The Texorcist Podcast w/ Shane Moore show

The Texorcist Podcast w/ Shane Moore

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 Government Classified Projects - Powers of THe Human Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4770

Governments have spent millions on black budget programs studying and researching "phenomena" such as pre-cognition, remote viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, energy healing, hypnosis, manifestation, imagination, and much more. Why are these topics often ridiculed in everyday life but have been studied at the highest levels of goverment for decades with high amounts of success and credibility? The US/Stanford University STARGATE Project is one of the many examples that confirm parapsychology's legitimacy. Take part in the live chat as we discuss and have live attempts at remote viewing, telepathy, and much more - in this episode of The Texorcist Live. Taking your comments, questions, and personal experiences via our live chat.

 The NWO of Zioniism & Talmudic Judaism: Rule By Deception | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10756

In this episode I go deeper into the deception, lies, corruption, and connections between influential, famous people, powerful, corrupt politicians/governments, and trusted religious leaders who have sold out and pledged their allegiance to the Zionist Movement ultimately controlled by Talmudic "Jews" who are not the true Jewish people. They claim to be Jews but they lie. They are in every part of the world and their ultimate goal is dominating the world and enslaving the "gentiles" who they refer to as "goyim" aka cattle. They are rabidly racist, murderous, and fueled by hate. They have committed atrocities such as ethnic cleansing, genocide, and crimes against humanity - yet the world seems to ignore what they do. I'll explain the reason why and much more in this episode. Taking your questions and comments via live chat. Kick back and learn how things are not what they seem to be and never have been. The ultimate deception requires the ultimate control. They basically control everything, have covered all the bases, and now are in the preocess of controlling everyone - including YOU.

 The Noahide Laws For Americans & The World - Those Who Truly Rule | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8534

There exists a group in the world today who are not who or what they claim to be. They rule by deceiving, dividing, and destroying anyone and any country who they view inferior to them. They are the most racist, hate mongering group in the world yet always play the victim who wants peace. Nothing could be further from the truth. You have been taught and told to support and stand with them by trusted political and religious leaders. In this episode I will present many reasons why you should not support or stand with this group of people who have no conscience, no mercy, no empathy, and in their own words state their mission is to rule the world and make everyone their slaves. My personal response to that statement is "Not a chance in hell - I'm not interested. I don't care how entitled you believe you are nor do I give a damn about who supposedly gave you that entitlement." Enough is enough. This is a very unpopular subject that most are afraid to discuss. I'm not only discussing it - I'm speaking out against it and naming names, connections, atrocities, and plans for the world this group of people have. Please don't shut me down or turn the show off until you've heard everything I have to say. Taking your comments and questions via interactive live chat.

 New World Order & Noahide Laws - Past & Recent Events | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9832

Many have never heard of "The Noahide Laws" and continue to view the "New World Order" as mere conspiracy. In this episode I will provide evidence The New World Order is not just conspiracy - it is real and moving forward behind the scenes at an astonishing pace. I'll also explain the Noahide Laws in detail and how these laws were signed and accepted by US Presidents in the past and just last year under the guise of other laws being passed. I will explain in detail the many unsettling connections between powerful political leaders in the US, other countries, leading Christian evangelicalists, and many more people in powerful positions and the forces at work to enforce these laws on everyone. People are being deceived on an unimaginable scale because they blindly trust those in power. It is this blind trust that will destroy their lives. I hope by addressing this very sensitive and dangerous subject those with blind trust will open their eyes and see the truth. Taking your comments and questions via live chat and taking your calls live at: 430-901-1525. I encourge everyone listening to take part in the live chat. Share your ideas and let me know how you feel.

 Prorammed From Birth - Breaking The Chain (Pt 2) INDEPTH | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11910

This is part 2 of the previous episode about how everyone is "programmed" into this world system from the moment they are born. The programming and information was taught as truth to our grandparents who taught it as truth to our parents and they unknowingly taught this false information to us because they accepted it as truth - without question. Faith is a good thing but blind faith is bad - very bad. We all have been taught to respect and trust authority figures, but what has this teaching resulted in? ABUSE, HARASSMENT, DECEPTION, FEAR, SICKNESS, and even DEATH. Have you ever seriously considered exactly what you believe and why you believe it? Are your beliefs based on FACTS or on BLIND FAITH? TRUTH or WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD IS TRUE? Nothing is off the table in this episode. I will discuss everything I have found in my research. Please take part in the LIve Chat and tell me your feelings. This is going to be a shocking episode!!!

