Own it Babe show

Own it Babe

Summary: Struggling with food and your body image? Feeling guilty about eating delicious foods? Constantly struggling to accept your body and on the hunt for the next lifestyle diet? If you are fed up with obsessing over food and your body, look no further. Welcome to Own it Babe, a Podcast that helps you make peace with food and your body, explore your real purpose and passion in life and liberate yourself from the constant pressure of our weight-obsessed society.

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 #8 Channel your inner Superhero to beat your fears | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:23

This will be a quick episode, because I want to get straight to the point today and share my personal experience with fear. In this episode I share: - How my fear of not being enough sneaks into my life and what I do about it - How I channel this fear into courage - What courage feels like and how exactly I build my self-confidence through feeling my fear - How to unleash your inner superhero Links mentioned in this Episode: Join my brand-new Self Love Jumpstart course at https://courses.ownitbabe.ca or https://courses.ownitbabe.ca/p/self-love-jumpstart Subscribe and Review: Subscribing and leaving a rating and review for this show ensures that I can continue to put out valuable content for you every single week and that this Podcast community continues to grow. So grateful for you! Simply hit the "subscribe" button in your Podcast app, then click "Ratings and Reviews" and tell me what you think and what you want to hear more of in future episodes.

 #7 Shaun Frey (my hubby) on How My Body Image Impacted Our Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:33

The episode everyone keeps asking me about is finally out! I am interviewing my husband Shaun and we are having a very juicy and honest conversation about body image, diet culture for men, supporting a loved one through an eating disorder, mental health, sex and much more! Some of my favorite topics we covered - The “movie-version” story of how we met and why we didn’t start dating until 18 months later - My rock-bottom moment and eating disorder from his point of view - Men and diet culture/body image - The biggest change in our relationship since I recovered from my eating disorder - How our sex life has changed throughout my eating disorder recovery and mental health journey - Relationship- and dating advice for someone with bad body image or “body image anxiety” - Shaun’s advice in supporting a loved one with an eating disorder and with their mental health Subscribe and Review Subscribing to this show will ensure that you never miss out on an episode that you have been waiting to hear more about, because I know that there will be a future episode where you’ll think: “YES, this is exactly what I’ve been struggling with / what I want to know more about!” Also, I want to know what you love about this Show and what you want to hear in future episodes. The best way to ensure I see your feedback is to leave a quick Rating and Review. Click here, select “Ratings and Reviews” and click “Write a Review”. It only takes a few seconds but will help this community out so much! Thank you for all your support and feedback so far! Links mentioned in this Episode Pursuit to Freedom Work Sheet: https://ownitbabe.ca/pursuit-to-freedom/

 #6: The Secret-Sauce to becoming who you're supposed to be, with Jen Wille | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:18

Jen is a Certified Professional Life Coach, podcast host, educator, and public speaker based in Chicago. She is all about helping women grow their passion work from the inside out by taking care of themselves first. Topics we cover in this episode: • Why her eating disorder spiraled AFTER she had created the life she thought she’d always wanted and why it DIDN’T start from a place of wanting to lose weight • What it was like opening up to her husband about her eating disorder • How she separated her eating disorder voice from your true, rational, loving self • Why it is important to mourn the loss of your Eating Disorder as you recover • Growing up with 6 siblings and a troubled mom and how she ended up in Foster care from age 13-18 • The secret-sauce to becoming who you are supposed to be and find your purpose • Why it’s important to “feel the funk” and give yourself permission to be down when you’re down • How she incorporates mindfulness into her life and how you can start practicing it in your own individual life as a beginner in mindfulness • The little actionable habit she practices every single morning to live her life with more intention and gratitude • Self Care: What we get wrong about it and what it means for people in certain situations (new moms, people suffering from depression or an eating disorder) Subscribe and Review Subscribing to this show will ensure that you never miss out on an episode that you have been waiting to hear more about, because I know that there will be a future episode where you’ll think: “YES, this is exactly what I’ve been struggling with / what I want to know more about!” Also, I want to know what you love about this Show and what you want to hear in future episodes. The best way to ensure I see your feedback is to leave a quick Rating and Review. Click here or open this show in your Podcast App, select “Ratings and Reviews” and click “Write a Review”. Links mentioned in this Episode Jen’s Home Page: http://www.jenwille.com Jen’s Podcast “First and Foremost”: http://www.jenwille.com/podcast/ Jen’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/jenwille

