Heart of Connection Podcast show

Heart of Connection Podcast

Summary: Heart of Connection Podcast is about listening to how everyday people connect to themselves, others and all that is. Our Heart is our source of energetic connections and we will hear how what the heart of connection means to them. What strategies and how do they connect from their hearts.

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  • Artist: Mark Randall
  • Copyright: © 2018 Empowered Change - White Spirit of Light Pty Ltd


 Episode 29 ~ Heart Of My Connection to the Ocean ~ My conversation with Belinda Jane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:48

Mark [0:00] Hello Belinda, welcome to the How to connection podcast.  I’m your host, Mark Randall and it’s a real honour and a privilege to be able to sit here with you today and have a conversation about the how the Heart of Connection.  By way of introduction would you mind sharing a short story about who you are and what life means to you, I’m just joking – but yes just a brief introduction to get the ball rolling. Belinda’s Story Belinda [0:24] Absolutely. Thanks for having me, Mark. I am Belinda and I probably would say the best thing to describe my stories that I’m still on a huge journey of getting to know myself and where I fit in the world.   The things that I suppose are important to me the fact that I grew up at the beach.  The beach is really important to me, and connection with family and friends.  I’ve got a huge supportive group of friends and family and that sense of community growing up in a little beach town.  I still living a beach town now.  I guess what I do defines me a little bit as well.  My backgrounds in nursing, I’ve been doing that for nearly 20 years and I’ve most recently become a play therapist as well.   I’ve got a background working with helping people really through mental health, community health, Child and Adolescent Health and Family Support.  So that’s really my area of passion and what makes me light up. Mark [1:32] Great. The transition from nursing through to play therapy how does that connection come about for you? My Journey From Nursing to Play Therapy Belinda [1:44] I’ve noticed, it’s a different sort of connection, if we’re thinking about being in the heart and being in the mind nursing, despite being a brilliant helpful career and, being able to really help people.  I feel like it’s very task orientated, especially in the acute setting in the hospitals.  That’s probably one of the reasons I got out of working in hospitals.  I felt like I constantly have to say to patients, I’ll be back in a minute, we were just so under the pump, constantly doing things and we didn’t really get to connect.   It is similar in clinical settings, not in an acute setting.   In the community, despite having more opportunity to be one-on-one with patients or clients or consumers or whatever you’d like to call them, you did get to connect, but it was time limited.   What I’ve found through diving into the world of play therapy, and I haven’t as a student, I’ve only just graduated.   I haven’t had a huge amount of experience yet but you do get to get into a deeper level of connection with people.   It is more of a heart connection, especially with kids, because they don’t get through their play.  It is pre-verbal or nonverbal sometimes. Mark [3:07] What’s it like to start to experience the world of Heart, the play of the non-verbal side of for children? Play Therapy Has Opened My Heart Belinda [3:17] It’s has been huge.  It has changed my world and I’ve discovered so much about myself.   To become a pl

 Episode 28 ~ Play Therapy Reconnecting Children & Self – My conversation with Rhiannon Breguet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:15

Mark [0:00] Thank you for coming in for a conversation regarding the heart of connection.  I’m your host, Mark Randall.  Thank you for taking the time and I really appreciate you for coming in to have a conversation.  By way of introduction, could you give a little bit of a brief story about yourself? Rhiannon’s Story Rhiannon [0:20] Thank you for having me.   I have two young children, one beautiful loving husband and I have been working in Foster care for the last 10 years.   Recently in my maternity leave, I went back to university and I have almost completed my Masters in child play therapy.   That is my journey at the moment.  This is where I am sitting as it is all kind of interlinked.  Having children of my own young children, and doing this course has been quite valuable.  There are some powerful learnings throughout the whole of my life. Child Play Therapy Masters Mark [1:03] What sparked the interesting child play therapy as a Masters? Rhiannon [1:09] I was in a role in therapeutic foster care.   It was around providing a system that could help a family around their children.   I was in contact with the parents and the children and my role was to assist the parent and the child to improve their attachment and to deepen their relationship.  I was doing things within the context of this attachment and realized this is interesting.  I found I needed to something a bit different.  The role wasn’t satisfying me and I had a need to do something different.  When I went on maternity leave, I thought, or maybe it’s time to start exploring this need.  I wonder whether I would feel different after being a parent and returning into the foster care realm.  I wondered whether that would have a different impact on me emotionally.   The hours are really quite tricky and did not want to be leaving my children for long periods in the day.  I wanted a role that fitted my lifestyle and also fitted this burning desire, to fulfill something in me that I wanted to do within my career. Disconnection Impact on Children

