Truth Wanted show

Truth Wanted

Summary: WHAT IS TRUTH WANTED?Truth Wanted is a show about getting to the bottom of beliefs, whether it’s karma or Christ, Bigfoot or crystals. Truth Wanted would like to know how you know it’s true. Hosted by ObjectivelyDan, Truth Wanted takes calls from the community (that means YOU!) and features new guests every week, emphasizing thorough conversations over name-calling and scoffing (most of the time). Truth Wanted focuses on how and why people believe what they believe, and how you can talk about beliefs in more effective ways. Join us for truth investigations and lively conversations every Friday 7-8:30pm CT 1-512-686-0279

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  • Artist: Atheist Community of Austin
  • Copyright: Copyright Atheist Community of Austin


 Truth Wanted 03.31 2020-09-04 with ObjectivelyDan & Taylor (The Antibot) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5139

Good evening Truth Seekers! ObjectivelyDan is joined tonight by Taylor, also known as The Antibot on Youtube. Taylor focuses her channel on debunking multi-level marketing schemes. MLMs are a business model that looks similar to a pyramid and focuses on recruiting people to sell their products. First caller tonight is Eric from The Netherlands! Eric witnessed “miracle” healing, like back pain removed or legs lengthened, while a member of the pentacostal church. These are staged tricks done by all kinds of people, nothing magical there. Please research these types of parlor tricks.Virus in the UK is calling in about déjà vu type experiences, for example remembering an exact conversion with someone that he dreamed about. While we can’t speak to personal experiences, we have limited knowledge of how dreams function. Debbie in the USA questions the effectiveness of spiritual coaching and asks our take on energy healing and other “supernatural” coaching. Be wary of anyone that mentions energy, stick to evidence based therapy and life coaches. Please check out the secular therapy project!Nick in AR argues there is no way for voters to reject the null hypothesis, one can’t vote not to vote. We all have criticism of our voting and/or election system and don’t have a solution to offer. Jesse in NJ got the full pitch to join a MLM and the person stopped talking to him when he didn’t sign up. We are thankful you didn’t fall into any of these schemes. The last caller tonight, Jaime in Australia, relates a story of being pitched Amway while in the states. Jaime offered advice on providing your time to practice but not join the MLM. Taylor recommends not buying any products from MLMs. That's all the Truth for this week! Check out Taylor on YoutTube at Thanks for watching, stay safe out there, and be weary of multi-level marketing schemes.

 Truth Wanted 03.30 2020-08-28 with ObjectivelyDan & Scott Crow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5269

Good evening Truth Seekers! ObjectivelyDan is joined tonight by a special guest, Scott Crow! Scott is an author, activist, musician, and anarchist! Scott has worked to create power from below to create individual autonomy and freedom for ourselves. Right on!First caller tonight is Sally from Australia, she wants to rant about church based charities. Sally is fed up with churches making people believe first or sit through a sermon to qualify for something as simple as food for the hungry. Scott points out that it’s the same for governments and corporations too, and informs us about solidarity over charity.Jamie from Australia talks about the link between conspiracy theories and theism. Specifically Jamie notices theists tend to think conspiratorial. Theists are self important, have sources others don't have access to, and if we just thought like them we would finally know the truth. Zealots of any kind tend to think this way too. Tymm in WA talks about the victim blaming he noticed in Kenosha, WI after protest turned violent. Tymm noticed that people were painting victims in a bad light after the events in Kenosha. This has been a problem in all cities that had victims of violence from recent event protesting. News coverage hasn’t been very positive lately...The last caller tonight, Jason in PA, talks about his conversion to Jehovah Witnesses, which he calls most definitely a cult. Jason feels that roughly 30-40% of Americans are involved in a cult, religious or otherwise. Dan and Jason commiserate how religious cults do harm in the name of good.That's all the Truth for this week! You can learn more about Scott Crow at Thanks for watching, stay safe out there, and wear a damn mask.

