio Ecoshock show 130130 1 hour in CD Quality (56 MB) or Lo-Fi (14 MB) Interview with Dr. David Karoly, School of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne,Australia in CD Quality or Lo-Fi Interview with Dr. Michael Raupp, University of Maryland Entomologist in CD Quality or Lo-Fi Interview with Steven J. Davis, Assistant Professor Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine in CD Quality or Lo-Fi YOUR HELP IS NEEDED Be part of the program. Get the voices of cutting edge science and activism widely heard. Find out how you can help here. TOP SCIENTIST SAYS AUSTRALIAN CLIMATE EXTREMES A WARNING TO THE WORLD Dr. David Karoly You've heard about extreme heat and fires in Australia at the start of 2013. Is it climate change? We go now to one of that country's leading climate scientists, Dr. David J. Karoly. He's been a lead IPCC author and advises the Australian government through the Climate Change Authority. After a stint teaching Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma, Karoly is now at the School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne. It must have been a bit of culture shock to teach at the University of Oklahoma - a state known for oil and climate denial. But Karoly was invited there to add climate experise, as he taught Meteorology. While there are denialists in Oklahoma, don't generalize! There are plenty of people in Oklahoma who know fossil fuels are damaging the atmosphere. Listen to the program online with this player: I called Dr. Karoly to get a top scientists' guage of the extreme weather there in late December 2012, running all through January 2013. For a taste of Australia's extreme weather lately, try out this video from the Telegraph newspaper in Britain. Australia's Prime Minister says "whether it's bush fires, whether it's floods, we are being challenged by nature." Karoly tells us heat record after heat record was smashed. The longest run of heat. Many all-time heat record's smashed. And most worrying of all, likely for the first time the whole continent of Australia was under a massive heat dome. Australia is as large as the continental United States, and comparable to the size of Canada. As in North America, it is common to experience very different weather between the coasts, or north to south. California may be cool, while the Mid-Atlantic states roast. But this time, the whole of Australia was very hot. The country set an all-time record AVERAGE high temperature, indicating it was above 37 degrees C. or 100 degrees F - everywhere on the entire continent. This is new, and it's not good. Tune into the whole interview with arguably one of the best climate and weather experts in Australia, a fine scientific mind at work. More here: What's Causing Australia's Heatwave? (written by authors with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology) The recent report by the Australian Climate Commission, authored in part by David Karoly, is here as a .pdf : "Off the Charts: Extreme Australian Summer Heat". MICHAEL RAUPP - "The Bug Guy" Dr. Michael Raupp Television entertains us with weird weather striking all over the world as the planet warms. We see people coping with drought, flooded out, burned out, or blown away. It's all about us, but we are not alone here. The insects are also responding to climate change. Here to explain is "the bug guy", University of Maryland Entomologist Dr. Michael J. Raupp. Scientists studying leaf fossils found greatl