 #5 How to take care of your Mental Health and find Food- and Exercise Freedom - with Davida Lederle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:40

I am so excited to share this interview with you because I know you will love it so much! In today’s episode I am chatting with my friend Davida Lederle, who is the creator behind The Healthy Maven, a multi-channel health- and wellness platform dedicated to making healthy living easier and sustainable. Davida’s content is diverse, ranging from recipes, to travel, to self-care with a focus on how to live healthfully, rather than living for your health. When Davida isn’t in the kitchen, she is travelling, hiking with her dog and husband or teaching yoga. If you don’t follow Davida already, you should absolutely go check her out and follow her on Instagram and her Blog, she is such an amazing human being! It was so great talking to her for the second time (after being a guest on her podcast on this episode). She is such a wealth of wisdom and knowledge on all things intuitive eating, body image and – my favorite thing to talk about these days – mental health. Just like me, she is a huge advocate for normalizing medication for mental health struggles, because it saved her in her recovery journey. You are going to absolutely LOVE this episode and walk away with a lot of food for thought on recovery from an eating disorder, transitioning into intuitive eating, taking care of your mental health in whichever way serves YOU and so much more. A few of my favorite things we touched on: - Why Davida shifted her mindset to seeing health as a means to extend the QUALITY of your life, not the years of your life necessarily - Davida’s recovery from her eating disorder, while also getting help with her mental health - How Davida and I overcame our exercise addiction and healed our relationship to exercise - What it means to be a “high functioning depressive” and why both me and Davida resonate with that - How anxiety and depression can feel in our body and where it manifested in her behaviors - Why holistic self care practices can coexist while being on medication for anxiety and depression - Why reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not shame - Why a lot of people turn intuitive eating into another diet and how to avoid doing that for your own journey - The hardest part in Davida’s recovery from her disordered eating- and exercise patterns - How mindfulness helps Davida have more self compassion, a positive body image and a peaceful relationship to food Subscribe and Review Subscribing to this show will ensure that you never miss out on an episode that you have been waiting to hear more about, because I know that there will be a future episode where you’ll think: “YES, this is exactly what I’ve been struggling with / what I want to know more about!” Also, I want to know what you love about this Show and what you want to hear in future episodes. The best way to ensure I see your input is to leave a quick Rating and Review. Click here, select “Ratings and Reviews” and click “Write a Review”. It only takes a few seconds but will help this community out so much! Thank you for all your support and feedback so far! Links and Resources mentioned in this Episode Davida’s Website: https://www.thehealthymaven.com Davida’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehealthymaven/ That’s So Maven Podcast: https://www.thehealthymaven.com/2016/12/the-healthy-maven-podcast.html Further Resources Find a Therapist online: https://www.betterhelp.com

 #4: Q&A: What to do on days where you "feel fat" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:42

Hey you! Thank you for joining me today in this Q&A podcast session. I decided to do this episode, because I get a lot of questions in my Instagram DM folder and E-mail inbox and a lot of them are very similar in nature. It makes sense, because when we go through challenges with food and our body, we tend to think we’re alone in all this, but we actually never are. Our journeys are usually more similar than we think. The Questions I answer" What do you do on days where you “feel fat”? (I am using quotes for a reason. Listen in, so you can understand the reason behind it) How do you avoid diet talk in your family and circle of friends? Do you have any advice on losing weight without getting obsessed with food? What was the first step you took in recovery as you transitioned from dieting to intuitive eating? How did you get over your fear of gaining weight in recovery once you stopped dieting/restricting food? Subscribe and Review Subscribing to this show will ensure that you never miss out on an episode that you have been waiting to hear more about, because I know that there will be a future episode where you’ll think: “YES, this is exactly what I’ve been struggling with / what I want to know more about!” Also, I want to know what you love about this Show and what you want to hear in future episodes. The best way to ensure I see your input is to leave a quick Rating and Review. Click here, select “Ratings and Reviews” and click “Write a Review”. It only takes a few seconds but will help this community out so much! Thank you for all your support and feedback so far! Links and Resources mentioned in this Episode Get access to my 3-day Coaching Work Book Bundle at https://ownitbabe.ca/3-days-of-intuitive-eating/ Lists of emotions: https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-worksheet/list-of-emotions http://thework.com/sites/thework/downloads/worksheets/Emotions_List_Ltr.pdf The Weight Set Point Theory: https://www.mirror-mirror.org/set.htm National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA): https://www.naafaonline.com/dev2/about/index.html More Information on Orthorexia: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/other/orthorexia

