LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy show

LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy

Summary: Lots of laughs. Lots of fun. Lots of secret insights and tips. Lots of daily Q&A. When was the last time you listened to a feel-good podcast or radio program, one that made you feel good from beginning to end? Probably never, if you're like most people. LOAToday talks about life. All of it, because the Law of Attraction and the Power of Positive Thinking touches every aspect of life. And we do it in a way that appeals to your feel-good side ... even if you didn't know that you had a feel-good side! Listening to loatoday.net is a new experience for most people, because they're not used to feeling better by listening to a talk radio network or a podcast that talks about life from a feel-good perspective. Join Alyx King, Anne-Marie Young, Cindie Chavez, Bridget D., Dan Mangena, Debbie G., Jacqui Gates, Louis de Souza, Monique Scott, Neo Positivity, and Walt Thiessen five days a week, along with special guests, call-in listeners and previous co-hosts as we laugh, have fun, cheer each other up, and leave all our listeners feeling good five days a week. And what a nice change THAT is compared to other programs! Plus, get some amazing ideas, advice, shared wins, and inspiration to help you get the many benefits that come from changing your mindset from not-feel-good to feel-good! Please note: we are followers of Abraham-Hicks and Neville Goddard among others. Want to subscribe? We're on all major podcast platforms. Find your favorite platform on our subscribe page: https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe

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  • Artist: LOAToday Talk Radio Network
  • Copyright: © 2023 LOAToday Talk Radio Network


 Logan Shippy - E-Commerce Multimillionaire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:09

Logan Shippy is an intuitive entrepreneur who's gotten "lucky" quite a few times. After building multiple companies to millions per year in sales, he believes he is still just getting started. He shares some of his secrets to success with us today. Here's a tidbit. On the topic of social connectedness, he said, "If you're afraid to make connections, you don't deserve to make money." Tough love for sure, but it's also solid gold. Learn more about his e-commerce business:  https://e-telligenceautomation.com/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 That Tennis Match Inside Your Head | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:56

With today's guest cancelling, Jodie and Walt get to have a good, old-fashioned conversation about all the different ways we end up battling ourselves in our daily lives.  Jodie shares some wonderful tips and tricks from her online course about how to retrain your brain for success. We then meander into what it takes to really live in the now and truly enjoy the abundant life we are all entitled to enjoy. No matter what your current circumstances may be. Jodie's free online course:  https://www.jodielynncraven.com/consistently-attract-more-money Follow LOA Today: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Brenden Kumarasamy - Communication Coach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:25

"I believe the next Elon Musk is a 7 year old girl who can't afford a communication coach, so it's my duty to help her succeed with my free resources." - Brenden K. With that as a foundational motivator, Brenden has set his life on an expected course ... to find the next Elon Musk and help that person to be the best communicator they can be. He shares four of his best communication concepts with us, although he also says most of us have 18 such "balls" that we're constantly trying to juggle in life. This was a really great conversation, because we didn't just touch on the importance of communication skills, but we also tied these skills to some vitally important every-day aspects of our lives. Brenden's free, live course:  https://www.rockstarcommunicator.com/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Eric Goeres - Business Coach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:01

Eric spent more than 20 years in New York City, working in print and digital media, starting as a producer and retiring as a network president. He is responsible for the brand development and growth of some of the world’s best known publications: Esquire, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Entertainment Weekly, The Drive, Road & Track, Ride Apart, Car & Driver, Popular Mechanics, Best Life, Organic Style and Eat This, Not That. He shares some of his knowledge with us today. And oh my goodness, does he ever have some cool knowledge to share! He also offers to spend one hour talking one-on-one with anyone who wants/needs some help. Eric's website:  https://www.ericgoeres.com/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 David Petrovay Helps People Find Life Between Jobs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:04

He is the author of the book, Life Between Jobs, in which he discusses the challenges of the psychological roller coaster associated with job loss. He has worked in the field of career counseling and coaching for over 20 years, and he is a regular guest on KFAX radio speaking about the state of employment on a national level as well as how to approach a job search in today's world. We end up having a wonderful conversation about how the Law Of Attraction can play such a significant role in helping people to deal with the mental, emotional, and physical side of job loss and how David has effectively taught his jobless students how LOA works without actually calling it LOA. This conversation was a lark, and I think you'll find it to be completely uplifting. David's website:  https://davidpetrovaycoaching.com/ Follow LOA Today: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Brian Berneman Wants You To Live Consciously | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:48