 Truth Wanted 03.29 2020-08-21 with ObjectivelyDan & @notesfromautumn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5388

Good evening, Truth Seekers! ObjectivelyDan is joined tonight by @notesfromautumn! She is a fellow atheist YouTuber merging human development with atheism. Check her channel out here: caller tonight is Johnnie from TX, calling because he notices he is not able to stick to the questioning part of Street Epistemology (SE) and is asking advice. ObjectivelyDan explains that the creator of SE struggled early on and to keep practicing and stick to the method. Dan in AR met a previous caller, Itto, after hearing her call on Truth Wanted. He called in to further the conversation about atheism and disabilities. He planned to have Itto on the call with him, but unfortunately she couldn’t make day, Itto!Micahel in CO asks the hosts about Christology and Jesus mysticism. ObjectivelyDan notices there is a good credibility for the mythicist position, but that he isn’t 100% on board. He acknowledges this is worth looking into. Autumn takes a great position: “I don’t know.” Jake in WA has a concern regarding Street Epistemology. Jake heard that SE is a script to get people to lose faith in their belief or get people to doubt themselves. SE is a modified version of the Socratic method, to examine why someone holds that belief, and has been used for beliefs other than god beliefs.Our last caller is Shannon Q in Canada! While Shannon wasn’t necessarily an angry atheist, she felt foolish that she didn’t investigate into her previous religious belief system. The hosts recognized some anger they felt early on but it’s a result of the indoctrination and realization that so many others have fallen for beliefs that you just gave up. That's all the Truth for this week! You can check out Notes From Autumn on her Instagram: and ObjectivelyDan on Twitter at, get ready for it… @ObjectivelyDan. That’s all folks! Seeya next week!

 Truth Wanted 03.28 with ObjectivelyDan & John de Lancie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5177

Good evening, Truth Seekers! ObjectivelyDan is joined tonight by our special guest, John de Lancie!!! You may know him best as Q on Star Trek but John is no stranger to secular activism, most recently speaking with the Secular Student Alliance. First caller tonight is Skyler in AR asks if we should have more secular people in government, given that we are a growing minority and have little to no representation. John is optimistic that we will have representation soon, it's definitely needed...Zac in London sees atheists ask for evidence after he makes a statement on his beliefs and asks whether a belief is a claim? The burden of proof rests on the person making the claim. Zac thinks there is a difference in making a claim versus a statement of belief. Sounds like shirking the burden of proof. Deec in SC asks if John would consider a role in a faith promoting production? John says he would not be in a show that is proselytizing. John has played roles as believers but says he isn’t interested in roles on proselytizing shows. Ransom in CA believes that there is evidence of advanced ancient civilizations. His evidence is from paintings and petroglyphs depicting aliens. How can one discount human creativity? Ben in TX is calling in about project blitz, a christian push to get people of faith in places of political power. The best way to deal with it and call it out for what it is, an abuse of power. John givesLast caller is Rob in NJ, asking about John’s secular projects. John updates us on a couple projects he has been working on. One he was able to complete is a play on the Dover intelligent design trial. That's all the Truth for this week! You can check out John de Lanice on his website

 Truth Wanted 03.27 2020-07-07 with ObjectivelyDan & Exxtian Erin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5881

Good evening, Truth Seekers! ObjectivelyDan is joined tonight by Exxtian Erin. This week is her 1 year anniversary of deconversion! Erin tells her fascinating story of youth groups, bible camps, introductions to atheist YouTube, and ultimately her deconversion from Christianity. First caller tonight is Kevin in NY who calls to talk about Charles Darwin’s racial biases and challenges evolution. The truth of evolution doesn’t hinge on Darwin or his books. Science has come a long way on this subject! Kevin says that genetic mutations seem to result in only bad traits, which is a creationist talking point.Mike in Germany, a lifelong atheist, calls to ask what it feels like to believe in a god. Good question! The hosts relate that you feel a personal relationship with the creator of the universe and you just know it’s true. Believing is all about controlling your actions. Mun in Australia calls to ask why some people are quick to dismiss Christianity without looking too deeply into the faith. The hosts have been believers and researched Christianity but did not find a reason to believe any longer. Mikey in Finland calls to ask the hosts; view on antinatalism. Dan considers it more ethical to adopt than to give birth. Erin does have kids but thinks it's good to have the arguments out there for people to make more informed decisions about their life. Sam from NC calls to discuss his argument against the idea of Satan, pointing out he thinks the lore around Satan is ridiculous. From a biblical standpoint, the idea of Satan isn’t coherent and our current understanding of Satan relies heavily on the book of revelation. The rest is pop culture and information from other sources. Our last caller tonight is Skyler in AR whose mother has some spiritual/supernatural beliefs and asks how to respond to that while being respectful. These beliefs can be positive or harmful, keep in mind beliefs influence your actions. Dan asks a great question, do you care if your beliefs are true? With loved ones, sometimes you have to pick your battles.That's all the Truth for this week! You can find Exxtian Erin on twitter at @ExxtianEri

