The Ghost Show show

The Ghost Show

Summary: This is True Capitalist Radio formerly known as True Conservative Radio program; the most underground Internet broadcast in the world! Ghost tells it how it is and how it should be, call in to us...

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 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #331 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:28:00

It's Taco Tuesday! Donald Trump to get his first intelligence briefing on Wednesday, FBI hands over documents on Hillary Clinton to congress, Obama warns that Trump "could still win" election, Obama transfers 15 Gitmo prisoners to UAE,, Aetna insurance drops out of Obamacare, SJW up in arms about a New Mexico Italian resturants "Black Olives Matter" campaign, hackers claim to possess NSA malware (they are auctioning it off online), George Soros leaked memo shows he funded the refugee crisis to "influence" the world, Londonstan mayor Sadiq Khan wants to start proescuting online Trolls and Russia launches attacks against ISIS in Syria from Iran navel base. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #330 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:42:00

Milwaukee riots over Black cop killing Black suspect (Gov. Walkers calls National Guard), Donald Trump gives his Foreign Policy speech (ideological tests for Muslims & other immigrants) , Hillary Clinton stumps with Joe Biden in Ohio, Obama cuts Martha's Vineyard vacation short to stump for Hillary, George Soros hacked (hackers release data relating to Soros), Kurdish forces move on Mosul (take back key villages from ISIS) while PKK forces hit Southeast Turkey, Turkey threatens EU abandon migration deal if visa freedom isn't given by October, Brexit Delayed to late 2019 (Government Too Incompetent To Do It Faster), and US-backed Saudi Arabian forces bomb hospitals & schools in Yemen (kills doctors without borders, chidlren & other civilians). Ghost gives his thoughts on police brutality and a potential solution. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #329 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:26:00

It's Baller Friday! Ghost talks about his run-in with Homeland Security about this show, Ghost gives his thoughts on the State of U.S. political affairs (Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Republicans, Democrats) as more DNC staffers are ending up dead, Obama and Hillary DID CREATE ISIS, and opens up the phone lines for a free-format edition! We'll discuss anything you would like to talk about. Ghost will also take Twitter questions. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #328 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:33:00

Latest polls show Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton, Secret Service talks to Trump about his 2nd Ammendment comment about Clinton, New Clinton E-mails Show Relationship between Clinton Foundation & State Dept. (shows DOJ blocked probe into the Foundation), George Soros says Trump will win the "popular vote" but not the election, Julian Assange subtly admits that murder DNC staff Seth Rich was the DNC Leaker (Prognosticator Of Prognosticators strikes again), bomb attacks along south-eastern border of Turkey (9 civilians dead dozens wounded), Putin Accuses Ukraine of Plotting Terrorist Attacks in Crimea and China's crackdown on dissent is "harshest in decades." Ghost address police brutality and a simple solution to help solve the media-hyped "epidemic." Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #327 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:25:00

It's Taco Tuesday! The world against Donald Trump continues (establishment Republicans continue to back-stab Trump)! Orlando terrorist's Dad sits behind Hillary Clinton during recent speech, Bernie Sanders uses his "Feel The Bern" money & buys a $600,000 home, will Wisconsin vote out Paul Ryan (Ryan to headline #NeverTrump conference 3 days after Wisconsin primary), offers $20k reward for info on the murder of Seth Conrad Rich (DNC staffer that was mysteriously murdered), Turkey's Erdogan meets with Russia's Putin to solidify new alliance and is anyone really watching the biohazard Olympics? Ghost opens up the phone lines and takes your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #326 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:48:00

Ghost explains how the Presidential elections can be "rigged." The world against Donald Trump continues, Trump lays out his economic plan, is Hillary Clinton too ill to be President, Paul Ryan MUST BE VOTED OUT (Wisconsin), Obama caught lying (again) about Iran Ransom payment, Bernie Sanders says LGBTQ must vote for Hillary Clinton, clock boy (kid who built a "clock" out of a suitcase which look EXACTLY like a bomb) sues America, Delta flights grounded over "glich," Turkey & Russia publicly annouce alliance (prognosticator or prognosticators strikes AGAIN) and other news. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #325 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:49:00

It's Baller Friday! It's a free-format edition of True Capitalist Radio show. Ghost opens up the phone lines and takes your calls & discusses anything YOU want to talk about. Donald Trump? Hillary Clinton? The lame-stream, mainstream media? Democrat corruption? Republican back-stabbing? DNC e-mail leaks? Obama? Iran Ransom? Fairfax Mayor Arrested (Hillary Clinton supporter) for trading meth for oral copulation? Black Lives Matter? Deray suing Baton Rouge police? Paul Rayn? Khizr Kahn promoting Sharia Law? Love? Life? Relationships? Advice? ANYTHING you want to talk about. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #324 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:41:00