Brian is the host of the Conscious Action podcast. He says, "I want to let people know about all of the possibilities that are out there for them to grow, develop and change, and to lead a more balanced and meaningful life." He is one of the most "chill" people we've ever had on the podcast. Listener (and one-time guest) Luq commented that he really appreciated Brian's slow way of expressing himself.  His command of the ideas involved in self-discovery are state-of-the-art, and we end up having a fun, in-depth conversation on the subject. The Conscious Action website:  https://www.consciousaction.co.nz/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Investing and The Law Of Attraction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:18

Investing and The Law Of Attraction

 Elisabeth Lava - Author, Speaker, Holistic Coach, Yogini | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:03

Elisabeth offers meditation and yoga retreats in nature that honors all spiritual paths in southwestern Colorado, southern Utah, and other natural settings. She also supports those on the other side of a spiritual emergence or emergency to support them in shifting their outer life to reflect their new inner life. Listen to Elisabeth tell her story, and see if you don't recognize something from your own experience in her life. Her website:  https://www.elisabethlava.com/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Mikkel Thorup - From "Retard" To Globetrotting Millionaire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:29

Yes, that's really what kids called other kids in what is now known as "special ed" back in the 1980s. Sad but true. But Mikkel proved them all wrong. Not only did he drop out of school at age 12 ... yes, I said age 12! But he also decided to become a world traveler. And in the course of his travels, he became a one-of-a-kind immigration and expat expert. Host of The Expat Money Show podcast, Mikkel shares some of his most memorable stories with us today. Mikkel's website (with all the goodies):  https://expatmoneyshow.com/ Follow LOA Today:  https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Dr Doug - Orthopedic Surgeon Who Embraces Alternative Treatments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:54

It's not often that we encounter mainstream doctors who embrace alternative treatment modalities. Dr. Doug is one of the exceptions. We begin by talking about some of the challenges involved in being a mainstream physician who dares to move beyond the boundaries of mainstream medicine. Then we look closer at two of Dr. Doug's specialties: bone loss and hormone replacement. Have a notepad and pen ready. You're going to want to take notes, whether you are female or male. His websites: Optimal Human Health - https://optimalhumanhealth.com/ Optimal Bone Health - https://optimalbonehealth.com/ Follow LOA Today: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Brannon Beliso Wants You To Live Your Best Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:16

As a critical thinker and influencer, Brannon's passion is to inspire the discovery of purpose. He shares his insights with us today. My biggest impression of Brannon is how quiet he is.  His energy is quiet. His passion is quiet. And it's quite real! Listen for yourself. His website:  https://brannonbeliso.com/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Barry Nicolaou - The science of how thoughts become things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:37

It was "Thoughts Become Things" squared today. Or maybe cubed. With both our own Neo Positivity and Barry Nicolaou on the same bill, how could it be anything else? Barry's presentation was beautiful, a flawless exposition on how, exactly, the Universe works ... if we'll only let it do it's thing. Barry's website:  https://www.barrynicolaou.com/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Janet Schmidt Reprograms People For Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:41

Janet joins us today to talk about how to uncover your untapped money consciousness. After we try to overcome a noisy mic issue, Janet gives us a quick summary of how she discovered these techniques that she uses in her practice. Then she goes into the four pieces, which are: Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Hypnotherapy ThetaHealing™ Eye Movement Integration PSYCH-K® She also tells us that she has a 95% success rate with her clients. Pretty impressive! Her website:  https://www.janetelaineschmidt.com/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 Dr. Vic Manzo Explains Why You Need To Take Control Of Your Own Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:19

Dr. Vic visited us about three months ago, and he's back today for a return visit. Walt kicks things off by announcing that the hydrogen therapy machine he decided to purchase at the recommendation of Greg The Hydrogen Man arrived today. The only thing missing was a manual written in English. The enclosed manual was written in Japanese ... I presume it was, because I couldn't read it! The three of us talk about the state of the health care system today, and Dr. Vic shares some important stories to illustrate why it's so important recognize that you have a choice whenever you experience any medical condition. And he also emphasizes that phrase. You are experiencing a medical condition. You don't "have" the medical condition! His website:  https://www.empoweryourreality.com/ Follow LOA Today: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

 The Crypto Skeptics Meet With Matt Gardan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:36

You may know Matt from the TYA community. Well, he's also a cryptocurrency advocate. Walt and Jodie discuss the prospects for crypto with him on another special segment of LOA Today. Today's discussion really takes some interesting twists and turns. We get a really good sense about why Matt is so high on cryptocurrency. And we end up doing some speculating about a future where money really isn't as important as it is today. Follow LOA Today:  https://www.loatoday.net/follow


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