She Thinks show

She Thinks

Summary: She Thinks is a podcast for women (and men) who are sick of the spin in today’s news cycle and are seeking the truth. Once a week, every week, She Thinks host Beverly Hallberg is joined by guests who cut through the clutter and bring you the facts. You don’t have to keep up with policy and politics to understand how issues will impact you and the people you care about most. You just have to keep up with us. We make sure you have the information you need to come to your own conclusions. Because, let’s face it, you’re in control of your own life and can think for yourself. You can listen to the latest She Thinks episode(s) here or wherever you get your podcasts. Then subscribe, rate, and share with your friends. If you are already caught up and want more, join our online community. Sign up for our emails here:

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 Renewable Fuel Standards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:56

IWF Culture of Alarmism Director Julie Gunlock sits down with IWF Energy Fellow Jillian Melchior to discuss renewable fuel standards. Concerns have increased about the unintended consequences of biofuels. In addition to the costs of subsidies for taxpayers, increased use of ethanol has driven up gas prices as well as food prices, both in the United States and around the globe. Scientists are increasingly concluding that the widespread use of biofuels may actually have a net negative impact on the environment.Julie and Jillian discuss these impacts and possible future solutions.

 Paid Leave: What are the consequences? Does it really benefit working mothers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:22

Would a government paid-leave program in the U.S. be the magic cure-all for all workers - particularly expectant mothers? Hadley Heath Manning, senior policy analyst at IWF, talks with Carrie Lukas, managing director at IWF, about what paid-leave advocates ignore in the work-family balance debate. Lukas, a working mother of five, highlights the negative consequences that arise from top-down, one-size-fits-all government programs - like paid leave - and how they particularly mean trouble for women in the workforce.

 Washington is Failing America's Youth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:17

IWF Director of Cultural Programs, Charlotte Hays, was joined by Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director of Economics21 and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Discussing Furchtgott-Roth's new book, Disinherited: How Washington Is Betraying America's Young, they cover how our bloated entitlement system, minimum wage laws, and other big government policies negatively affect the future of young people.

 Bee Colony Collapse Alarmism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:01

IWF Culture of Alarmism director Julie Gunlock was joined by IWF and CEI Senior Fellow Angela Logomasini to discuss the alarmism surrounding the "collapse" of bee colonies. Logomasini did extensive work on debunking environmentalists claims that bee colony collapse can be traced to harmful pesticides. On the podcast, Gunlock and Logomasini discussed her report titled "'Beepocalypse' Not" and how bee colony collapse is not due to "harmful pesticides," but rather mother nature. The podcast exposes environmentalist agenda for more regulation and to feed into their culture of alarmism.

 Equal Pay Day + the Wage Gap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:22

Feminist organizations and their liberal allies in Congress and at the White House celebrate “Equal Pay Day,” a made-up holiday predicated on the idea that women all suffer wage discrimination and are shortchanged compared to a man's earnings for the same work. IWF's managing director Carrie Lukas, co-author of Liberty is No War on Women, joins Hadley Heath Manning to discuss the fictitious holiday, the truth about the so-called wage gap, and women in the workplace.

 Fracking: What is it? How is it done? How long have we been fracking? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:29

IWF Culture of Alarmism Director Julie Gunlock is joined by Jillian Melchior, National Review reporter and energy fellow at IWF, to discuss fracking. What is fracking? How is it done? How long have we been fracking in the United States? How has fracking helped Americans? How will proposed regulations on fracking impact energy prices and American lives?

 The Future of Marriage: Is it doomed? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:37

Cultural Director Charlotte Hays sits down with Kay Hymowitz to preview IWF's important May 13 panel on the future of marriage--if there is a future, and the profound ramifications if marriage is no longer the norm. Hymowitz is one of the foremost thinkers on marriage and author of Marriage and Caste in America: Separate and Unequal Families in a Post-Marital Age.

 Chemophobia: Why does it exist? Who is promoting it? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:02

IWF Culture of Alarmism director Julie Gunlock was joined by the Dr. Julie Goodman, an expert in toxicology, epidemiology, and assessing human health risks from chemicals in consumer products and the environment. Dr. Goodman specializes in analyzing and interpreting epidemiology and toxicity data, apparent disease clusters, and chemical exposures. She currently works for Gradient, an environmental and risk sciences consulting firm. On the podcast, Gunlock and Goodman discussed what constitutes a safe level of chemical exposure and why this issue is so often badly reported by the mainstream media. Goodman also explained the latest studies on BPA safety and why many of the replacements for BPA do not have the safety record of BPA. Lastly, Goodman explained why there’s so much fear surrounding chemical use and how environmental groups often frighten women unnecessarily.

 King v. Burwell: A Quick Take on a Crucial Supreme Court Case | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:04

Next Wednsday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in King v. Burwell case. Independent Women's Forum health policy director Hadley Heath Manning speaks with Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute to discuss the case and why it is so important. What rulings could come down from the court? What would they mean? What are some important takeaways that the American people need to keep in mind about the case?


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