 Episode 27 – Heart of Community Connection – My Conversation with Laura Connor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:35:40

Mark [0:00] Welcome to the Heart of Connection podcast.  I’m your host, Mark Randall and I really appreciate the opportunity to be here at the Torquay Community House, talking to you about the Heart of Connection to self, others, and ‘All That Is.’   Just by way of introduction, which mind giving a brief story, your story as part of the conversation and introduction to yourself please. Laura Connor – Personal Story Laura [0:25] Okay, thanks for having me, Mark.  A big part of my story is I have been here coming up for 18 years.  So that is a huge part.   Prior to that, I suppose I had a very checkered past and did many things.  What I like the best about here, is when we talk about Connections is the connection to people and to others.  We have so many opportunities to do exactly that on a multitude of levels.  It has been great to develop the different ways that we can or be part of that development in the ways that we can connect with others. Mark [1:12] In the development of that connection to others, have you come across a common thread in the various groups that use the community center? The Heart Is the Point that People Can Be Reached on Laura [1:23] Yes, I don’t think it really matters, what walk of life or what status or whoever, wherever, you are in life, at the end of the day, we’re all the same.  There is always that point of heart that people have to be reached on.  People also want to be reached on.  It doesn’t matter

 Episode 26 – Being Guided by My Source ~ My Conversation with Dale Stone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:25

Mark [0:00] Hi, Dale, thank you for being a guest on the heart of connection podcast.  I’m your host, Mark Randall.  It’s wonderful to have you on board today to have a conversation about what you believe the Heart of Connection means to you.  Just by way of introduction, would you mind giving a short story of yourself? Dale Stone – Brief Personal Story Dale [0:20] Yeah, thanks for having me on board Mark.  A short story.  I don’t think there’s ever a short story these days.   If I was to put it down into a couple of sentences, or even a short paragraph, I spent 12 months my time on the street is13-year-old.  This was quite life-changing, especially when that 12 month period was up.   I got caught by the police for breaking into a shop to eat because I was that hungry.   I had to do something and it probably changed my life.  So from there on, you know, I was put into a church type situation, which was the Seventh Day Adventist back then.   I did not follow any religion at all at that time.  I certainly appreciated the guidance and the direction and the fellowship that that family taught me.  They sort of set me up for where I was going.  They helped me get through some of the pitfalls and highs and lows of life.  It was in a country town of Whyalla in South Australia. I then headed out to Adelaide on my own as a 20 year – 21-year-old and set my life on from there.  I’ve managed to achieve a few things through my life.  I guess having that 12 months on the street.  While it seems quite tragic and traumatic to a lot of people it certainly has some highlights.  The highlights are some of the bonds that I formed with other streets kids.  A life spent on the streets has told me a lot about people.  It has taught me a lot about myself and what I actually can achieve. 

 Healing & My Aligned Path of Purpose ~ My Conversation with Zoe Bell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:35:02

Mark [0:00] Hello Zoe, welcome to the heart of connection podcast.  Thank you for being a guest on the podcast. I’m your host, Mark Randall and lovely to have some time with you to have a conversation about the heart connection. Just by way of starting Zoe, would give a brief story about yourself? Zoe Bell Brief Personal Story Zoe [0:17] Cool, thank you, Mark, for inviting me on to the show.  For the view is a brief story, I came from a background of personally going a through a lot of trauma, a lot of adversity and the pathway of my own healing, my journey of healing mind, body, and remember who I came here to be.  In a really simple way of putting it, led me down that path of training and modalities to do with the mind, trauma release, sensuality, intimacy, bodywork, yoga, all of that.  So it’s been a beautiful journey of that adversity and trauma which would then unlock my gifts, to then share with people that I get the pleasure of working with.  In a nutshell, that’s probably the simplest way to describe it. The Beautiful Sydney Mark [1:16] Where are you based? You’re in Sydney Zoe [1:18] I’m in Sydney I’m in the inner west and Balmain and Rozelle area.  I’m also a Star Magic energy healer which has been something that sort of happened quite recently.   Based in the Inner West. Mark [1:38] I always love to go to Sydney and I love to sit it circular key.  There’s something about Sydney that always draws me.  The bridge is just an amazing, that space up there.  I know I’m on a holiday, I am a different state.   I drove up there just a couple of weeks ago to gets some chairs from IKEA, it was actually funny. Zoe [1:58] I can see the harbour bridge from where we live, which is pretty cool.  I can say it from our children’s bedroom.  It’s great, I think we’re rea

