The Big Life Questions Show show

The Big Life Questions Show

Summary: The Big Life Questions Show podcast is all about seeking answers to the mysteries of humanity and the world around us. Each week cohosts Doug Schneider and Chris Nerney (and occasional guests) explore both timeless and timely topics such as how to overcome adversity, the dangers of populism, the causes of and cures for burnout, our obsession with sports, the definition of freedom, whether the world would be better off without religions, wealth inequality, how to fix a broken democracy, the corrosive impact of predatory capitalism, the psychic value of gratitude, the cost of higher education, advice we’d give our younger selves, what we owe future generations, the healing effect of humor, which historical figures would be fun to have dinner with, how “fear of the other” is mankind’s greatest flaw, dealing with medical mysteries, coping with loss, what the Founding Fathers would say about the United States today, the benefits and drawbacks of immigration, presidential politics and impeachment, when quitting makes sense, signs of hope for humanity amid the chaos and uncertainty of modern life, and much more.

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  • Artist: The Big Life Questions Show
  • Copyright: Copyright 2019 All rights reserved.


 Episode 10: How Do You Deal With a Narcissist? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:19

Everyone knows a narcissist. That would be someone who needs to be the center of attention and whose own needs dominate their lives, and can dominate the lives of those around them. In this episode, Chris and Doug explore the role of narcissists in their own lives and how they've attempted to deal with them. The cohosts also consider the role of social media in enabling narcissism. And, of course, it's hard to discuss narcissism these days without referencing the current occupant of the White House. 1:29 Dealing with narcissists 7:27 No statute of limitations on grievances 9:28 The ultimate sign that someone is a narcissist 13:20 Working for a narcissist 16:43 The Narcissist in the White House 20:30 Social media and narcissism 22:05 The reporter's instinct  

 Episode 9: Should You Judge a Person's Character Based On Their Political Beliefs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:00

By all measures the American public is more polarized politically than anytime in recent history, and for many reasons -- including social media, the fragmentation of news outlets, and the lack of bi-partisanship in Congress. Does this mean it's okay to judge a person's character based on their political beliefs? (Something that certainly is happening with more frequency.) When might it be appropriate, as opposed to unfair, to make such judgments? 4.25 Expecting people to think 6.30 All politicians lie 8.48 Would it be okay if your child married someone from the opposite political party? 11.30 All the ways we judge people 15.57 One thing the government is really bad at 19.23 All the news that's NOT fit to print

 Episode 8: Is It a Good Idea To Let Other People Know About Your Weaknesses? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:18

In this episode, Doug and Chris discuss whether it's wise to let other people know about your weaknesses. While they agree it would have benefits, they also recognize the potential dangers of self-disclosure. Perhaps there are limits to complete transparency. Then again, transparency can make for some pretty good stories. 1.00 Are there benefits to revealing weaknesses? 2.26 Is vulnerability a sign of strength? 7.10 Showing weaknesses as a way to get out of work 11.18 Getting burned by exposing your weaknesses 14.10 Acknowledging your weaknesses to yourself

 Episode 7: Why Are Humans So Afraid Of 'The Other'? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:57

Fear of "the other" is a human trait rooted in our need for survival. Uncontrolled, however, fear of the other can undermine mankind's ability to achieve a higher consciousness -- or even live peacefully. In this episode, Chris and Doug discuss the reasons behind and the ramifications of our fear of "the other." 0:41 The essence of mankind's nature 4:15 How fear of "the other" is weaponized 5:48 The benefits of tribalism 7:17 A story of hope 9:55 Dehumanizing "the other" 13:00 Social media rewards extremism 14:20 Chris plugs "The 100" 18:00 Serving in the military teaches tolerance  

 Episode 6: Is Capitalism Evil? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

In the U.S., especially among younger generations, polling shows diminished enthusiasm for capitalism and lower confidence that capitalism can deliver fair outcomes. Meanwhile, many who believe in capitalism recognize the need to confront its weaknesses. In this episode, we explore how capitalism can generate economic growth and opportunity, as well as how it can reinforce and accentuate disparities in wealth and political power.   0:55     The benefits of capitalism 3:18     Adam Smith, David Hume, and The Scottish Enlightenment 5:43     Growing Income Inequality and The Rigged System 11:08   Declining life expectancy for white working class in the U.S. 15:00   The urban versus rural divide 17:37   Ideas for addressing capitalism’s challenges   Links: The Infidel and The Professor: David Hume, Adam Smith, and The Friendship That Shaped Modern Thought, Dennis C. Rasmussen Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance and The Fall of American Business, by Rana Foroohar

