Positive Parenting for Military Families | Mr. Dad show

Positive Parenting for Military Families | Mr. Dad

Summary: Parenting Resources and Advice for Expectant Fathers, New Dads, Dads of Teens, Single Dads


 Using Our Hidden Healing Powers + Going Beyond Impossible Female Standards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Wayne Jonas, author of How Healing Works. @DrWayneJonas Topic: Using your hidden power to heal to get well and stay well. Issues: Rethinking healing; how science misses healing; integrative health; the importance of lifestyle changes; the importance of finding meaning in life; the importance of social connections—especially as we get older; integrative and alternative medicine. Rachel Simmons, author of Enough as She Is. @RachelJSimmons ‏- Instagram: racheljsimmons Topic: Helping girls move beyond impossible standards to live healthy, happy, fulfilling lives. Issues: Stop overthinking, which is linked to depression, motivation loss, and binge eating; practice three steps of self-compassion; navigate new rules of stress culture—and self-care; stop catastrophizing (“my life is over if I fail this test”); what parents need to do to manage their own anxiety

 How Early Bonds Shape Relationships + The Trouble with Boys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Peter Lovenheim, author of The Attachment Effect. Topic: Exploring the powerful ways our earliest bond shapes our relationships and lives. Issues: The psychology of attachment; different types of attachment and how each one creates a blueprint for our personal and professional relationships; why attachment isn’t set in stone and what you can do to overcome its influence. Warren Farrell, co-author of The Boy Crisis. @drwarrenfarrell Topic: Why our boys are struggling and what we can do about it. Issues: Is there really a boy crisis? (hint: yes, there is) What are the elements of the boy crisis; why the boy crisis isn’t your fault; raising balanced sons in an out-of-balance world; dad-deprived boys vs. dad-enriched boys; why dads are so important; what dads do differently; four must-dos in case of divorce; ADHD and other physical- and mental-health issues.

 Helping Veterans Find Civilian Jobs + Grief as a Path to Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Christopher Plamp, Interim CEO, Hire Heroes USA. Topic: Helping veterans find jobs in the civilian workplace. Issues: Challenges faced by separating veterans (resume prep, interview prep, learning to talk about self instead of the team, etc.); differences between civilian and military workplaces; challenges faced by female vets; much more. Gail Gross, author of The Only Way Out Is Through. @DrGailGross – Instagram: drgailgross Topic: The journey from grief to wholeness. Issues: Grief as a path to healing; courage and choices; the mourning process; the meaning and role of guilt; surrendering to the grieving process; reviewing your personal life and the patterns you’ve created; relationships—marriage, family, siblings, and others; back to life.

 Educating Children in Military Families + Helping Kids Find Internal Motivation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Cindy Simerly, VP of Fund Develoedment, Military Child Education Coalition. @MilitaryChild ‏- Instagram: militarychild_mcec [raw] Topic: Educational challenges faced by children in military families. Issues: How deployments and frequent PCS moves affect children; working with civilian schools to help them understand the needs of military kids; helping parents help their children; peer-to-peer support; scholarships; and much more. Ned Johnson, co-author of The Self-Driven Child. @TestPrepGeek Topic: The science and sense of giving your kids more control over their lives. Issues: Why a sense of control is such a big deal; parents as consultants; kids as decision makers; how to help kids find a sense of control by finding your own; help kids develop inner motivation; the importance of downtime (including sleep); taming technology; exercising brain and body; taking the sense of control to school.

 Grown & Flown + Small Animals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:57

Mary Dell Harrington, coauthor of Grown & Flown. Topic: How to support your teen, stay close as a family, and raise independent adults. Issues: Understanding the many issues that children face, including home life, mental and physical health, love and sex; academics, friendships, college admissions; preparing our kids—and ourselves—for separating Kim Brooks, author of Small Animals. Topic: Parenthood in the age of fear. Issues: Why so many of us are so afraid for our children—despite the fact that the world isn’t any more dangerous today than it was when we were kids; the negative effects of the culture of fear; what we can do to change things for the better.

 Slay Like a Mother + Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:57

Katherine Wintsch, author of Slay Like a Mother. Topic: How to destroy what’s holding you back so you can live the life you want. Issues: The fine line between struggling and suffering; identifying your dragon (the mythical beast that’s keeping you from being the parent you want to be); negative self-talk and why it’s so important to control it; how to get rid of your dragons for good; the benefit of slaying your dragons. Carla Naumburg, author of How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids. Topic: A practical guide to becoming a calmer, happier parent. Issues: Why are you losing your stuff with your kids? Knowing what your buttons are and what kids are doing to push them; how doing less will help you not lose your stuff; the importance of getting space away from your kids; keeping your stuff together so you don’t lose it again.

 How to Raise Successful People + Being the Grownup | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Esther Wojcicki, author of How to Raise Successful People. Topic: Simple lessons for Radical Results Issues: The T-R-I-C-K method: Trust (trust your child and yourself), Respect (your child is not your clone), Independence (don’t do anything for your child); Collaboration (children hear what you do, not what you say); Kindness (teach your child to give a damn). Adelia Moore, author of Being the Grownup. Topic: Love, limits, and the natural authority of parenthood. Issues: What is natural authority; relationships, security, and connection; gaining clarity about your values and beliefs, interdependent family relationships; the rhythms of everyday life; where you are and what you say; being the grownup.