 Episode 24 ~ The heART of My Souls Connection – My Conversation with Sharyn O’Brien Murfett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:36:33

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 Listening to the Heart of My Body ~ My Conversation with Rebecca Gardiner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:35:26

[0:00] Rebecca welcome to the heart connection podcast I’m your host, Mark Randall. And it’s a wonderful opportunity to meet with you today as a guest, to have a conversation around the heart of connection and what that means to you.  By us by way of communicating. Would you mind giving a brief introduction of yourself? Please? [0:19] Hi, Mark, thank you so much for having me today. I’m Rebecca Gardiner. I’m am a myotherapist.  Born in Melbourne.  Live in Ocean Grove grew up down there and that is me. My Connecting as A Myotherapist [0:33] That’s you and what got you, what’s is the story to be a Myotherapist. How did you, where and what is your story to that for you? [0:44] The story to me becoming a myotherapist, well myotherapy wasn’t even known when I began.  It was very, very new.  When I was 19, I got quite sick and I was sort of in the system and couldn’t, couldn’t see a way out.   I needed to be well, wanted to be well, and I thought that if I put myself through university, maybe I could learn how to be well.  If I got well, I might be able to help other people become well, and that’s the story and how it happened. [1:20] Through your occupation as myotherapist, I would imagine there would be lots of connection? [1:26] Lots of connection, yes. [1:27] Can you describe how you connect through your work? [1:35] Connection is really such a big subject.  It’s a connection on every level really so, compassion, kindness, and empathy to begin with.  People who come to me need help.  They are only there because – that’s what they need.  They need me to listen and hear their story.  Once I know you the story, we then can work out how to help them the best I can – to get them the best quality of life. Disconnection to ill-health and Connection to Improved Health [2:07] Is it a disconnection from their bodies that are creating the need to come to see you? [2:16] Not all the time, but it definitely plays a huge factor in it, disconnection.  We do live in a world that’s quite disconnected. Yeah, we do live in a world that’s disconnected. So, connecting to self is really the key to health and wellness. [2:35] Can you describe how you’ve connected to yourself to improve your health and wellness? [2:42] That’s a loaded question.  I listen to my body.  My body has all the answers inside it. I just have to be willing to listen and actually take the steps and have the courage to listen and do what it needs.Click To Tweet Trust and Intuitive Knowledge [3:03] The word that came to my mind as you sharing your story just then was the word, trust. [3:09] Yes. Trusting self.  Trusting in, trusting life? [3:20] When you listen to your body, is that listening to it intuitively? [3:24] Absolutely. Yep. [3:29] In our western world, what’s happened to the intuitive knowledge that our bodies and our beings carry? [3:43] I think we’ve become so disconnected from our own truth and our trust at listening to what we ne

 Episode 22 – “Healing the Heart of Our Inner Child” – My Conversation with Debra Mittler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:29:39

Healing the Heart of Our Inner Child [0:00] Debra Mittler from Living In The Loving, thank you for being a guest on the heart of connection podcast. I’m your host, Mark Randall. And I’m looking forward to having a conversation with you regarding the heart of connection to self, others. And all that is. By way of introduction, would you mind sharing a little about yourself? [0:22] Thank you so much for having me.   What I do is, I assist people in going deeper, in their healing and going deeper in their loving.  How I do that is by healing, the unresolved issues that we’ve picked up along the way.  They can be masked by the addictions, our fears and anxiety and, moving through that energy so we can move into the truth at the core of our being.  My Facebook page is Debra Mittler. They can be masked by the addictions, our fears and anxiety and moving through that energy so we can move into the truth at the core of our being.Click To Tweet Unresolved Hurts Block the Connection to Our Hearts [0:49] How much of the unresolved stuff have you found stops us from connecting to our hearts? [0:55] A lot of it.  And most of us don’t even know what’s really going on.  As a lot of its subconscious, meaning when we have like issues in our lives today, it’s not really about what’s happening today, it’s actually triggering an old memory.  However, we think it’s what’s happening today. And a lot of times, we try to control the outer, we try to change the circumstance, we try to change the person, we get mad or whatever. What is really happening is we’re reliving an old wound or a past experience that we haven’t yet resolve.  That’s why it’s called unresolved issues. [1:23] The only reason really why we get angry, upset, or any of these, they call it lower level vibrations. But it’s just our inner being saying, hey, you know what, something inside of me is asking for loving.  This is the time, to take a deep breath and take a step back and just be with that energy.  Many of us don’t know where it came from.  And that’s a process and from my own healing I learned that and now I can take my clients through it.  On the same token, we can see what’s going on inside of us by how we’re feeling and what the upset means.  Also what we’re saying it means about ourselves.  Doing this is how we start to clear some of those unresolved issues and the conditioning that is in the way of our true essence, which is the love of who we are. It's