 Why the goal of weight loss can be harmful rather than helpful, with Dr. Claudia Felty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:45

My first interview episode is with my dear friend Dr. Claudia T. Felty. You will absolutely love all the wisdom she has to share with us in this episode, because she is an expert at intuitive eating, a total nerd with all things nutrition science (these are her own words btw), and she's obsessed with teaching others how to reach their natural weight, whatever that may be, free from crazy meal plans or diets that take over your life. She is also a dessert loving dietician, educator, and dog mom, which you all know that I am a dog mom too, so needless to say we bond over our shared love for dogs all the time. You will walk away with so many amazing lessons today on Health At Every Size, Intuitive Eating, why dieting causes long-term damage to our health and our metabolism, what the transition from dieting to intuitive eating looks like, as well as a chat about body positivity and what it means for our society today. Just a quick heads up that there will be about a minute in this episode, where we talk about calories in terms of numbers and I left these specific numbers in there because we talked about the scientific research of a slower metabolism due to food restriction. I thought it is important to understand the concept of why eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes, but if you feel triggered by specific numbers, I definitely recommend skipping minute 17. Topics in this episode: *Claudia shares her story with body image and food struggles, as well as her 20-year history with eating disorders. *We talk about how she started her career as a dietician with a “classic” diet approach and why she transitioned into a health at every size and intuitive eating approach with herself and her clients. *She breaks down the meaning of the term Health At Every Size as well as the research behind it that proves how illness and disease happen equally in people of all shapes and sizes (not just people in larger bodies). *Claudia shares her advice for anyone that wants to lose weight for “health reasons” and why dieting and restriction increases stress levels in our bodies, which can lead to worse health outcomes down the road than staying at your current weight while eating intuitively. *We talk about why diets fail and why you should break up with your scale today and you’re going to love what she has to say about that. *Finally, we talk about our favorite part about our recent trip to New York back in September especially when it comes to food I know you will resonate with all of this so much, so listen in and get inspired :) Review and subscribe on iTunes/Stitcher: By subscribing to this show, you will never miss an episode with me, rolling solo, or with one of my amazing podcast guests that have so much knowledge, wisdom and value to share with you. If you want to perform a random act of kindness today (let’s be honest, we always feel good afterwards don’t we?), make sure you leave a quick review over on your podcast app. It takes a few seconds and I promise, as insignificant as it may seem to you, it will help other people find this show quicker and who knows, maybe they need a sign from the universe to finally take action and this show will inspire them to do that. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you were part of that? Thank you so much, I am so grateful for you! Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Claudia’s Blog: http://claudiatfelty.com Claudia’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drclaudiatfelty/ Health and Every Size®: https://haescommunity.com Poodle science video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H89QQfXtc-k

 10 things I do to manage my anxiety and prevent burnout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:17

Wow, episode number 2 of my very own podcast, I still cannot believe I did it. I’ve been listening to podcasts for years now and never in a million years did I think I could pull off having my own show. But, here we are :) For the past few months, I have been busy with this new project of mine, because I want to make sure that I bring you the best value possible, while I hang out inside your ear buds as you clean the house, drive to work, walk your dog or any other time slots you dedicate to listening to podcasts. I simply cannot wait to hear your feedback about this show, because I have put my heart and soul into this project. In this episode, I am sharing with you how my mental health struggles manifested in my behaviors around food, such as restriction, deprivation, binge eating, emotional eating and so much more. I share this, because I know that I am not alone and I spend so many years feeling isolated and unheard. I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to you, because you DESERVE to be heard, you deserve to take care of your mental health in whichever way serves you and you deserve to live a peaceful, happy and content life. Hopefully I can inspire you to take action based on my experience and learnings from my own journey. Some topics I touch on in this episode: *The chicken-or-egg situation with my anxiety and eating disorder *Why my inner people-pleaser and perfectionist comes around to bite me in the buns *Why mental health isn’t talked about enough in the wellness-world and how intentional weight loss is not an indicator of health, especially not mental health *How I take care of my heath in a non-diet-culture way *How my mental health declined, the more I struggled with food, even though I “looked healthy” to other people *What my burnout taught me about self-care and mental-/physical health *How I prevent burning myself out down the road and what I do every day to manage my anxiety as best I can *All these topics are wrapped up in 10 Tips to manage anxiety and prevent burnout Subscribe and review on iTunes/Stitcher: By subscribing to this show, you will never miss an episode with me, rolling solo, or with one of my amazing podcast guests that have so much knowledge, wisdom and value to share with you. If you want to perform a random act of kindness today (let’s be honest, we always feel good afterwards don’t we?), make sure you leave a quick review over on your podcast app. It takes a few seconds and I promise, as annoying as it may seem to you, it will help other people find this show quicker and who knows, maybe they need a sign from the universe to finally take action and this show will inspire them to do that. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you were part of that? Thank you so much, I am so grateful for you! Links mentioned in this episode: Access to my Work Book and Coaching Resources: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies Your free mental health check list (Work Sheet): https://ownitbabe.ca/mental-health-checklist/ Personality test (16 personalities): https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

