The Ghost Show show

The Ghost Show

Summary: This is True Capitalist Radio formerly known as True Conservative Radio program; the most underground Internet broadcast in the world! Ghost tells it how it is and how it should be, call in to us...

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 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #153 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Harry Reid calls Obama a negro, Fox News hires dumb Sara Palin, unemployment unchanged by Obama's Stimulus Package and North Korea wants ends to sanctions; an update on the situation in Iran. That and other news and True Conservative commentary on this edition. Call-in and tell us you political views.

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #152 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Democrats run to the retirement hills in fear, Obama grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) immunity to arrest American citizens on U.S. soil and the coldest arctic snow storm to hit America in decades; so much for Global Warming you COP15 ass clowns! That and other news and True Conservative commentary. Call-in and give us you political views!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #151 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Ghost is back for the NEW Year, so Liberals and Feminist better back off; cuz Ghost is about to go off! Ghost talks about the holidays, news and the future on this free format edition! Please call in and give us your political views! *************************THIS SHOW IS DEDICATED TO THE YOUTH OF AMERICA!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #150 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Obama sends letter to Kim Jong Ill, China tell the COP15 in Copenhagen to go screw itself, Iran, Healthcare and other news and True Conservative commentary. Ghost announces a contest for all the listeners, LISTEN IN to see how you can win. Call-in to us with your politics!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #149 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Despite the dumbed down, idiot American People, Ghost continues to expose the Liberal regime’s hypocrisy and contradictions. Obama call’s out the same fat-cat executives that he bailed-out, federally mandated healthcare insurance coming soon, amnesty for illegal immigrants in America and a look at some Liberal spending projects. That and other news and True Conservative commentary on this edition. Ghost discusses his struggles to conjure up the energy to continue doing the show.

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #148 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Angelina Jolie un happy with Obama! Ghost goes off on Obama accpeting Nobel Peace prize, Congressional Black caucus walk-out, Geithner defends TARP extensions and the American "Jihadists" captured in Pakistan. That and other news and True Conservative commentary on this edition. Ghost reads listener e-mail and reflects about the previous controversial show (#147).

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #147 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

It's the infamous Marijuana show! Since the fruity ass Liberal state of California legalized Marijuana for "medical use," Ghost considers smoking some pot live on the air in hopes of persuading others from not trying and/or using the drug. Listen in to see if the effects consist of anything "medical." Ghost dedicates an entire show to discuss Marijuana, Cannabis, Pot, Sativa, Indica, Reefer, Kush, Dro, etc. Ghost will take your calls all night, so call-in and give us your thoughts! This will be a show to remember!!!!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - epsiode #146 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Ghost tells President Obama how to stop American job losses! Karzai says hes willing to talk with the Taliban, and distabliztion in Guinea, Africa. That and other news and True Conservative commentary! No Liberal long-hairs or Feminist agitators allow on this political show. Call-in and give us some substance! Ghost reads hate mail!!!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #145 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Death to Ahmadinejad! Death to the Ayatollah! Ghost goes off on Iran, White House refuses to cooperate with Congress about the "gate crasher" incident, Healthcare and Tiger Woods. That and other news and True Conservative commentary on this edition. Call-in if you're not a fruity ass Liberal or a bull-dyke Feminist!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #144 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Ghost goes off on Tiger Woods, Obama's speech to the nation, Maurice Clemmons Seattle police killings, the Denmark December 7, 2009 global warming summit and 30,000 more troops in Afghanistan. That and other news True Conservative commentary... Call-in with your political thoughts and ideas!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #143 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Ghost goes off about Thanksgiving, Roman Polanski out on a 4.5 million dollar bail, Iran takes drastic steps against domestic dissent, the 12/07/09 Denmark global warming summit and fruity ass Adam Lambert. That and other news and True Conservative commentary on this edition. ************** Ghost discusses his Thanksgiving; call-in and give yout thoughts!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #142 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

The Tea Bag Party turns on itself, Liberal UC Berkeley cries like pussified fruity asses about tuition rate hikes and the American public still sucks! That and other news and True Conservative commentary on this special weekend edition. Call-in with your thoughts.

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #141 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Lou Dobbs considers running for public office, Muslim countries seek blasphemy ban and the House moves to audit the Federal Reserve. That and other news and True Conservative commentary on this edition. Call-in with you political thoughts and ideas. *****Ghost will attempt to hypnotize the listening audience into becoming better Americans. LISTEN IN AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #140 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Ghost screams in anger about everything and anything on his mind on this free-format edition! We go beyond politics on this edition. Ghost will be taking your calls LIVE tonight!!!! *************Check out the True Conservative Shop @ !!!!

 True Conservative Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #139 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Ghost goes off on Sara Palin on Oprah, Obama in China, single soldier mom refuses deployment to care for baby, and the economic situation in America. That and other news and True Conservative commentary! Call-in with your political thoughts and views!


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