Is the DNC trying to silence Ghost! Ghost goes off about how "someone" is trying to sabotage True Capitalist Radio! Ghost goes off on whatever is on his mind. Ghost opens up the phone lines for most of the show on this edition. Ghost brings back Twitter questions (ask Ghost ANYTHING via Twitter), Twitter shoutouts and Radio Gaffiti! This will be an unconventional format today, with heavy audience participation. Be sure to spread it AROUND LIKE WILDFIRE! And don't be a no-personality, stumbling, mumbling litte jerk!   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #323 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Republicans attempt to back-stab Donald Trump, again! Trump refuses to endorse Paul Ryan or John McCain, DNC propaganda main stream media continues it's Hillary Clinton pomp, Obama paid Iran $400 million in ransom for prisoner release, Corey Lewandowski (former Trump campaign manager) questions the origin of Obama's birth, DC metro cop arrested for trying to assist ISIS, UN wants to tax meat until it's too expensive to eat, North Korea fires more missles that land near Japan and the fruits of Socialism in Venezula (flour, pasta, milk cost a month's pay. Ghost goes off on Human fluids and body parts as commodities and the evolution of robots. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #322 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:36:00

The World against Donald Trump! Media continues its assault on Trump, Obama calls for Republicans to withdraw support for Trump, Warren Buffet adds to the list of Billionaires for Hillary Clinton (Ghost goes off on Buffet), Khizr Khan takes down his law firm website (which specializes in immigration law), Tim Kaine's regional director as Senator of VA (Joe Montano) died of "heart attack" at 47, DNC Leaks takes more victims as Democrat Party CEO, CFO & communications director resign, Zika virus spread rampant throughout Miami (reports of misquitoes resistant to insecticide), Turkey threatens to scrap European Union deal over visa-free travel and China continues to saber-rattle over the South China Sea (drills, missle launchings, torpedos). Your calls, Twiiter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti on this edition.   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #321 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:53:00

Ghost is back after a short vacation (shooting on Austin's 6th street)! Liberal media attacks Donald Trump after DNC convention (Khizr Khan, Melania Trump & Russia), more DNC e-mail leaks to be dumped via WikiLeaks (next e-mail to dump to prove Hillary Clinton armed ISIS), Bernie Sanders supporters abandon the Democratic Party, Homeland Security grants Syrians temporary amnesty (no matter their legal status) Black Lives Matter make Presidential demands (reparations) & Pope Francis states again that "Islam is not terrorism."  Ghost goes off on CopperCab (gingers have no souls guy) tranisitioning into becoming a transtesticle and Ghost annouces faze 2 of Operation Barrel Roll. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #320 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

Ghost spends the majority of this episode teaching everyone how to take control of both American political parties, how to utilze a political party's power to control party politicians and how take over the government (change the world). This is an important episode for ALL AMERICANS to listen to closely, thie information on this show is politically invaluable! Ghost explains why and how Trump won (but almost lost) the Republican Party's nomination. Ghost also explains how Bernie Sanders and his delegates could have made "the Revolution" possible within the Democrat Party. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti! YOU WANT A SOLUOTION? Ghost gives it to everyone for FREE! Spread this show around like wildfire!   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #319 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Day 2 of Democrat Convention chaos as the "Feel The Bern" movement burns out, Donald Trump takes 7% lead in latest general election against Hillary Clinton poll (Obama now says "Anything is possible" about Trump winning the election) , Ghost reveals who helped obtain most of the DNC Leaks for Wiki Leaks (not the Russians),  Judge grants John Hinckley Jr. his freedom decades after Reagan assassination attempt, Pope Francis admits now "the world is at war" but has NOTHING to do with religion, Erdogan sends massive nationwide text in Turkey urging loyalty, Theresa May says UK should be flexible over Brexit trade options with EU's customs union and other news. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #318 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:49:00

Chaos at the Democrat Convention (61 speeches, 0 mentions of ISIS, 0 American flags)! Bernie Sanders sells out his supporters while boasting about taking their "contributions," Democrats break Federal Law at their own convention (8 U.S. Code § 18 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens), Hillary Clinton campaign claims Russia is behind the DNC leak (Wiki Leaks is prepares for another data dump), Donald Trump uses Hillary "Rotten" Clinton in one of his speeches, Florida judge throws out Bitcoin money laundering cause Bitcoin is NOT a currency, Mulsims storm a church and behead a Priest in Normandy, France(the religion of peace strikes again), Putin & Erdogan expose their secret ties to the world and other news. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost

 True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #317 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:52:00

Random Sunday edition! 500th episode celebration! Ghost goes off on Donald Trump (calls out Ted Cruz in press conference on Friday after the RNC convention), DNC Leaks (how Ghost said everything unearth by the WikiLeaks e-mail release, months before the actual alleged "hack"), Democrat Convention in Philadelphia, Bernie Sanders selling out his supporters (Feel the Bern?), Hillary Clinton selling out the country (new Movie Clinton Cash out for free on YouTube), Russia, Erdogan's fake coup in Turkey (arrest 62 school children for treason) and other news. Ghost will open up the phone lines and take your calls. Ghost celebrates his 500th show with over 1220 hours broadcasted! Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!


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