Tha Leg’cast Episode 10 – Humans are related to a Banana's

Tha Leg'cast show

Summary: WARNING: Not made for kids or Those easily offended.In this Episode Trip and H and midget are joined by azn(asian) to talk about everything weird funny and stupid things people do. Including a new segment 'Doing It Doggy Style'SEGMENT 1: Wisdom Words SEGMENT 2: The Way It Is 1. Man caught wanking at high school because Justin Beiber told him to. 2. Study finds Kiwi's that smoke weed have lower IQ's. 3. Man arrested for giving complete strangers wedgies. 4. A horny man steals Super sucker vagina from sex shop. 5. Tampa bay Florida cops have had their patrol car stolen, turns out woman just wanted Macca's 6. Female drug dealer was arrested after ringing 911 after selling rock salt as Meth, busted smoking weed with kids. 7. Man shot wife, maybe premature. 8. Man stole underwear to serve his time in jail for theft. 9. Preganant woman's water brakes in night club, causing a shot out. 10. A Cincinnati teacher is having a whinge about the fact she has a phobia of kids. 11. 1000 chinese cats save from dinner plates after truck crash. 12. Texas man arrested after hospital wanking spree, police find beach balls in Home. He doesnt like blondes. 13. Chinese man put to death after selling human flesh as meat from birds. 14. Female monkey in spain is addicted to porn. 15. A man stole a $4000 goldan vibrator, the web was a buzz with this story. 16. So called shock artist, send to jail for filming people eating fecies. man says its like winning the golden globes. SEGMENT 3: Doing It Doggy Style. - An apartment superintendent arrested for braking into an apartment and molesting a 1 year old dog. was only found out after tenant install camera's SEGMENT 4: YouTube Homies. SEGMENT 5: Pissed Off Bro. People not stoping for an injured person.