 Truth Wanted 03.26 2020-07-31 with ObjectivelyDan & Dan Barker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5114

Good evening, Truth Seekers! Objectively Dan is joined tonight by a former funadmentalist, pastor, and evangelical musician, Dan Barker! He is now a co-president of Freedom From Religion Foundation with over 100 debates under his belt!First up for callers tonight is Mitch in OH, who is calling to ask why people don’t take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously. There’s a decent amount of mistrust of the media and government. Mr. Barker shared a story of picketing a coffee shop which violated mask orders. Christian in WI calls in to ask Mr. Barker for some good local secular resources near Madison, WI, where FFRF has an office downtown with events for members. He also points out Universal Unitarians are great for personal connections and answers questions about starting local groupsAfter Christian’s call, we get to learn a bit more about Dan Barker’s career and history in atheist activism!Ben in TX asks if Mr. Barker felt guilt from his long years of preaching and converting others to Christianity. Anyone would feel guilt, but you have to keep in mind it was never malicious or intentionally misleading. Brian in OR was a Christian for 35 years and is calling to talk about Christian privilege and James 4:17. The hosts don’t have much to disagree with. Linda in OH called to ask Mr. Barker his opinion about Project Faith Initiative, a juvenile court program to mentor at-risk kids. FFRF has filed some lawsuits on this initiative and talks on his experience dealing with these types of programs.Our last caller tonight is Autumn in CA who is a new atheist activist (Yay!) and asks what advice you would have for your younger self. Mr. Barker recommends complaining...about church state violations. Dan points out if someone gives an interpretation, that’s a discussion.To paraphrase ObjectivelyDan, that wraps it up for another DAN-TASTIC episode of Truth Wanted. See you next week, folks!

 Truth Wanted 03.25 2020-07-24 with ObjectivelyDan & Aron Ra_20200724 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5075

Good evening, Truth Seekers! Today ObjectivelyDan is joined by Aron Ra, the man in black, the maestro of stout beer! Aron Ra is well known on YouTube for tackling evolution and young earth creationism. If you haven’t, definitely check him out. First up for callers tonight, Christian in WI. He is grappling with explaining how to trace back the human genome step by step to its origin. Aron has a 49 part series on this, of course, called The Systematic Classification of Life. Give that a look see.Mark in TX is up next. He is calling to report that he has seen UFOs and asks if the hosts have seen anything unexplained up in the sky. The hosts can’t see the connection from it being explained to it being a UFO. Dolly Llama in Canada is next. He called in to tell a story of UFO he debunked. He saw something floating in the sky so he shot at it. Turns out, it was a mylar birthday balloon. Such a fun story!Vade Mann, from NM, is calling about the origins of god in mythology. Vade theorizes that ancient peoples saw petroglyphs in aurora borealis and assumed they were gods. The hosts remain skeptical about this claim. Next up, Kevin in NY is calling regarding simulation theory. He proposes the simplest elements had to come together with intention. The hosts don't agree and Aron goes on to say simulation theory is his pet peeve. Both hosts chime in with great arguments here. Matthew in FL is calling working about fundamentalism christianity and worried about people working to a theocracy. This is right up Aron’s alley, he and Dan have fun on this call. Mr Batman in IN is the last caller this week. He is calling to continue an argument with Aron Ra about natural laws not changing over time. Dan ended this call early, take your beef with our guests elsewhere.That’s all for this week! Check out AronRa’s channel!