 Episode 5: How Do You Deal With a 'Medical Mystery' Health Problem? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:21

Our health can be a fragile thing. In this episode, one of our cohosts encounters a medical mystery – a condition that may be chronic and life-changing, but is difficult to diagnose, even for the best doctors. Doug and Chris grapple with how to find the best medical care, how to ask the right questions when the answers are unknown, how to make sense of medical mysteries, and most importantly how to keep going when life throws you – or your good friend – a hard punch. 2:02 Today's Medical Mystery 9:50 The Possible Diagnosis 10:34 Looking Up Your Mystery Symptoms On Line 16:42 Another Medical Mystery 22:19 Getting Yelled At in the Emergency Room 30:19 How Can You Tell If You Have a Good Doctor? 34:24 Finding Emotional Equilibrium  

 Episode 4: When Is Quitting a Good Idea? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:11

Some of the hardest decisions in life are deciding when to quit something as opposed to when to double down. In this episode, Chris and Doug ponder how to make these decisions, in work and in life, and when they’ve made good and bad quitting decisions. They discuss when quitting is a good idea, when it’s a terrible idea, and the nuances of the murky gray areas of these big life choices.  1:56     Here is when quitting a job is not a good idea, but Chris did anyway 4:57     Everything is either a Yes or a No 7:05     When to definitely quit your job 11:47   What to do when your personal life demands more than you can give 17:07   Booing yourself off the stage 19:03   Exit, voice, and loyalty 22:46   When it makes sense to quit without a plan 24:20   The workplace of the future  Links Exit, Voice, and Loyalty by Albert Hirschman

 Episode 3: What Would the Founding Fathers Say About America Today? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:53

In a free-wheeling conversation, Chris and Doug speculate about what the Founding Fathers would have to say about America in 2019. They cover a wide range of topics, attempting to put themselves in the shoes of the Founding Fathers. You may or may not agree with their conclusions, but it will be hard to prove them wrong -- unless you can produce an original Founding Father or two. 3:28     What would almost certainly disappoint them 7:16     Constitutional amendments 8:30     Social media 9:30     The role of money in politics 11:00   The growth of executive power 15:05   Budget deficits 18:15   How would they view Trump?

 Episode 2: Is Failure More Interesting Than Success? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:32

We all experience failure, unless we attempt nothing and live in a cave. Certainly, Chris and Doug between them have had their share of less-than-optimal outcomes – divorce, missing payroll, losing a job, not finishing a grad degree, and even crashing at the end of marathons. Since we all experience failure, getting through life is more about how to move on when things haven’t gone as planned. In other words, how to get back up when life knocks you down.     1:01  Why failure is more interesting than success   2:42  Famous people who have failed   5:30  Personal failures for Chris and Doug 12:28  Failure as a liberating force 14:11  Relationship failure 16:57  Crashing in marathons 19:57  The famous one-mile race  

 Episode 1: Is Nostalgia a Good Thing? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:49

Especially as we get older, we tend to feel nostalgic for the past – often conveniently forgetting painful and even traumatic moments. How do we think about our history and past experiences in useful and productive ways, yet still change and grow? In what ways is nostalgia useful to sorting out our lives and moving forward, and in what ways is it counterproductive? In this debut episode of The Big Life Questions Show, cohosts Doug Schneider and Chris Nerney explore the pros and cons of nostalgia.   1:56     Change is part of life; nostalgia can be a denial of change 4:24     Nostalgia evokes a shared history and shared connection 8:09     Do you go back to your class reunions? 8:57     Talking about the old days can be unhealthy 10:35   Still learning at 106 years old 12:43   Going back to places you used to live 14:20   Doug’s new book, Ten Marathons 15:10   Creating the space for change in your life  Links:  Ten Marathons by Doug Schneider  


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