Twinning with Sisanie show

Twinning with Sisanie

Summary: Join Sisanie on her journey as she experiences motherhood for the first time... with twins! Each week Sisanie gives listeners a glimpse into life at home with her twins, Aiza and Maxon, and both seeks advice and gives advice while answering listener questions.

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 Feeling Nervous About Giving Birth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2336

Sisanie covers a LOT of ground in today's episode: from the preschool search, to the kids trying new foods, to bedtime and potty training. PLUS, Sisanie shares how she is feeling leading up to giving birth to baby girl - it won't be that bad right?! - and gives an update on the anatomy scan from this week.

 A Trip To The Dentist And Planning Another Birthday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2360

Somehow, Sisanie's twins are almost 3 years old! She and Michael have started thinking about what they will do for the twins' birthday, and they're considering an amusement park. PLUS, Sisanie and producer Erica talk kids losing teeth, the twins' trip to the dentist, and how skeptical Aiza is of the Easter Bunny, while Maxon was ALL IN on his basket!

 Preparing For Preschool Drop Off | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2561

Sisanie may not be taking the twins to preschool JUUUUST yet, but she's already mentally preparing herself for that first day drop off... and let's just say, she expects it to be emotional. Plus, she recaps her weekend trip away without the kids, talks about birthday plans and discusses her dilemma when painting Aiza's nails!

 Baby Sprinkles and Bed Wetting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2127

If you had a second (or third!) baby, did you have a full blown baby shower or a baby sprinkle? Sisanie is debating how she will celebrate with friends and family before baby girl is born! Plus, she has an update on whether or not she will get the vaccine, the twins are starting to wet the bed a bit, and she talks about her plans for the twins and baby girl sharing a room.

 How We Pick Baby Names | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2691

It was one thing to name two kids, but now naming ANOTHER is proving to be a challenge for Sisanie and Michael - luckily, they have plenty ideas and a lot of time left. Plus this week Sisanie shares how a family trip to Target felt like going to Disneyland, she contemplates her options when it comes to the vaccine AND reflects on a full year of the pandemic.

 Could Baby Girl Be A Baby Boy?! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2583

After a DM suggested to Sisanie that she *could* be having a boy... she can't stop thinking about it. Plus, she shares how Aiza has more Sass, how the twins's personalities are different and updates on getting the kids into sports! And if anyone else has experienced migraines while pregnant, help Sisanie out with some remedies, please!

 The Twins' Reaction To Becoming Big Siblings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2401

While they may not tooootally understand the concept of a baby sibling coming soon, Aiza and Maxon are definitely showing some different behaviors since Sisanie has been pregnant. Plus, there has been a potty training breakthrough, Maxon may have plotted against Aiza and Sisanie answers your pregnancy questions!

 Well... I'M PREGNANT! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3131

If you happened to miss the big news on Sisanie's Instagram and on On Air With Ryan Seacrest this week... there you have it! Sisanie made a HUGE announcement - including a gender reveal - and we're talking ALLLL about it in this episode. From when she found out, to how the twins reacted to the news, it's all here!

 Are You A Helicopter Parent? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2340

From talking about kids getting hurt, to learning to drive, to managing their extra curricular activities, to thinking about taking the twins on a flight with their masks - it's safe to say the theme of this podcast was: Sisanie is a little overwhelmed! Plus, Sisanie shares a sweet story about watching her kids play in the same cul-de-sac she grew up in.

 New Food Adventures With Toddlers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2717

This week, Sisanie shares how one of her twins is MUCH more into trying new foods (specifically vegetables!!) and the other is not interested at all. Plus, the twins are mimicking mom and dad more, Michael has a new routine with bedtime stories and Aiza and Maxon are excited about EVERYTHING!

 How To 'Close' At Bedtime | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2283

This week Sisanie is talking about how she and her husband Michael's techniques are a liiiittle different for really getting the kids to go to sleep at night - and she thinks the secret to success is being the *right* amount of stern. Plus, Aiza has started telling her not to talk photos of her, Sisanie realizes she is behind on the twins birthday books and more!

 The Terrible Twos (Times TWO!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2014

Sisanie shares how her 2 and a half year old twins Aiza and Maxon are going through some signs of terrible twos - and one involves a shoe being thrown at her face. Plus, this weekend is Sisanie and Michael's 7 year wedding anniversary! And no, they are NOT experiencing the 7 year itch. Sisanie also answers the questions you submitted!

 New Year, New Potty Training Approach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1919

It's a new year, but Sisanie and Michael are still trying to tackle potty training with their 2 and a half year old twins. This time, though, Sisanie has a new approach! Also in this episode, Sisanie recaps the holidays, talks about their new space at home and reveals Maxon has reached a new level of the "terrible 2s."

 Recapping The *Good* Moments Of 2020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2090

While we can all admit this year was challenging in so many ways, Sisanie decided to wrap the year up by focusing on the bright spots of 2020. From the twins turning two (and it being their golden birthday!) to rounding up the TV shows and movies that got them through the year - these are Sisanie's highlights of such a complicated year.

 The Perfect Bedtime Routine With Twins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2071

Sisanie has finally figured it out: the perfect bedtime routine! She shares her tips on getting twins to sleep at night, plus shares if the kids are sleeping through the night as well as contemplates a dilemma about whether or not she should have bought a new version of a broken toy. During the questions segment she also gets honest about the fears she had of getting pregnant after having experienced a miscarriage.


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