 Truth Wanted 03.24 2020-07-17 with ObjectivelyDan & Prophet of Zod | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5483

Good evening, Truth Seekers! Today ObjectivelyDan is joined by Prophet of Zod! His YouTube channel focuses on helping people find their footing while coming out of their faith. Check him out: or on Twitter @ProphetOfZod!Let's move on to callers! First up tonight, Matt in MD. He mentions a paranormal show that suggests bigfoot is an interdimensional or underground being, but a question arose: Is it ethical to watch these shows, which helps keep them on air and further encourage incredulity? Hm...Itto in Morocco calls in to inquire on how to help disabled people leave their faith. She has seen atheists who are disabled who can’t come out due to stigma of both atheism and disability. Itto is a new atheist content creator, too! Check her out: in SC called into AXP and is now an atheist! Cory wants to keep some culturally Christian things and wants to find a balance (shouts out to other new atheists navigating this!) Dan gives good advice: Keep what you want, avoid giving money to the church!Chaz in TX calls in about social media and how it affects society with such easy access to bad information. Should social media be a public utility? While that might sound good, there are some real problems with the idea. More regulation could be nice, but how might that be accomplished?Unholymole in IL is an atheist whose 8 year old son asked why he doesn’t go to church. He’s unsure how to approach this. The hosts’ advice? Be a positive model of atheism!Stephen in AU feels belief in god is a desperate attempt to sublimate fear of death, meaninglessness, and suffering; and that people tiptoe around what it means to live. Is that true?Hassan in CA is the last caller this week. He is calling in to ask how to recognize cognitive dissonance in an interlocutor. Dan advises to frame their beliefs in a context of how you could believe something. Zod recommends understanding your own cognitive dissonance.That’s all for this week! Check out Zod’s channel! We put it up top, remember? ;D

 Truth Wanted 03.23 2020-07-10 with ObjectivelyDan & Divine Disbelief | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5484

Good evening Truth Seekers! Today is ObjectivelyDan joined by two guests, Divine Disbelief (Susan and Nathaniel). They have a YouTube channel regarding secular news, politics, and global issues and how it affects the community as a whole. Let's move on to the callers for tonight! First up, Nick in NY. He asks what is your rational basis for atheism. Atheism is just the lack of belief in god/gods. Nick seems to assert god is required to be able to verify evidence. Next up we have repeat caller Malcom, in CA. He is calling about languages being influenced by an eel or snake species. Uhhh… Dan pipes up to indicate this is a topic they’ve talked about before and languages are just signifiers to something else. It doesn’t prove anything.Next we have Steph, from TX. She is calling to talk about solipsism, virtual god-hood and consent. Steph defines virtual god as a thinking agent with complete control over your reality. How does virtual godhood tie into solipsism? If we are in the matrix, how can we prove it? Who knows.Justin from VA is our next caller. He is calling to talk about this path out of christianity. He found the origin story of christianity not quite right and looked into other religions. Maybe the bible was started as a self help book. Dan recommends anyone look more into their religion. Kevin in NY is our last caller tonight. He is calling in as a christian that believes christian denominations are wrong. He goes on to say theological framework is based on an incorrect assumption that apocryphal books are inferior to the canonical books, specifically the book of Enoch. Great conversation on the bible and the church on this one!That is all for this week’s Truth Wanted. Check out Divine Disbelief’s work at and DivineDisbelief on the rest of social medias.