 Montessori Toddlers + The Awesome Toddler Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Simone Davies, author of The Montessori Toddler Topic: A parent’s guide to raising a curious and responsible human being. Issues: A brief overview of the Montessori method; how to bring Montessori-style teaching into your own home; setting up Montessori-style spaces in your home; accepting your children for who they are; raising a child who feels seen and heard; setting limits; important skills for toddlers to learn. Jamie Glowacki, author of Oh, Crap! I Have a Toddler. Topic: Tackling these crazy, awesome years—no time-outs needed. Issues: Setting boundaries; understanding toddler brain and physical development; why parents need to stop educating and stop talking so much; understanding toddlers’ behavior;

 Making Peace with Money + A Walking Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Ken Honda, author of Happy Money. Topic: The Japanese art of making peace with your money. Issues: Happy money vs. unhappy money; what does money mean to you? money IQ; they myth of scarcity; money and your life. Antonia Malchik, author of A Walking Life. Topic: Reclaiming our health and our freedom, one step at a time. Issues: Why we’ve stopped walking; the ways walking affects how we think, how we grow, how we socialize, how we move; the ways our brains and bodies rely on the simple act of walking.

 Dads Know Best + Birth Guy’s Guide for New Dads | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

John Luzzi, coauthor of Dads Know Best. Topic: So you’re going to be a dad… Issues: Finding out the big news; pregnancy; the birth (drugs or no drugs, surviving the first few days); feeding (breast vs bottle, solid foods); diapering; life with baby (sleeping, crying, bathing, clothing, and your relationship with your partner); much more. Brian Salmon, coauthor of The Birth Guy’s Go-To Guide for New Dads. Topic: How to support your partner through birth, breastfeeding, and beyond. Issues: Preparing your relationship and yourself for parenthood; planning and packing for birth; the life of a male doula and breastfeeding coach; supporting the partner through the birth and breastfeeding; much more.

 Hope for Parents of Atypical Children + Stories to Live By | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Rita Eichenstein, author of Not What I Expected. Topic: Help and hope for parents of atypical children. Issues: Defining “atypical;” how the diagnosis of an atypical child affects the child and the parents; the emotional stages parents go through as they struggle to help their child; how to get help when you need it. Paul Smith, author of Parenting with a Story. Topic: Life lessons in character for parents and children to share. Issues: Tell a young person what to do–play fair, be yourself, stick to the task at hand–and most will tune you out. But show them how choices and consequences play out in the real world, with real people, and the impact will be far more profound.

 The Collapse of Parenting + The Delusion of STEM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Leonard Sax, author of The Collapse of Parenting. Topic: How we hurt our kids when we treat them like grownups. Issues: Why are so many kids on medication? Why children need to value their parents’ opinions above their peers’—and how to make that happen; why children need to learn humility and that they aren’t as awesome as people tell them they are; how to make your kids more creative, less stressed out, healthier, and more fulfilled. Andrew Hacker, author of The Math Myth. Topic: Delusions and false promises of STEM. Issues: Debunking the ideas that everyone needs to study math; most kids who don’t finish high school or college have had problems in math classes; how mandating math for everyone actually becomes a barrier to graduation and careers; the problem with common core; the importance of teaching numeracy (practical application of basic math concepts such as statistics).

 The State of the Family + The Parents’ Phrase Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Richard Eyre, co-author of The Turning. Topic: Why the state of the family matters and what the world can do about it. Issues: Everything starts with the family—and ends with the family; social problems that are crushing society; making your own family stronger than the competing cultures; how parents’ perspectives are distorted by false paradigms. Whit Honea, author of The Parents’ Phrase Book. Topic: Easy, useful phrases, scripts, and techniques for every situation. Issues: Words to help you discipline and enforce limits; build a child’s self-confidence; handle questions about life and death; talk to your kids about friends, bullies, and playing by the rules—or not.

 The Gold Standard of Childcare + Redirecting Our Personal Narratives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Tammy Gold, author of Secrets of the Nanny Whisperer. Topic: Finding and achieving the gold standard of care for your child. Issues: The truth about nannies—what they do and how they think; identifying your family’s needs; conducting interviews, reference checks, trial periods, and work agreements; understanding “nanny speak”; troubleshooting to avoid drama, resolve problems, and handle any issues. Timothy Wilson, author of Redirect. Topic: Changing the stories we live by. Issues: Why so many self-help programs, drug use prevention programs; teen pregnancy prevention programs, and crime reduction programs (like “scared straight”), don’t work—and may even do more harm than good; how, by making small changes to the narratives we tell ourselves, we can create lasting, positive change.

 The SMART Approach to Parenting + The Transformation of Adolescent Girls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Richard Greenberg, author of Raising Children That Other People Like to be Around. Topic: Five common-sense musts from a father’s point of view. Issues: The S-M-A-R-T approach to parenting: Set an example; Make the rules; Apply the rules; Respect Yourself; Teach in all things. Tim Jordan, author of Sleeping Beauties, Awakened Women. Topic: Understanding and guiding the transformation of adolescent girls Issues: There has been a lot of attention paid to the rising levels of depression, anxiety, cutting, and relationship aggression in girls over the past few decades. But what if those issues aren’t the problem? What if we got it all wrong? In this show, we speak with one of the country’s leading experts on girls and find out what’s really going on with girls as they make the normal transformation from girl to woman.


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