The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

The #SpeakEasy Podcast

Summary: Altovise is an introverted entrepreneur residing in the DMV that launched, stumbled, and learned how to manage entrepreneurship, motivational speaking, and being a single mom. Her failure led her to start conversations with CEOs and entrepreneurs about the good, the bad, and the ugly when you first start a business. (Or, when you first try to start a business) She has written and co-authored multiple best-selling books including her first book, "It's Okay to Cry" - and now, in this podcast, Altovise brings you the conversations that can help female Entrepreneurs in the DMV to launch, stumble less and learn. Can you become a successful entrepreneur? New episodes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

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 I'm gonna buy a giraffe...maybe not with guest Jen Fontanilla | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2292

Okay so I may not buy a giraffe but I know many of you that can relate to the anticipation of having money on the way. It tends to be spent before we receive it on that amazon cart that has been getting bigger and bigger. I see you. You are not alone. (In my MJ voice) You may have heard that in the US there is a stimulus check on the horizon to help boost the economy that has been on a fast decline due to the coronavirus pandemic. It has sparked debate and conversation. That was why I was so eager to have Jen Fortanilla, The Money Coach, as a guest on the show. Let's be honest...when have you had a money talk? with your kids? with your spouse? I never knew how much my mother made and we didn't have a discussion about budgeting or money management. Bills were paid and I saw my mother work two or three jobs at a time. (That is a whole other episode) Jen did not hold back in this episode and I couldn't let her go without sharing her top two suggestions for what to purchase your stimulus check. Jen's gems:* You don’t want to take care of a situation while in the middle of it Having financial conversations early in a relationship may seem awkward but it is necessary. Who wants to be at the table ready to sign the paperwork for a house and find out that your spouse has a tax lien?* Find simple ways to teach your children financial literacy You can find videos on YouTube or some children's books that make it easy for them to understand things like saving and spending. Jen shared that she used cash more when she would shop which allowed her son to help. It also was a way to break the "magic card" image that most children see. As a financial advisor for almost 15 years, and now as a money coach, Jen helps professional and solopreneur women who feel like they don't know where their money is going and who need to get organized with their finances. They want to stop feeling confused and stressed out and feel good about the financial decisions that they're making. I help them create a plan of action and set goals so they feel clarity and empowered and now they can focus on their purpose and passion. I currently have a book in editing called “Do Before I Do” - a book filled with topics and questions for couples to ask each other, the kind about money that no one wants to talk about. It’s all about empowering couples to start having open conversations about finances, avoid fights and breakups, and instead create a blissful financial future together.Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook etc.)FB - @jenmoneycoachFB - - @jenmoneycoachLinkedIn -

 When the world is on pause... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2189

What do speakers and authors do when the world id on pause? They speak or write...duh! That may sound a lot easier said than done but it is definitely doable. I was talking to Tandee Salter, our WVL Leadership Development Trainer, about all the ripple effect that is occurring from canceled events. Some great suggestions included:Take this time to go live Do virtual events Polish your speaking skills Work on your next bookWe both agreed that it is not the time to pause on your business. Why? Well, there are people who watch you and learn from you even when they don't like a post. People still buy from who they know, like, and trust so consistently showing up works in your favor. Oh, and word of mouth is still one of the top ways to market your business. Even with the Facebook glitch that happened today, you can still maneuver this wave. Listen in with your pen and notebook. You can also join the conversation by going to

 But why is the toilet paper gone? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 883

This question can be heard in stores around the world and it takes back to Jack Sparrow asking the “buy why is the rum gone?” Every time I step into a toilet paper aisle I chuckle. While having a conversation with one of my team members I brought up the fact that as a speaker and author I wasted a lot of money in 2017 and 2018. Much like the run on toilet paper...pun so intended...I followed the crowd purchasing things I was told I needed. Most of the classes, books, webinars and conferences did not give me a ROI. Why am I bringing this up now? Well, there is going to be a shift happening once people get adjusted to the new normal. Let’s connect in the free Facebook group

 Triggered - Restoring Balance After Trauma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1828