 Truth Wanted 03.22 2020-07-03 with ObjectivelyDan & Shannon Q | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5588

Good evening truth seekers! Today is ObjectivelyDan joined by guest Shannon Q. Shannon has an amazing YouTube channel where she meets faith with a psychology background. Check out her YouTube and catch her on upcoming shows on The Atheist Experience. Let's move on to the callers for tonight! First up, Ransom in CA. He is proposing that we live in a simulation and has evidence regarding Planck time and smallest measurable units. Dan doesn't see how this can be evidence for a sim. Shannon doesn’t see the leap to show we are in a sim. This was one amazing call!Next up we have repeat caller Craig, in CA. He is asking how Truth Wanted is patient but other atheist channels aren't, wonder who he means? Shannon explains that not everyone has the same goals and atheists aren't a monolith. Dan adds that he has recognized some of those problems and forms his channel as such.Next we have Doc, from TX. They ask how to know what battles to pick. Dan tells a story of not speaking up and explains that you just have to stand up. Shannon explains that it's contextual and you have to assess each battle. Rick from CA is our next caller. He has recently turned agnostic after reading the bible and finding a contradiction in exodus. Dan explains that it's not even the best example. Shannon gives her example of bible atrocities, the test for an unfaithful wife. They have a great conversation about problems in Christianity.Dragnauct in TX is our last caller tonight. He is calling to discuss a scenario regarding his cousin relating divine intervention regarding a car accident. Dan points out that feelings aren't a reliable way of knowing. Shannon points out you can take mundane parts of an event and relate them to god, if you already have that worldview. That is all for this week’s Truth Wanted. Check out Shannon’s work at

 Talk Heathen 04.26 2020-06-28 with Eric Murphy & Vi La Bianca | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5315

Greetings Heathens! Today’s episode of Talk Heathen is brought to you by, keep wearing your masks in public, stop being selfish and wear it! You could save a loved one. Our hosts today are the dynamic duo, Eric Murphy and Vi La Bianca.Let’s get to calls. The “first” caller is a returning caller, Father John from Canada. He wants to talk about some loopholes in the Roman Catholic doctrine surrounding the sacrament of confirmation and that Roman Catholic theology was inaccurate and Eastern Orthodox is the One True Church, um ok. The No True Scotsman fallacy and circular arguments abound!Next up, Brad from Virginia would like to talk about how his friend has very opposing views about LGBTQ marriage/legal rights and uses whataboutism to push a dialogue and agenda. He wonders how society makes these opinions and what to do about it.Arthur in Poland would like to hear some recommendations on how to navigate relationships with his children and family about his atheism, deconversion. He wonders how to object to baptism in a faith. Don’t wait on it Arthur, we definitely recommend possibly speaking to a secular therapist/marriage counselor about your concerns. Evan in Ohio is calling in as a deist and a recovering Baptist. He is calling in about his sister, who is struggling with her religion and self hate in regards to LGBTQ rights. It almost sounds like she may be projecting. Evan, you can’t push her along her journey, she must come to the conclusions herself. Be there for her, listen to her, and be available to her. Next in the queue is Tom from Missouri. He wants to talk about the historical evidence of Jesus’ resurrection. This is a great call, definitely give it a listen, there are a lot of pearls of wisdom that I didn’t capture.Billy in North Carolina would like to talk about how atheists need to figure out how to come together, mobilize, and become activists to highlight oppression against the non-religious. We must remain intersectional and accepting of others while doing this work. That’s our show today folks, thanks all! Be safe and healthy out there!

 Truth Wanted 03.21 2020-06-26 with ObjectivelyDan & Jenna H | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6087

Good evening truth seekers! Hosting today is ObjectivelyDan joined by guest Jenna H. She is a childhood friend of Dan and the artist making thumbnails for the show! How cool! They start the show catching up about growing up as christian in Waco and how they became atheist.Let's move on to the callers for tonight! First up, Katie from TX. They have been deconstructing their faith after some bad experiences in the church and a course in the old testament. While they don’t identify as christian, they are leaning toward witchcraft. Such a great call!Next up we have Brian, in TX. He is calling in to talk about an argument for god. Dan calls them definitional arguments for the existence of god. Dan points out that even though there is a possibility that there is a god, doesn’t make it true. To make arguments for god, it seems you have to strip Next we have Steph, from TX. They are calling to ask about granting moral considerations to non humans. Dan has been considering a veg/vegan path and points the lines we draw about harm are arbitrary. Jenna points out examples in nature of carnivores and a bear eating her wouldn’t be immoral. Now we have Chris from OH, he is calling in because his daughter made remarks about past lives and finds it odd that a doctor said lots of kids say that. Dan makes a point that it is mostly just stories and kids tend to have bigger imaginations than adults. Jenna thinks kids parrot adults sometimes.Next up we have Kevin, in NY. He is calling to express the validity of the bible and the curious relationship of 2nd Peter and the new testament. Dan is more interested in how to demonstrate the truth of the bible and struggles to find a point.Omniskeptic in Ontario is our last caller tonight. He mainly called in talking about ethical responsibilities of mass genocide of certain species, to reduce harm. Jenna points out that we should stay in our own lane. This was a interesting call, give it a listen!That is all for this week’s Truth Wanted. Check out Jenna’s work at