 Episode 21 – Speaking From The Heart ~ My Conversation with Patrizia McCormack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:47

Speaking From The Heart  [0:00] Hello Trish, welcome to the heart connection podcast. I’m your host, Mark Randall.  It’s great to have you here for a conversation today. I really appreciate you taking the time to come in and have a conversation about what the heart connection to self, others and all that is means to you. Welcome. [0:18] Thank you for having me. [0:20] Trish, by way of introduction, just give a quick intro of your life? Were you a Geelong girl born and bred? Geelong, Melbourne, London & fitting Back Into Geelong [0:33] Yes, I am.   So I lived in Geelong and was born in Geelong.  I did live in Melbourne for my early 20s.  I was wanting to escape this place, it was sort of boring in my 20’s at that particular time.  Lived in Melbourne and came back to Geelong as I met my husband Pete.  We went on a trip around the world with my husband now, but boyfriend then, Pete. It was a great adventure.   We had a great time traveling and, feeling really free and happy and based ourselves in London and worked and traveled.  We went over to Canada and did a ski season and kept traveling.  It was there we got engaged.  After which we decided to come back home.  We did a bit more traveling and then we were sort of right, we are back in Geelong and it was a bit scary.  Yeah, it was a bit like, where do we fit in now?  And how’s that all going to work out for us? [1:40] When you move to Melbourne and came back to Geelong was it the connection to Geelong that brought you back to Geelong? [1:48] Yes it was.  It was actually Pete again because he was living here and we got together.  I came back to live with him and my family and friends.  It just made sense at the time. [2:04] When you think about the conversation, the heart of connection, what comes to your mind and into your being, as you think about the heart connection? What came up into your mind?

 Episode 20 – Values From My Heart Guides Me – My Conversation with Matthew Hart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:36:03

My Values Were My Heart Connection [0:00] Welcome to the heart connection podcast. I’m your host, Mark Randall. And it’s lovely to have you on board tonight to have a conversation about how you connect to yourself, others and all that is.  By way of introduction would you mind giving some background of yourself? [0:30] My story, it’s, it’s a long one, obviously, I’m 46 these days and I spent 20 years growing up in a garden centre. It was a gradual process where I started as a gardener and handyman and ended up owning or had a part share in the business.  So, quite a transformation through a number of years.  It got to a point where I started to get really connected with my own values.  And that’s where that first sense of heart connection really came from. Shared “Aha Moment” Synchronized with my Wife It really started to stand out for me that, where I was going didn’t really suit the job I was doing and the partnership I had.  What came out of that was my wife, Loretta was on a similar journey and having similar sort of “aha” moments. And I saw that it was time for a change. Grounding and Reconnection to Simple Things In Life So we sold our share and took some time off.  Took the time, and had a really nice time brewing beer, baking bread, getting into the garden and growing some fantastic veggies and really connecting to me again.   I had really after that time at the garden centre, had become the guy from the garden center and not really who I was.  In a sense, it was those expectations around who I was in that role.  How I would be and what sort of behavior I would exhibit.  I spent that time after that rediscovering myself. [2:29] What was it like to reconnect yourself? [2:35] It was a pretty special time. A lot of it was spent gardening, really getting my hands in the soil and connecting to the simple aspects of life.  That was the really nice part of it and in this time I was in solitude in my backyard.  Without having to go away.  It was a really nice space to be and to let my thoughts just go and wonder and become creative again. [3:17] When you connect yourself you pointed to your heart, your hand was over your heart.  The values you described.  What happens to you when you do get in contact with your heart?  What or whatever that is for you? Heart Decision Becomes the Driver [3:33] I think of it (heart) and almost can’t help touching my heart at that point.  I enjoy my closeness to it. When I’m really connected to something that I value I can feel that swelling in my chest.  It is something that then becomes the driver, rather than a mental decision. There is definitely a heart connection to what I’m wanting, or what I’m going towards, or staying away from potentially. [4:20] Do you listen to your heart? [4:23] Yeah, I do. My Heart Just Knows [4:28] When you listen to your heart, is there a deep inner guidance that mind doesn’t like listening to?