Triggered! A word that can be heard (and read) across social media. Being triggered can happen from a conversation, a smell or even an international disease. In today's segment, we talk about why there are some who are being triggered by the quarantine put into effect by the coronavirus. This is a great reminder to check in on your family and friends because some may be suffering in silence. My guest today, Donna Marie, went into some details about how to handle the trauma and rebuild after the trauma has occurred. A few of the takeaways were:Boundaries are a great defense against secondary traumaChoose quality over quantity when it comes to social media and personal connectionsLearning to unplug in order to better pluginDonna made a point of telling us to handle being triggered as swiftly as possible by not delaying and asking for help. When asking for help you do not need to be ashamed or fearful because there are other people who are going through the same thing. Being "triggered" does not have to be a permanent state of being. Donna Marie is a Self Mastery Transformation Coach. She helps women from abuse or traumatic backgrounds to self-heal from within and reach their highest potential.From her own journey of past trauma and abuse, she has healed my body through yoga and holistic methodology as well as many clients through the self-mastery journey.Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)Facebook:

 Cancelled | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1017

While the Coronavirus is shifting the world health wise, it is also shifting the economy. Cancelled events bring with it a host of problems in the speaking and author industries. Lost salesRefunds Missed opportunities to network Content Product overload Oh the list can most definitely go on but some authors and speakers aren’t worried. Why you may ask? Well, with the boom to e-commerce opportunities, the right strategy can help you to ride this cancellation wave. (And what a huge wave it is turning out to be! The NBA just cancelled the rest of the season.) Tools like live streaming, groups memberships, and virtual summits are going to see a huge boost during this time. Having a following online will allow you to connect with the same audience that would have been at the live event. Now here is where it gets tricky! You have to know how to network and communicate with people. Lol I’m making light of it but honestly many people DON’T know how to engage online. So are you prepared to take your author or speaker business online? Come join the conversation in our Facebook group. Or connect with me on LinkedIn

 NOW Success with Awilda Rivera | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1843

I know now success seems like a scam but I assure you that it is not. Now success is the recipe of success with your mindset being the most important ingredient. Identify your desire for success and your external influences. This shift is what took Awilda from pursuing her law degree to becoming a success coach. Part of the shift she needed to make was identifying and letting go of other people’s opinions. You find yourself asking the question “what do I really want to do?” for clarity and personal accountability. The answer can be summed up in many different ways but when you are drawn to making an impact it just may shift what you are currently doing in business. Heck, it may be Ben shift your whole life completely. There is not pre-approved plan that anyone can follow. Now success can be: - showing up for an event - finishing an article - making a connection Don’t be distracted by the bigger, faster, and what’s next. If you do you’ll find yourself losing track of what you truly care about. This is how someone will look up and wonder where the time has gone in their marriage or in their health. For today’s guest, her focus was on a career path that she inherited. A cardiac event that lands you in the hospital at 26, will wake you up. At least, this was my experience.  As I lay in the hospital bed, I realized I had been asleep at the wheel, mindlessly moving towards other people’s ideas of success. I realized that if I continued to operate this way, I would never feel satisfied, successful or happy as an Attorney. As a result, I bravely set out on my own personal and professional development journey to achieve success as I redefined was born out of my deep dedication to helping people both redefine success on their own terms and achieve the success they truly desire. As a result, offers 3 different avenues and a plethora of resources to help clients along their journey to success.As a Afro Boricua, bisexual, woman from a social-economically disadvantaged background it is  especially important for me to (1) shed light on the different ways one can engage in personal and  professional development, and (2) offer my  services in such a way that encourages people to willfully undertake their own success journey and  exceed their own expectations

 There is Fortune in the Follow Up wit Tandee Salter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1143

