PCOS Diva Podcast show

PCOS Diva Podcast

Summary: Podcast by Amy Medling

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 69 – A Powerful Tool for PCOS: Circle & Bloom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:25

October 18, 2017 “What else can we be doing to tap into our self-healing capabilities? We can’t just accept and hand over this diagnosis that the doctor gives us. There’s so much more we can be doing that we have control over.” –Joanne Verkuilen- founder and creator of Circle and Bloom Your mind is a powerful thing. The science behind the mind-body connection and how your thinking generates physical response in the body is at the center of Circle and Bloom’s mission and programs. Joanne Verkuilen, founder and creator of Circle and Bloom joined the podcast to discuss how meditation and visualization work and how we can tap into it to help manage our PCOS, fertility, and much more. Self-care like this is critical to living like a PCOS Diva.

 68 – Herbs for PCOS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:26

September 21, 2017 “Herbs can play a beautiful role of really amplifying and speeding up the healing process so quickly.” My dear friend, health coach Magdalena Wszelaki shares some of her favorite herbs and spices with us and explains how they can help us heal our PCOS and balance hormones. Cinnamon is popular for managing sugar levels, but what type is best and how much do you use? Matcha Tea offers a sustained boost to your energy levels. What’s the best way to prepare it? Chasteberry (Vitex) is popular for restoring ovulation and regulating your luteal phase, but there are some who should avoid it.

 67 – Making the Connection: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis & PCOS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:26

September 8, 2017 I receive questions almost every day about thyroid disease & PCOS. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and other thyroid issues are very common in women with PCOS, and many of us don’t even know we have it because it can take years to show up on a blood test. Hashimoto’s expert Shannon Garrett, explains that Hashimoto’s is a 3-legged stool and how you must balance thyroid, adrenal glands, and sex hormones to truly begin healing. Do you have Hashimoto’s? Listen in as we discuss: The connection of inflammation to Hashimoto’s and PCOS Lesser recognized symptoms of low level chronic inflammation: acid reflux or heartburn, chronic acne, chronic dry eye, recurrent urinary tract infections, PCOS, dermatitis or periodontal disease. Classic low thyroid symptoms like fatigue that worsens over time, weight loss resistance, brain fog, skin change conditions (like scaly skin), or losing hair. What is the best kind of diet for Hashimoto’s (keto? AIP, PCOS Diva)? Role of stress management & proven techniques The 2-3 supplements you should be taking.

 66- My Favorite PCOS Fertility Tool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:20

August 29, 2017 If you regularly follow PCOS Diva, you know I love the OvuSense monitor. I am all for anything that puts knowledge and power in a woman’s own hands. Recently, I invited Rob Milnes, CEO of Fertility Focus which produces OvuSense, to the podcast to discuss exactly how OvuSense works and why women with PCOS should be especially interested (whether we are TTC or not). Rob has a great way of explaining, in simple terms, the science behind the role of progesterone and the luteal phase in a woman’s cycle as well as exactly how the OvuSense monitor works. He clearly broke down: OvuSense monitor system vs. ovulation predictor kits, the Creighton model, basal body temp. charting or other apps Why OvuSense can have a 96% accuracy rate when predicting ovulation and not give false positives like other products How OvuSense can help diagnose PCOS How to use OvuSense to monitor the effects of supplements and pharmaceuticals on your cycle and health The new pricing structure.

 65 – Support PCOS Awareness! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:32

August 22, 2017 Did you know that only .0.1% of the National Institute of Health budget goes to PCOS research despite being the #1 hormone syndrome in women? Two major events are happening in the world of PCOS! Sasha Ottey, founder of PCOS Challenge, a leading patient support and advocacy group visited the podcast to share the news | Read More on PCOS Diva

 64 – A Functional Approach to Treating PCOS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:04

July 27, 2017 “Think of PCOS symptoms like the rays of the sun. They’re all peripheral to that one pivotal central situation, which is your hormone imbalance.” -Dr. Margarita Ochoa-Maya, MD Dr. Margarita Ochoa-Maya, MD is a functional endocrinologist, author, PCOS Diva, and personal friend of mine. She joins the podcast to explain why a functional integrative approach to PCOS can be the most effective treatment. If you are looking for a way to treat PCOS which considers your type of PCOS and aims to treat the cause instead of only individual symptoms, listen in as we discuss: The difference between an endocrinologist and a functional integrative approach The role of biology and micro and macro nutrient levels Facilitating the elimination of excess hormones which can relieve acne, hair loss, and more Emotional and spiritual health as an important component of biological health How to develop the best doctor patient relationship.