 Episode 19 – Simple Steps & Little Connections Returns Me to My Lightness – My Conversation with Venita Dungey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:32:55

Living in Peaceful Environment of Nature   [0:10] Hello, Venita welcome to the heart of connection podcast. I’m your host, Mark Randall. It’s lovely to be here in this beautiful environs to have this conversation with you. Thank you for the invitation. You’re welcome. How are you Mark? [0:25] How are you going? [0:27] How is life in your new environment? [0:32] Life in my new environment is beautiful. I love living here. Every time I drive into the place, I think it is the most beautiful spot. Just kind of, I just feel relaxed. Soon as I kind of into the area, there’s something about the whole fields, all the trees, it’s the changing seasons, its everything about it. My Connection To Nature Provides Me With A Lightness [0:54] Is there a connection to as you drive in the feel – Is there a connection to it? [1:04] Yes. But I think it’s a connection not to the just to nature maybe too, you know, to the natural environment. And we all have different connections to that. And you get that in different places. But there’s something about I think, any environment that has a lot of nature in it. That gives you that feeling wherever that is. [1:32] Where do you feel that feeling in your body, what does it to your body what do you experience? [1:40]  I do a big exhale. And so I become lighter. [1:51] That would help with your work life. Being a fellow social worker, does it help with your work life? [2:06] It does. I think there are times when I dislike immensely being a social worker, because I think that it is exhausting.  And that you carry so much of everyone else’s stuff. And there are other times I love it. And I think I’m doing something that is useful and meaningful with my life. I feel the connection to people and the community. But maybe it’s those times when you are not feeling so robust yourself that you hate it because you can get into a spiral, I think of constantly giving, giving, giving, and never kind of replenishing.  So coming back to a place or somewhere that is a really nice, natural environment, I think, helps replenish that, kind of enables you to live in the world. Drilling Deeper Into Essences to Self-Care [3:03] Is it a set process, of self-care coming back? [3:06] I think it’s more than that. Yeah, because self-care is a bit of a nothing word. You know, it’s like

 Episode 18 – Connection Within, Evolves a Spaciousness, Calm and Peace – My Conversation With Brad Clarke | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:50

From Computer Sciences to Biological Sciences at Deakin University Brad welcome to the Heart of Connection podcast.  It is wonderful to have an opportunity to have a conversation with you about what the heart of connection means for you. The idea is to have a free-flowing conversation on the heart connection means – how do connect yourself at a heart level to others and all that is, whatever that might mean you.  By way of starting would you mind introducing yourself? [00:00:47] Thanks Mark it’s great to be with you.  I am Brad Clarke.   I have a management consulting firm called Better Communities Consulting. I am a Geelong raised product.  My story is quite unusual I suppose.  I came out of high school really one of those kids who didn’t have an idea of where I was headed.  Not sure of what I wanted to do and I stumbled into Deakin University into a computer science degree.  That did not last long as I managed to move across to biological sciences and completed my degree after four years.  My working life started after the degree at Werribee zoo for about 10 years. That was a great experience and I learned a lot about the world and how the world works from a biological point of view. I became really passionate about environmental conservation and that sort of stuff. Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award Led to Youth Working [00:01:51] Towards the end of that time I was invited to spend some time in Nepal and do some work chasing arachnids around the Himalayas which was a really fascinating time and whilst on that project I got to work with some young people who were completing the Duke of Edinburgh’s award. [00:02:11] When I came back to Australia and about to start a young family I decided to change vocations and become a youth worker.  Back then 20 years ago you didn’t really need any qualifications to be a youth worker.  You just had to have some intent and commitment to having a go. So whilst I made some mistakes in that world, I very quickly through effort and perhaps also attrition ended up in a senior management role.  But the system took its toll as I think it does on a lot of care workers.  It was about the same time that I started to feel something was not quite right. It didn’t feel right – something needed to change: My Healing Start I had a young family, a house, a mortgage with the picket fence all that sort of stuff but I felt that something was it wasn’t quite right.  I didn’t have the language around what it was, just a feeling of not being right and of course I met with you about 10 or 12 years ago.  I think that started me on a journey of discovery and of healing. And I’m at a place now where after a long journey and I think that journey doesn’t have a destination. It’s a bit like the old Monkey Magic TV series from the 80s, I just think the journey is what it’s all about. Now In Place to Talk About What Heart of Connection Means To Me [00:03:45] I’m at a place now where I can talk about heart and heart of connection.