To reach success as a speaker, you have to be willing to people. Peopling is the name that introverts give for networking. No matter what name you use, talking to people is necessary and #1 is where this can be seen is in following up with people. Do you have a process for following up with speaker opportunities, clients and collaborations? Some have one in their head but they don't have it written out clearly. We have heard the saying that the fortune is in the follow and that statement is true. Did you know that the follow-up process can take longer than a week, longer than a month and even takes years at times? When you have a team it is much easier to create and implement a follow-up process and plan but either way, you will still need a plan. In today's episode, I talk with my team member Tandee Salter about some issues we have come across when it comes to following up. As introverts, you may be surprised to hear our responses.Let's connect in the group chat Connect with me on LinkedIn

 From idea to implementation with Sheree Casey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2912

Don't get stuck in the middle of ideas and implementation. It is a crowded place full of hopes, dreams, and excuses. In today's episode, author and podcast host Sheree shares what it took for her to move her ideas to implementation. For her, that included moving from fulltime at her job to part-time and having a hustler mindset. I know we hear a lot about hustling and grinding but this episode will give you an inside view of the journey to success.

 Representation is the Core of Public Speaking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1258

Recently a young girl who was just six years old was removed from her school, placed in a mental facility, given meds and locked in a room without her parents consent. This is the Bakers Law in Jacksonville and it is one of the many reason why speakers are still needed in the world. Speakers are representatives and advocates for those who do not have a voice. They, along with the underrepresented create a louder voice that presents ideas and different viewpoints. No matter what you speak about...your voice is needed! Still working on tying to find your niche in the Speaking industry? This episode is for you! Scenarios where your voice can be of value happens everyday. Let’s connect: Join the conversation in the #worldvoiceleague Community on Facebook or message me on LinkedIn. @worldvoiceleague

 Cracking the Procrastination Code with Jacqueline Smith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1480

Cracking the procrastination code requires action. With so many people running full speed ahead with their goals for 2020, there are many who have said that they would like to publish a book this year. Many come up against some areas of fear and procrastination that have held them back from publishing that book or even starting that business. I get it. Many of you know that my first book took eight years to publish. Jacqueline shares why she encourages people to go after their goals and not wait. After the sudden passing of her daughter, she is on a mission to help people publish their books and tell their stories. Is that you? Have you been holding onto your story?Jacqueline J. Smith is an author, publisher, publicist, consultant, and Human Resources professional. Jacqueline started her career in Human Resources which is also where she honed her master strategist skills. Late Summer 2018, the opportunity to write a book and tap into her creative side was presented. Never considering herself to be the creative type, she felt the fear, took the plunge, and became an author. This new-found creativity coupled with her strategic background was the perfect mix for the services provided by LSW Media Group.After publishing her first book “You Have the Power: Turn Your Knowledge into a Lucrative HR Consulting Practice”, clients started seeking her out for her expertise in helping them publish as well.The success of that book led to the opportunity to host the “You Have the Power” radio show. From there, the podcast “Cast Iron Skillet Chronicles” was born to inspire other women of a certain age to pursue their passion and purpose in the midst of what may be going on around them. She is now able to impact so many more lives with her message of empowerment, encouragement, and inspiration.Jacqueline currently owns LSW Media Group, LLC which publishes books, produces podcasts, provides publicity and promotion for authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs, and Ministry Leaders.When she is not changing the world, Jacqueline can be found connecting with her Aquarian roots near any body of water. One of her many goals is to go on an 8-month, 59-country cruise. She also enjoys photography and watching planes defy gravity.Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)

 Want More Money? Start a Subscription/Membership! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1264

Clearly someone is starting to take notice that subscriptions are a successful way to add a revenue stream to your business. You may think I’m referring to subscriptions boxes but I’m actually talking subscriptions options that podcasters and Facebook influences can start. Ones where you offer exclusive content for a monthly fee. (Yes, I know this not a new concept) Facebook and Spreaker are just two of the platforms giving you more options to create your own subscriptions. As someone who has a membership community, I want to share the good news about creating and running a subscription. It’s works! Let’s chat! Connect with me on Twitter and let me know how you feel about speakers and authors having a subscription/membership service. @altovisespeaks Or join the conversation over in the World Voice League Community on Facebook

 It’s the copy cat wars: Popeyes vs Beyonce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1201