 63 – Practical Tips to Tame Your PCOS Inflammation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:53

May 18, 2017 Inflammation is at the heart of many of your PCOS symptoms regardless of your body weight. Diet and lifestyle can play an important role in either increasing or decreasing inflammation. Today’s podcast guest, well-known registered dietician Martha McKittrick, shares her approach to help you tame the flames of inflammation with your diet and lifestyle choices. She offers practical and specific nutrition and lifestyle tips to decrease inflammation as well as info about what tests you should request for inflammation indicators and what you should consider when exercising. You will want to take notes on this one. Grab a pen. Listen as we discuss: what causes inflammation (specific foods and lifestyle choices) top lifestyle tips to help decrease inflammation suggestions for an anti-inflammatory diet food sensitivity testing options.

 62 – The Progesterone & PCOS Connection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:19

April 14, 2017 Women with PCOS typically have low progesterone. Symptoms include absent, irregular or very heavy or long periods. Unfortunately, it also increases the risk of miscarriage. Whether you are TTC or not, it is important to get your progesterone balanced. Dr. Poppy joins the podcast today to explain why women with PCOS have low progesterone and what we can do about it. Listen in to this important conversation as we discuss: Why the pill is not a good long term choice for women with PCOS Progestin v. progesterone v. Provera Her pregnancy protocol for progesterone treatment What test you should ask for and when you should take it The connection between progesterone, your thyroid and adrenal glands.

 61 – PCOS and Hashimoto’s Shared Healing Protocol | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:14

March 30, 2017 For me, it’s not about being on the perfect diet; it’s about tuning in to your body and figuring out what your body needs at this time and what’s not serving it. – Dr. Izabella Wentz Women with PCOS are three times more likely to have Hashimoto’s Disease, a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid and the most common cause of hypothyroidism. In fact, there is quite a lot of overlap between Hashimoto’s and PCOS (fatigue, weight challenges, changes in brain function, depression, feeling unmotivated, anxiety, panic attacks, constipation, hair loss). Dr. Izabella Wentz has developed an effective protocol that may be helpful to women with PCOS whether they have Hashimoto’s or not. Listen in as we discuss: Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Diesase and labs you should request The role of toxins, adrenals and gut balance in thyroid and overall health The necessity of detoxification and suggestions for liver support Healing foods and the myth of cruciferous veggies Protocol for healing your adrenal and cortisol issues

 60 – How to Balance PCOS, Exercise & Hormones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:14

March 21, 2017 “Every body is a good body, and we have to honor this body that we have. No one ever got anywhere, no one ever got happy, hating it into change. Embrace the body that you have and make it the best body it can be.” – Dr. Brooke Women with PCOS are prone to adrenal fatigue and hormone shifts, making exercise a tricky, though very necessary, thing. I asked Dr. Brooke, a well-known expert on metabolic nutrition, fat loss resistance and fitness to help us navigate the delicate balance between our hormones and exercise. During our conversation, we discuss what your symptoms are trying to tell you about your work-out and how you can best tailor your exercise to your ever-changing hormones (whether due to menopause, PCOS, thyroid issues, or stress). Listen as we talk about: If you love intense training (marathons, CrossFit, etc.), how can you avoid exhaustion and adrenal issues? What testing should we consider for adrenal issues? What are your ACES (appetite cravings, energy & sleep) telling you? Have you reached metabolic adaptation or stagnation?

 59 – 5 Root Causes of Low Libido | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:55

March 8, 2017 Just like we’re not a victim of our trauma, we’re not a victim of our genetics. We’re not a victim of our circumstances; we actually have the power if we put attention and consider ourselves important enough to heal.” -Dr. Keesha Ewers Low libido is a common concern for women, maybe especially those with PCOS. Why? Dr. Keesha Ewers has researched the topic extensively and developed a theory of 5 root causes. Women with PCOS will almost certainly relate to many of them including “fighting with your body” and feeling it has betrayed you, but it goes much further. As Dr. Keesha says, “What’s in your head goes to your bed.” Listen in as we discuss: PCOS, how it can affect our libidos, and what we can do about it The pill and its impact on libido Five root causes for low libido The biology of stress causing low libido.