 Truth Wanted 03.20 2020-06-19 with ObjectivelyDan & Neil the 604 Atheist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5342

Good evening truth seekers! Hosting today is ObjectivelyDan joined by guest Neil the 604 Atheist! Neil is a return guest, last time we had some technical difficulties so we wanted him back. Neil is rocking a Truth Wanted shirt, such a cool cat. Check out Talk Heathen Let's move on to the callers for tonight!First up, Steph from TX. They are calling in about Gender Abolitionism, where some people advocate that gender roles are harmful. Dan doesn't want to take away Transgender folks gender identity and Neil points out that we should accept whatever gender identity.Next up we have Emry, in VA. Welcome to Truth Wanted. They call to ask if Canada should be a republic. He says that if so, Neil could run for Prime Minister. Neil graciously says no. Dan points out Canadian politics aren't his thing. Uh oh look out, our own Derek Hawke! Is he calling to troll or does he have a topic on deconversion stories? There is no way to sum up this call, just listen to its entirety.Next up, we have Jimmy from TX, he is calling in about how Truth Wanted interprets evidence of god. Neil points out we are empirical when it comes to the evidence. The conversation moves into meditation from there. Neil has had a conversation with Jimmy before, this must be round 2.Next up we have Sara from Idaho. She called in saying after some therapy she isn't fully convinced anything is real or a part of her mental illness. Dan asks if this is more like solipsism. While we can’t convince you that we aren't brains in a vat, there is something to reality..Andrew in OH is our last caller tonight. He thinks The New England Dark Day was from god because of the book of Matthew and ...thallus? Neil points out it was a natural event. Dan shows that since the bible said a day would be dark, doesn't mean this was from god. That is all for this week’s Truth Wanted. Check out Neil the 604 Atheist at

 Truth Wanted 03.19 2020-06-12 with ObjectivelyDan & Notjah Witness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4698

Truth Wanted 03.19 2020-06-12 with ObjectivelyDan & Notjah Witness

 Truth Wanted 03.18 2020-06-05 with ObjectivelyDan & Desh Amila | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5152

Good evening truth seekers! Hosting today is ObjectivelyDan joined by guest Desh Amila! He has a new movie out called, Islam & The Future of Tolerance. It is about 2 people who fundamentally disagree about a very tough subject. It’s a story of how they met, where they are at now, and how to talk about difficult topics. A trailer was played on the show, you can see it at amazon, Let's move on to the callers for tonight! First up we have Sierra from the USA. They are calling in because they feel the image of god is a snake or eel. and that saying snake in chinese is just syllables away from god. Desh points out that tonality is important in mandarin and that we know that language is manmade. Next up we have Jen, in SC. Welcome to Truth Wanted. She is calling because her brother passed away at 5 years old. She was told it was an accident and she learned that it was a suicide. Dan points out that it's never a bad idea to see a therapist. Jumping on over to Jeremiah in TX. He says he watches tons of debates on YouTube and puts theists on the level of flat earthers. Claims they don’t have evidence for belief and only keep it because it makes them feel well. Desh doesn't have interactions with flat earthers, lucky for him!Last up we have Jay from UT. He calls to talk about atheists and their political leanings. From experience, he notices atheists were conservative as religious people then moved to leaning left after being an atheist.Desh has a special announcement, his movie is included with Amazon Prime Also Desh’s next project is about politics, it's called Better Left Unsaid! That is all for this week’s Truth Wanted. Check out Desh Amil’s Islam & The Future of Tolerance @ and


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