 Episode 17 – Healing Presence of Soul & Love – My Conversation with Soleil Poynton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:35:51

Being Solar Powered needs the Queensland Warmth Soleil thank you for being a guest on the Heart of Connection podcast. It’s lovely to reconnect and have a conversation with you and your wonderful practice Empowered2Happiness. How’s life in Queensland? Life in Queensland is awesome. I love it up here. I just love I just love the weather and the weather makes me happy. I just love the fact that I’m two blocks from the beach and I can walk along the water with my feet in the sand or in the water. Watch the pelicans go past. And yeah just I get the sun I’m solar powered so the sun just makes you happy. How long have you been up there now? [00:00:51] Well, I’ve been making pilgrimages back to Queensland. So basically I’ve been here it started in the 1980s being in Queensland and then I’ve sort of been around Australia to different places and been back for around about three years back into the heat and as I said I just don’t do well in the cold weather it just makes it hard for me to care for myself as much as it is. I can do it up here I suppose. You know it’s easier to be more self-nurturing when I can get outside into nature I suppose. [00:01:27] Is there a connection to that warmth? [0:01:32] Yeah well as I said I’m solar powered so if I don’t get the sun on me at least know sometime during the day I usually feel like my batteries are a little flatter and if it’s a dull day then it’s not as harmonious for me as having the sun. So it really does connect me to myself I guess I really feel a connection to the sun as my name means Sun in French. So there’s a bit of a connection there definitely. Sun & Nature Are Integral to My Self-Care  [00:02:05] How does it work on your connection to yourself.  How do you experience the warmth?  What does it do to your connection and self-care? [00:02:18] I think for me you know it is the sun but it’s also nature. So if I need to connect with myself I am most connected if I down the beach and by the ocean. So going down and just walking in the water like I said or walking in the sand sometimes I just sit on a rock and meditate and just listen to the water or do som

 Episode 16 – Open Heart Stringing Moments of Enlightenment Together – My Conversation with Tammy Kerr | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:50

Reiki & My Spiritual Inward Journey Began Tammy introduced herself to listeners a mother of two boys.  If you asked who are you she laughed and said that that would be a whole Podcast in itself (LOL).  Really interested in all things spiritual and have been on the spiritual journey for past 10 years.  Interesting inward journey.  What started it, what was the turning point, something you read, the turning point to hit the spiritual pathway? Honestly, we had an Influx of money gave me an opportunity as a new mum to spread my wings really interested in health did short courses allowed myself to follow what I was really interested in and it led to a group of people which led me to do Reiki and led me onto further areas of interest. Following the Spirtual Path Makes My Heart Sing What it’s like to keep following it?  When your following it and you know that it makes your heart sing and you’re just signing along makes you happy makes you feel good. Do you have a process, do you have techniques or strategies – how do you make your heart sing? What enables you to have your heart sing?  Focus it different things all the time not just one thing. Feeling good and focusing on doing things make you feel good.  Can’t do that all the time, focusing on feeling good.  Go to do the dishwashing and try to find the benefits in it.  Feel good once the dishes are done when they are completed.  Finding the moments in the mundane times I suppose is a way to stay feeling good.  Some days forget the feel good and the mindset of the trenches. Then the sunshine might break out there is that reminder and to bring me back to the feel-good space. Heart Never Closes But Is Sad when Forgotten About When In the trenches what happens to your heart?  I think you’ve forgotten about it I don’t it ever closes or goes away become less aware of it and everything else takes over a bit of wave goes overhead and forget to breathe and feel like being underwater. If I was to ask the Heart what is it like to be forgotten about?  It gets a bit sad. How do we take contentment of doing the dishes – how do we carry the contentful bliss in doing the mundane? Finding Your Purpose is a Constant Tug for Stay Home Mums Hard when you feel you’ve found your purpose and you want to do that and you then feel driven. In this the mundane can be frustrating – for mums who stay at home there is the constant tug of doing something because you need to do it – your purpose.  But there something as mothers you need to be doing but if you are following your passion you find the washing piles up, the dishes, floors need washing, the dogs got to be walked and constant pull between the two and constant balancing act. Passion and Purpose Give Me Flow When you’re in the passion sounds like the passion is flowing?  I guess time stands still in a state of just being in the moment – yeah just being in the moment.  Not really thinking, out of the ego, out of your mind and probably are sitting in your heart and just feeling good. Can you describe it, hard to put words to this construct that is not easy to put words to because it’s a feeling and words can’t describe it?  Words can’t describe it, know you are there as the whole body feels it, for me, I get tingles throughout my body when I am there and a lightness I feel. Is there a freedom in that lightness?  Is the energy moving slowly, is it moving rapidly is it energy flowing – how would you describe the energy of it?  Suppose it depends what you are doing.  In meditation, it can slow down but at the same time can be moving and if I am in there long enough the body can feel like it disappears. Self Dissolves To Back To Where You Were Before You Came Here My body and can