 Programmed From Birth - Breaking The Programming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6967

From birth you are bombarded with messages about how to live your life. From parents, relatives, friends, teachers, coworkers, the media, and the government are all giving you messages to condition and influence how you live your life, but... What if they are wrong? What if everything you have been taught and believed to be true wasn't true at all? What if your parents, relatives, and well meaning people in your life had all been deceived in the same way and their beliefs indirectly affected your belief system/way of life? Ill discuss this and much more in this episode. Taking your questions, comments, and experiences via live chat .

 The United Trance States of the Masses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8298

Discussing how people can be hypnotized and placed in a trance state by many different methods, some subtle, some not so subtle. Power does not need to be taken from you when you're unknowingly giving it away. Many are living in a trance and have lived in this state for a long time. I'll discuss how to WAKE UP from the control and take back YOUR power. Taking your questions, comments, experiences via our live chat and taking live calls on the show line at: 430-901-1525

 The Paradox of Time, Time Travel, Timelines, & Consciousness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9532

Discussing the nature of something that Einstein said was an illusion; albeit a persistent one. How can we experience something that actually does not exist? Does human consciousness make the illusion real? Is everything happening Now and if so the "past" can affect the "future" and both can affect the present. We will talk about different theories such as time manipulation, time inconstistencies, CERN's fascination with Time and much more! Taking your questions, comments, and personal experiences via our live chat. So kick back, relax, and participate! Let's have a great time learning from each other.

 Monday's Listener Topics Smorgasboard - Open Forum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7644

Discussing topics listeners have submitted via email or live in our live chat. From the paranormal to the power of the human mind to UFOs and so on. If it's unexplained, unusual, mysterious, conspiratorial, etc - LET ME KNOW. No topic is off the table. so kick back and get comfortable for the next two hours for this episode of The Texorcist Live coming to you straight out of Texas!

 Are CERN, AI, and Quantum Computers Driven By Demons? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6724

Indepth discussion concerning how CERN, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, D-Wave, Google, NASA, the Internet itself is being driven by interdimensional intelligences aka Lovecraftian "Old Ones" aka demons. We will also discuss the murder/suicide of a popular paranormal researcher/author in mid 2019 who was experiencing tremendous harrassment through her internet, cell phone, smart TV, etc. She was also investigating Pedogate, Jeffery Epstein, etc. Taking your comments, questions and personal experiences via live chat.

 The Mandela Effect: Fact or Fantasy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8761

The Mandela Effect is a term referring to a situation where many people believe a certain event has occurred when it actually hasn't - at least not on this timeline if you believe the parallel-multiverse or simulation theories. For example, many people remember "JIFFY" brand peanut butter, when there has never been a "Jiffy" brand. Are these memories mistakes of the mind or is there something more to it? We will discuss what many will find shocking - from possible changes to brand names, movie quotes, logos, dates, events, and much more. Could this be some kind of residual evidence left over after a "reset" or "rebooting" of a simulation program we have accepted as reality? With the activities at CERN and the greatest minds in the world today saying chances are we are in a simulation - it's certainly something to ponder. Taking your questions, comments, and personal experiences via live chat and ringing in the new year at midnight on this episode of The Texorcist LIVE.

 Paranormal Smorgasbord Monday - Listener Topics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6937

Discussing paranormal, conspiratorial, spiritual, unusual. . topics listeners choose. Any topic - nothing is off the table. This is something new we will do every Monday - taking live topics via our live chat and also emails I've received during the week. The live show call in number is (430) 901-1525.

 Rh Negative & Rh Null Blood - Angelic Connection? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8347

Indepth discussion concerning the possible origins of the Rh negative blood type which makes up 15% of the population and Rh null - the most rare blood type on earth with only 44 people known to have it. Are those with Rh negative blood targeted and monitored by the powers that be? Get ready for a wild ride on this episode of The Texorcist Live. Taking your comments, questions, and personal experiences via live chat.

 Listener Topic Smorgasbord - Open Forum 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4859

Listeners choose topics they want to discuss. Taking comments, questions, and personal experiences via our live chat.

 Paranormal Smorgasboard - Listener Topics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4748

In this episode we will take your topics on everything paranormal, unusual, unexplained, etc. Open Forum. Taking your comments, questions, and suggestions via our live chat. What's on your mind?


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