 3 Lessons my Eating Disorder taught me about creating more purpose and fulfillment in my life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:42

I was shaking with nervousness as I submitted my Podcast to iTunes for review and publishing, but I did it! It’s published, finally! For the past few months, I have been busy with this new project of mine, because I want to make sure that I bring you the best value possible, while I hang out inside your ear buds as you clean the house, drive to work, walk your dog or any other time slots you dedicate to listening to podcasts. I simply cannot wait to hear your feedback about this show, because I have put my heart and soul into this project. In this first episode, I am diving deep into my history with food, how I started to diet and how this led to 12+ years of disordered eating and eating disorders, as well as the rock-bottom moment I had after my wedding that led me to finally choose recovery over deprivation. Some topics I talk about in this episode: *My body image growing up *My very first diet that snowballed into 12+ years of disordered eating *My “cleanse” and how it led me to develop anorexia and, later on, bulimia, exercise addiction, orthorexia and binge eating disorder *My rock-bottom moment and turning point in my life *Why I didn’t reach out for help sooner *My recovery journey and Top 3 Lessons I learned for developing a positive body image and heal my relationship with food Subscribe and Review on iTunes/Stitcher: By subscribing to this show, you will never miss an episode with me rolling solo, or with one of my amazing podcast guests that have so much knowledge, wisdom and value to share with you. If you want to perform a random act of kindness today (let’s be honest, we always feel good afterwards don’t we?), make sure you leave a quick review over on your podcast app. It takes a few seconds and I promise, as painful as it may seem to you, it will help other people find this show quicker and who knows, maybe they need a sign from the universe to finally take action and this show will inspire them to do that. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you were part of that? Thank you so much, I am so grateful for you! Links mentioned in this episode: Access my Free Work Books: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies Your free intuitive eating starter pack: https://ownitbabe.ca/3-days-of-intuitive-eating/

 Trailer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:39

Hi there and welcome to the Own it Babe Podcast, or… the Own it Babe Show. I am actually not sure which of the two I will choose, so I might as well use both of them :) This project – my podcast – has been in the works for a very long time. I first started thinking about it back in spring and planned to launch at the end of May. But, for some reason, I kept pushing it further and further down on my goals for this year and now it’s November and I am just about to officially launch now. Needless to say, the longer you wait to do something, the more scared you get. Think about jumping down a cliff or jumping out of an airplane for a skydiving experience. I have done both of these things and both times, I waited wayyyyy too long to actually take the leap. The longer I stood up at that cliff and stared at my friends down in the water, as they were calling my name and telling me to jump, the more I felt like I was going to crap my pants… Once I jumped off the cliff and once my skydiving instructor finally convinced me to “just jump”, it was an incredible experience and I was ready to do it all over again. But these moments, right before, were the most terrifying. So, as I sit here, recording this quick trailer episode, I want to be real with you and say: There is SO many podcasts out there. Everyone and their mom have started a podcast, so I almost feel like it might be too late for me to actually make an impact. But, if I can reach just one person and maybe change their lives for the better with the content I will share in my podcast episodes, I have done the right thing. Here I am, standing at the edge of the cliff, ready to launch my show in the next couple of days. And I am ready to take the leap. xo, Rini (@ownitbabe)


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