VOMRadio show


Summary: Welcome to The Voice of the Martyrs Radio Network! Join host Todd Nettleton each week as we share testimonies of brothers and sisters suffering for their faith in Christ. The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that offers practical and spiritual help to persecuted Christians around the world.

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 JOHN CHAU: What Will It Take? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

Dr. Mary Ho, executive leader of All Nations, continues to discuss the life and legacy of John Chau, killed one year ago this month attempting to take Jesus’ love to the people of North Sentinel Island. John’s sacrifice has drawn comparisons to martyrs Jim Elliott and Nate Saint. Mary will tell us more about All Nations, including how they train missionaries and church planters in places where Christians are persecuted. She will also discuss what it will take to reach the hardest places with the gospel

 JOHN CHAU: “God Had Called Him” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

One year ago this month, John Chau gave his life for Jesus Christ and the gospel on North Sentinel Island, and island governed by India. Dr. Mary Ho is the executive leader of All Nations, the mission that sent John Chau & sends gospel workers all over the world, including countries where Christians are persecuted. John was a young man, but he was not unprepared for challenges he might face. Mary will tell us how much effort John put forth—years of effort—preparing to arrive on that beach last Novembe

 NORTH KOREA: Pastor Han, Good Shepherd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

The world knew Han Chung-Ryeol as a persecuted Christian pastor who served North Korean refugees in China. Dr. Eric Foley, leader of VOM-Korea, knew Han as coworker & friend. Hear personal stories of the courageous pastor murdered by North Korean agents inside China. Pastor Han’s story is subject of 2019 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) video from VOM. In spite of threats, Pastor Han felt the shepherd’s job is to care for sheep—and his sheep were along the North Korean b

 ANDREW BRUNSON: “This is My Victory” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:18

Pastor Andrew Brunson, author of a new book, God’s Hostage, was imprisoned in Turkey two years. Every day was a battle to overcome fear, grief & anxiety. In Part 2 of our interview, he says another persecuted Christian, Richard Wurmbrand, inspired Andrew to dance in his prison cell. He didn’t feel joy, but set his will to act joyfully in spite of feelings. Brunson told God, “I don’t need answers to have a relationship with You.” Ultimately, Andrew came to “embrace my assignment” in prison fo

 ANDREW BRUNSON: God’s Hostage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:51

Pastor Andrew Brunson spent 2 years in Turkish prisons, accused of plotting a coup against President Erdogan’s government. There were dark days. Andrew wondered why God seemed silent. He ultimately chose to lean into God—even if He seemed distant. Brunson also took strength from stories of other persecuted Christians, including Richard Wurmbrand, VOM's founder. Andrew “spent a lot of time with Richard Wurmbrand in prison,” through Richard’s writings. Andrew's book, God’s Hostage, releas

 Telling Persecuted Christians’ Stories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

Gary Lane's told stories of persecuted Christians for decades. For CBN News, he’s gone to meet them and been drawn not only to tell their stories, but actively serve and stand with believers enduring persecution. After 21 Christians were martyred by ISIS on the beach in Libya, Gary went to Egypt to meet their families. When he did—just weeks after their loved ones were killed—he was challenged by their faith. They told him it was an honor their loved ones had died for Christ & forgave the ISIS murder

 REACHING MUSLIMS: The Best Investment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:32

Brother Rachid hosts an Arabic-language TV program, answering questions Muslims have about faith & about Jesus Christ. The first day his program was on air, Rachid hoped 10 or 20 Muslims might call in with questions. They got 800 calls in the first half hour! He knows first-hand the persecution that comes when a Muslim rejects Islam: Rachid’s family kicked him out when he became a Christian. Rachid shares his story of meeting Christ & what it meant for him to find & fellowship with other Arab Christians

 CHINA: The Purpose of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

Our guest is the pastor of an unregistered church in China. Because of danger to him for sharing his story, you’ll only hear the voice of his translator. He’s been detained by police 20+ times. He says of course there is fear when police raid his church or arrest him. But he’s seen God work inside prison cells, and he’s willing to go back to prison if that is part of God’s purpose. The pastor gives ways to pray for China and for the church there, including Christians currently in prison for thei

 ETHIOPIA: Persecution Purifies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Brother Semeone is a church leader from Ethiopia—a country with a long Christian history where persecution comes from different directions, often starting with members of a new convert’s own family. Learn church history in Ethiopia—including how persecution and hardship helped the gospel spread. “Persecution,” he says, “has its own way of purifying the church.” Semeone will tell how the church helps Ethiopian Christians in times of trouble, and what it means to be a part of the extended fami

 MALAYSIA: No Closure in Raymond Koh Case | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:49

In 2017, Pastor Raymond Koh was abducted in Malaysia—the military-style operation took under 40 seconds. He hasn’t been heard from since. After our first VOM Radio conversation with Raymond’s wife, Susanna, Malaysia's Human Rights Commission issued a formal report on Raymond’s forced disappearance. Susanna will tell about the case and worldwide attention. Raymond and Susanna’s daughter, Esther, tells of the day she learned her dad had been taken, and how her mom has responded. www.ReleaseRaymo

 CHINA: Don’t Go to Church, Or Else… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:10

“Brother Enfu” pastors an unregistered (illegal) church in China. Every time his church meets, members know police could raid and close their meeting. Church members have been told to stop attending, or risk losing their jobs. How do Christians deal with the surveillance state? How do they overcome fear to continue serving Christ in spite of the high cost? Brother Enfu shares persecution is rising, how pastors & churches respond & how the gospel continues to spread. Enfu also gives ways to pray for Ch

 MIDDLE EAST: From Pain, a Blessing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

Pastor Pierre serves in Lebanon, including reaching refugees who fled violence & war in Syria to find a safer place to live & raise their families. Muslims have become more open to the gospel in the midst of suffering & Christians have sacrificially helped meet needs & share Christ among refugees. He’ll also tell the persecution Christian converts face. Hear the story of a man who says losing everything he owned on earth was worth it because it brought him into joyful, eternal fellowship with Christ.

 Honor and Shame in the Muslim World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:01

Americans look at the world in terms of right vs. wrong. But in the Muslim world, people see the world in terms of honor or shame. Audrey Frank is the author of a new book, Covered Glory: The Face of Honor and Shame in the Muslim World, which explores honor/shame cultures and ways Christ speaks into that worldview. Learn how honor/shame affects every decision many Muslims make, how men and women play different roles to uphold honor & how persecution of Christians often grows out of perceived shame.

 NIGER: “Getting Ready to Go to Heaven” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

“I really shouldn’t be alive,” says Brent Teague. In Niger, he was shot multiple times & left for dead by Al Qaeda operatives. But as he prepared to die, Brent sensed God saying his earthly ministry wasn’t over yet. God worked a miracle—before Brent was even shot—that led police to find him. Hear the incredible story, and how God has used the attack, even physical scars, to open doors for ministry. Brent & Shelley also advise on sharing the gospel with Muslims, & tell about gospel work in Wes

 IRAN: I Don’t Regret Anything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

Dr. Mike Ansari leads Heart4Iran, working to reach Muslims in Iran with the gospel and strengthen Iranian believers to withstand persecution and continue boldly serving Christ. Learn about an Iranian Christian in prison for distributing Bibles inside Iran—a project supported by VOM—and how she is responding to persecution with boldness and grace, even witnessing for Christ in prison. You’ll learn about persecution Christians face inside Iran—where they're seen as a huge threat to the Islamic R


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