The Ultimate Creative show

The Ultimate Creative

Summary: A podcast for creative entrepreneurs to help you grow your business, expand your skillsets and get more done, with your host Emily Milling!

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 Episode 5 - Time Management Tricks With Justin Decloux | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:27

In this episode, I interview Justin Decloux (my partner) about the career he created for himself through his passion for everything film - and we get into his time management tricks and the nitty gritty details about how he manages to do it all! Justin Decloux is a filmmaker, podcaster, film programmer and author of two books. Because he has accomplished so many things throughout his career to date, we thought he'd be a great inspiration to help you figure out how to create your own career that includes many different elements, inspired by one of your passions. Justin explains why his passion for film generated multiple revenue streams while keeping himself interested, which is especially important for those of you with shiny object syndrome! By breaking up his time with different activities - whether it be editing one of his many podcasts or burning Blu-rays in his home production setup - Justin has created his own ideal working situation that allows him to do what he loves most as often as possible, which is watch movies. Like all the movies. So many movies! Justin also discusses his own time management tricks, and how it's not always a one-size-fits-all approach. In fact, some time management techniques didn't last very long for him, which just goes to show that no matter what, it always comes down to your ability to motivate yourself. If you're in the mood for a podcast episode with some super hot tips on how to manage your time AND you want some inspiration to create your own career, this episode has exactly what you're looking for. Links mentioned in this episode: Justin Decloux's Website The Important Cinema Club Radioactive Dreams: The Cinema of Albert Pyun The Important Cinema Club Journal Bay Street Video Podcast No Such Thing As A Bad Movie Podcast Film Trap Impossible Horror Feature Film Teddy Bomb Feature Film The Laser Blast Film Society Managing Your Multi-Hyphen Career:

 Episode 3 - How I Built My Creative Career | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:28

Episode 3 - How I Built My Creative Career Let me just start by saying that to this day, I still have no idea what I’m doing or how I’m going to do it. The thing about building a creative career, or any career, is that most of the time, it’s just guessing until you figure something out. Once you’ve figured the same things out a few times, it becomes much easier to grow your career, but there will never not be a time when a curve-ball is going to come at you hard and fast, when you least expect it. Look I don’t know much about sports, is it possible to have a hard and fast curve-ball? Check out the rest of the show notes here: Don't forget to like and subscribe! Follow us on Instagram at and on Facebook at Leave a comment, ask me a question, let's get your shit done! WOO!

 Episode 4 - Managing Your Multi Hyphen Career | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:25

Episode 4 - Managing Your Multi Hyphen Career Why hello there! You might be asking, "Emily, what's a Multi-Hyphen Career?" Well, dear friend, I'm about to blow your mind. A multi-hyphen career is one that incorporates more than one skillset or interest. "MORE THAN ONE?" you ask? YES! MORE THAN ONE! Insane, right? WRONG. I'm guessing you probably grew up hearing a lot of the same messages I did. "Everyone has one true calling they need to follow!" Or, "you need to find your passion to be happy!" Well that's bullshit! I bet "they" never told you that your one true calling and passion could be a multi-hyphen career, did they? And you were probably told to focus on one thing to get very good at it, because nobody likes a generalist. A multi-hyphen career is definitely a real thing that many people are gainfully employed with. But it doesn't mean that this type of career is easy - in fact it definitely will put you at a higher risk for burnout if it's not managed with a lot of empathy for yourself. So I put together a few ideas to help you manage your multi-hyphen career. Check out the rest of the show notes here: Don't forget to like and subscribe! Follow us on Instagram at and on Facebook at Leave a comment, ask me a question, let's get your shit done! WOO!

 Episode 2 - How To Be Motivated | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:03

Episode 2 - How To Be Motivated Originally I wanted to write this post about different techniques to keep yourself focused on creative projects, not how to be motivated generally. Obviously the world has done a 180 and we're all just doing our best to motivate ourselves to get out of bed and put proper clothes on. And it's hard! It is so hard! It's not easy to be motivated on the best of days, and now this? Instead I'm going to write a little about how to be motivated at various stages of energy. We all move through cycles of emotion - so these tips aren't for when you're feeling horrible, like the walls are closing in. When you feel like that, it's ok to just feel like that. I'm in that misery with you in solidarity. I can tell you from living through various types of grief and depression though, that it will get better and it just takes time to move through the crappy part. Check out the rest of the show notes here: Don't forget to like and subscribe! Follow us on Instagram at and on Facebook at Leave a comment, ask me a question, let's get your shit done! WOO!

 Episode 1 - How To Start Something New | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:57

Episode 1 - How To Start Something New In this episode we talk about a few things that show you how to start something new. Whether it’s a career jump, a relationship, a new hobby, a change in your routine, WHO THE HECK KNOWS?! Well, you do! And I’m going to help you figure out the BEST way to take the first step and prepare yourself for what comes next. There are so many factors at play when you make the decision to start something new. The fear of the unknown. That nagging crusty old voice in your head that says “that’ll never work.” And then the pressure of “if I don’t do it now, will I ever do it?” Of course sometimes the signals come through loud and clear that it’s time to make a change. In those lucky cases it’s not just about how to start something new, it’s about when. (Pro tip: It’s now. It’s definitely now.) Check out the rest of the show notes here: Don't forget to like and subscribe! Follow us on Instagram at and on Facebook at


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