 Episode 15 – Childhood World Travels Taught Me The Heart of Connection – My Conversation with Marley Dalziel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:33:50

My Childhood World Travels Taught Me The Heart of Connection My life has been a really interesting one, I grew up overseas in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and from this experience I came to understand about the connection to people.  We had the wonderful opportunity from our Father who took us all around the world to live with other communities.  In the middle of an Oasis our car broke down 7 years old and my Father went to the village and asked could we have water and welcomed to the village – never seen white people, sitting there with all those children and  – just knowing what human connection is – not knowing someone but giving ourselves to them.  Our parents played a huge role in that. This has planted the seed, how has it grown and how have you developed it?  From there came back to Australia and how blessed to experience these cultures and to connect with these people.  These moments that developed over the years and I want to work with people one day, help people.  At school, I felt this disconnection at school and didn’t fit in.  I had I seen and experienced things in ways that were so different.  I felt it wasn’t teaching from the heart but teaching us from the mind.  They were not teaching from a heart level and sometimes if a teacher doesn’t understand the heart connection of child then there is so much learning that can be missed. Growing Up I Knew I wanted to Help People Working with children as children and women’s counsellor in my private practice called Ignite your Light.  Work within schools in Melbourne and Geelong and have my own practice on my property Ignite your Light Counselling – quite a young age knew I wanted to help children develop that real connection to self and each other and I love it. In this journey how have you learned to connect with yourself?  From a young age, I felt connected to self.  It was due to Mum (Scottish) being very religious and do believe in Jesus but as a teenager, I didn’t want to have a particular religion. My Father was an Egyptian and he taught us about the Muslim religion, I studied theology. I found Buddhism, although not a Buddhist it gave me a connection to self.   Learning about Buddhas and his connection to others but finding himself.  I learned so much through Buddhism, however, I felt I already had it-it was almost like a little reminder. Have you been here before from a past life?  Absolutely, as a young child, it might sound weird but I felt I was an animal before.  From a rabbit to a snake. I’ve been in medieval times there were certain smells that would trigger that felt sense.  I did feel that way and been here quite a few times before and some people you can talk to about it and other you can’t. The Sense of Connection in my Body is Heart Where in your body in you feel that connection to self? For me, the connection has always in the heart. When I meet someone I open my heart first and it opens my mind.  I am accepting of every person and from the heart. I feel their energy from the heart and I can like someone instantly takes a lot to not to like someone – that connection is pure energy. How vast is that openness of your heart?  It limitless it doesn’t have to be someone I know it can be a connection with the perfect stranger.  Even on the street or in the hall in a school I can’t imagine not acknowledging them with my eyes.  Just a hi or hello.  People are rushed I cannot resonate with that – it is a tiny little moment to connect someone that can make that day– so not aware in each moment it’s so special. The exchange of energy in connection is profound What happens to you in those moments?  An exchange of energy I suppose, which depends on the other person’s energy as well.  I worked in palliative care.  I am talking about as a pivotal moment of co


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