Parsha in Progress show

Parsha in Progress

Summary: Parsha in Progress is the latest podcast by Tablet Magazine. Perfect for anyone interested in the Bible, every other week hosts Rabbi Dov Linzer and author Abigail Pogrebin, an Orthodox rabbi and a Reform Jew, delve into a Biblical issue and story, and discuss how this ancient text takes on modern meaning and brings modern challenges. With humor, love, and insight, these focused discussions follow the schedule of the weekly parsha readings in synagogue.

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 When Your Heart Moves You (and When It Doesn't) (Vayahel Pekudei): Ep 39 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 698

This week we discuss why the Israelites so freely donated their time and money to build the Tabernacle, and whether volunteer work is best focused on one's community or those outside it.

 Can Fashion Choices Be Holy? (Tetzaveh): Ep 38 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 579

This week we discuss the Bible's detailed descriptions of the High Priest vestments, and why clothing is such a powerful site of identity for many people.

 Who Doesn't Love the Stranger? (Mishpatim): Ep. 37 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 725

This week, we ask who really counts as the stranger and whether the answer upends the idea of compassion.

 When Children Die By God’s Command. (Bo): Ep. 36 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 702

This week, we discuss the final plague of Egypt, and the impulse to provide bad answers to good questions.

 Is God a Show-Off? (Va'era): Ep. 35 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 580

This week, we discuss the purpose of the Ten Plagues, and why God didn’t expedite the whole Exodus-from-Egypt thing.

 Take One from Tablet Magazine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1380

Parsha in Progress is off this week, so instead we're introducing you to Take One, the new Daf Yomi podcast from Tablet Magazine hosted by Liel Leibovitz. As Jews around the world begin a new seven-and-a-half year cycle of Daf Yomi, reading the entire Talmud one page per day, Tablet Magazine's new podcast, Take One, will offer a brief and evocative daily read of the daf. We launch the cycle with a brief introduction to the Talmud at large before diving into the text with Tractate Berakhot, page 2, and a meditation on the meaning of time, why you might want to think twice before you Netflix and chill, and how all these rabbinic strictures can help us make sense of our modern, messy lives.

 When Should Leaders Cry? (Vayigash): Ep. 34 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 565

This week, we discuss why Joseph is the one who cries the hardest.

 Do Dreams Tell Your Future? (Miketz): Ep. 33 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 731

This week, we discuss Pharaoh's odd visions and why dream interpretation was such a hot Biblical qualification for leadership.

 Loved and Unloved Wives (Vayetzei): Ep. 32 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 667

This week, Dov and Abby discuss sibling rivalry, the pain of infertility, and whether or not Genesis would pass the Bechdel test.

 Rebecca’s Well of Kindness (Chayei Sarah): Ep. 31 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 620

This week, Dov and Abby discuss kindness, cruelty, camels, and the trait they think every marriage requires.

 We Are All Abraham (Lech Lecha): Ep. 30 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 665

This week, Dov and Abby wonder what it would mean if we all had the potential to be an Abraham, and how the divine promise of Israel lives on in Israeli politics.

 Wiping out Humanity — God’s Regret (Noach): Ep. 29 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 691

This week, Dov and Abby discuss why Noah is considered worthy enough to be the last man standing and the FIRST human to restart humanity. Why did God gave up on his own creation so fast, and how can Noah be called “righteous” when he didn’t protect anyone but himself?  At a time in this country when there’s so much talk about meanness versus compassion, whether we are good or evil— born mean or taught—it’s an ideal moment to revisit Noah’s selfishness, God’s exasperation, and the massive do-over of creation. 

  End of the Mountain (V'zot HaBracha): Ep. 28 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 691

This week, Dov and Abby reflect on the last parsha of the Torah, and the concluding message of Moses and the verses.

 Can God Promise Sin? (Vayelech): Ep. 27 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 777

This week, Dov and Abby discuss God's insistence that the people of Israel will go astray when they enter the Promised Land, and consider the role of free will in sin.

 On Fruits and Plaster (Ki Tavo): Ep. 26 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 602

This week, Dov and Abby consider the difference between requiring people to sacrifice their first fruits to God and requiring them to write out the Torah in public, as the Israelites prepare to enter the Land of Israel.


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