Interestingly enough there are people who have no problem copying their way to success. Be mindful of that as you embark on your own road to success. From book covers to book titles, I have heard and seen a lot in the speaking and author industries. Here is the thing.While someone can copy your product they can not copy your authenticity The person that copies you is always looking for the next best thing If it can happen to Beyoncé and can most certainly happen to youThe main thing to remember is to not allow it to discourage you! Keep dreaming, keep fighting and keep pushing out great products and services. Listen in and let me know your experience with a copy cat in the Facebook Community =>

 Life After HIV - Myths, Truths and the Dream Reimagined with Nakeisa Jackson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2206

Empowerment is strengthened through education and advocacy throughout the world. HIV, still considered a taboo topic especially in a lot of minority populations, is not what it was back in the '80s. Advocates and HIV positive men and women are speaking out and speaking up about what living with HIV really looks like. The goodThe bad The ugly Today's guest shares what it looks like to have your dream reimagined after being diagnosed with HIV. Nakeisa does not hold back including having coping mechanisms in place and being mindful of the conversations that you are having with others. This episode will inspire anyone to decide to push through any obstacle that may come your way. Nakeisa Jackson is an author, speaker and HIV advocate. After being diagnosed with HIV in college, she began her journey to educate herself, she noticed a major gap in representation of women living with HIV. The statistics were high for women but low for education among women. She took this information and decided to change her major to nursing. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Georgia State University in Nursing and continued to expand her education by receiving her Masters in Nursing Informatics, at the University of Phoenix in 2015.Nakeisa is on a mission to educate women around the world via the internet and through community events about the stigma associated with HIV as well as many other complications like mental illness. She is collaborating her efforts with other community organizations including the Iknowawareness, LLC., and Positive Women’s Network, in order to accomplish her goals. She has published one book entitled Life After HIV: Removing the Mask which details her life story. She is a member of the Metropolitan HIV Services Planning Council, Fulton County Planning Council, and a blogger for the Girl Like Me Blog through the Well Project. Currently, she is launching a nonprofit to provide health services, social services, and mental wellness services to women in the Atlanta Area. Her target is women living with chronic conditions and facing different challenges in life such as domestic violence, sexual violence, and other traumas. She will use her platform to also encourage these women to live their lives whole and set free.Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)@nikkijtheauthor on Facebook Instagram and Twitter

 The Identity of Success with Giulia Viti | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1692

What is the identity of success?Success is a word used by the masses to inspire, compare and even compete with others but it is something that can only be defined by you. Yes, you, the one listening to this episode. Success is a choice and when we take the opportunity to define it by our own terms we take success more seriously. When we create a personalized success journey it sets us up so we:Have a clear understanding of the actions we need to take Be okay with saying no to opportunities that don't lead to your successBe deliberate about the opportunities and conversations that you haveNot waste money on webinars, tip sheets and things that glitter that you will not useFor some, your success identity will come easy and for others, it may take some time but either way, you will need it. Check out today's episode with Giulia to find out how the identity of success is seen from all over the world. My name is Giulia and I am an Identity Coach, which means I help women find out who they are and how to build a life that empowers them. I and my girls face topics that go from financial independence to sexual health. I built a community of professionals who support me on the topics I’m not sufficiently knowledgeable about. I love adventures, coffee, and kind people.Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)@giuliaviti.coachdonne for both Facebook and Instagram.In the next few weeks, I will start talking to an English speaking audience too, from @thebalanceedit on Instagram

 “A Fall From Grace” why the critics got it wrong again. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1318

So, let me be the one to stand up and say a word or two. Critics get it wrong more often than they get it right. Why? Most times their point is view is skewed by personal judgement, hearsay or just the fun of being able to get paid to bully people. It’s true! Now I won’t give any spoilers in this episode but I’m darn sure gonna give every person who ever wanted to do something in life a word of advance. Move in spite of what people say because it’s bigger than they can see. Funny enough, these critics are the same ones who will haven’t or won’t do anything outside of their comfort zone. They can’t. They’re scared to and besides it is easier to ridicule others right? Let me explain...Let me know your thoughts on Twitter @altovisespeaks


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