 58 – Food Sensitivity Testing- Your Next Step in Healing PCOS? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:12

March 3, 2017 “Food is medicine, and specific foods are medicine for specific people.” – Dr. Margrit Mikulis As you might expect, I am very careful about the foods I choose. I am living proof that food is medicine. Eliminating inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy made all the difference in healing my PCOS. Inflammation is at the root of many of our PCOS symptoms, and eliminating common irritants can, in some cases, yield almost immediate relief. This summer, I took a food sensitivity test that examined my reaction to 132 foods. The results were surprising, and when I acted upon them, I felt even better! My naturopath, Dr. Margrit Mikulis, understands the link between PCOS, inflammation and diet. Listen as she explains: How food sensitivities increase inflammation in women with PCOS The difference between food sensitivity testing and food allergy testing The correlation between cardiovascular health, gut health and inflammation The difference between food allergies, food sensitivities and food intolerances How to get tested for food sensitivity.

 57 – The Secrets of a Sustainable PCOS Diet & Lifestyle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:33

February 1, 2017 “One of the first things about maintaining a sustainable approach towards dealing with PCOS is acknowledging and addressing these inner symptoms and feelings. How can we help the woman feel better about herself and who she is and accept certain realities about her body type and then work toward a healthy lifestyle and see if anything changes, but not think, ‘I have to starve myself skinny.’ That’s not how it works with PCOS.” – Carol Lourie This summer I met a kindred spirit. Carol Lourie is a functional medicine practitioner, naturopath, acupuncturist and homeopath with over 30 years of experience in helping women with PCOS recover using an integrative approach. She and I agree that a combination of a healthy lifestyle and the correct supplements is the way to attend to the PCOS imbalance from the inside out. Listen as we discuss: creating a sustainable, healthy PCOS lifestyle how to approach PCOS with your teenage daughter her recommended diet (& how to eat away from home) her recommended supplements (including the right way to take berberine) how to decrease your inflammatory quotient.

 56- The Unexpected Solutions to Self-Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:27

January 12, 2017 “The unexpected solution to self-healing is really about self-awareness and intuition, listening to our body’s messages and our body’s wisdom.” – Dr. Mariza Like many of us, Dr. Mariza Snyder ignored the signs of impending health issues until she literally could no longer get out of bed. She has long since overcome her family lineage of hormone issues and her own lifestyle choices and is truly thriving! Now, Dr. Mariza is a best-selling author, functional medicine doctor, and essential oils expert…among other things. In her practice, she helps women dealing with things like stress, exhaustion, mood issues, weight gain, hormone conditions, headaches, and more bring balance back to their lives. Her path to healing is inspirational, and her advice will get you on the path to healing right away. Listen as we discuss the unexpected solutions to self-healing and: Self-care rituals that invigorate and balance the mind, body and spirit The power of a “joy list” Versatility, benefits and use of matcha tea for PCOS (including for symptoms like hirsutism, hair loss, & acne) How to use essential oils for hormone balance, brain fog, hair loss, hirsutism, acne, exhaustion, sleeplessness and more.

 55- Your Guide to Holistic Migraine Management | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:33

December 1, 2016 “When people are really fed up with chasing their triggers, constantly managing symptoms, and working around their migraines, then they’re ready to work at the root-cause level.” – Erin Knight Erin Knight’s combination of migraine prevention and management techniques centers around getting to the root cause of your migraine. Her approach offers long-term, whole body health and healing. As she says, I know you’re not crazy when you tell me you have not just migraines, but skin issues and everything else.” If you are tired of migraines impacting your earning potential, productivity, and relationships, don’t miss this podcast. Listen as Erin shares: tips for managing migraines without ibuprofen or painkillers recognizing the layers of internal and external stressors which cause your migraines ways to balance your triggers while living your life her best stress reduction techniques (and gadgets)


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