Giving Voice to Depression show

Giving Voice to Depression

Summary: Depression affects more than 300,000,000 worldwide. So basically, if you don't have it yourself, you know someone who does. Giving Voice to Depression was founded to start discussions that reduce stigma and promote understanding. We look at depression from many angles. A journalist with depression pre-produces short (7-10 minute) interview segments, and then the sister co-hosts, who both live with depression, comment on the issues presented. The episodes are informative and hopeful-- and seldom depressing. It's time to shine some light on depression's darkness! Join us.

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  • Artist: Giving Voice to Depression
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 Stigma is Real-MHA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:50

"The stigma of mental illness" What does that really mean? Is it a real thing? Does it matter? YES! Stigma is very real and the fact people are judged (and/or fear being judged) for having a mental-health diagnosis discourages many from seeking help or treatment. This short (15-minute) podcast is the 2nd in an 3-part series on stigma. Depression is not a choice. Ignorance and discrimination are.

 170- Stigma is Real (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:50

The phrase "stigma of mental illness" is at once overused and not understood. What does it mean? Why does it matter? Why should I care? In the second of a 3-part series on how negative associations with mood disorder diagnoses negatively impact those of us who live with them, we ask a number of past guests if stigma is evident to them, and if so, in what ways.

 169-The Power of Shared Stories in Fighting Stigma-MHAofWI | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:09

We've all heard the phrase "stigma of mental illness." But what does it mean and how can "fight it?" One of the world's leading researchers in the matter, Dr. Patrick Corrigan, says the most-effective way is by speaking openly and shamelessly about what's going on in our minds and bodies. Corrigan lives with and manages a number of mental-health challenges, and when he and others (like our podcast guests) say "this is what I live with, here's how it challenges me, these are my warning signs, my treatments and self-care tools," we're starting discussion that open eyes and hearts and show vs. "educate" people that those of us living with mental-health challenges are "as competent, able and empowered as everybody else."

 The Power of Shared Stories in Fighting Stigma (Patrick Corrigan) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:09

We've all heard the phrase "stigma of mental illness." But what does it mean and how can "fight it?" One of the world's leading researchers in the matter, Dr. Patrick Corrigan, says the most-effective way is by speaking openly and shamelessly about what's going on in our minds and bodies. Corrigan lives with and manages a number of mental-health challenges, and when he and others (like our podcast guests) say "this is what I live with, here's how it challenges me, these are my warning signs, my treatments and self-care tools," we're starting discussion that open eyes and hearts and show vs. "educate" people that those of us living with mental-health challenges are "as competent, able and empowered as everybody else."

 168- A Conversation About Antidepressants (Michael Landsberg) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:32

Today's guest, Michael Landsberg, founder of SickNotWeak, "a statement, a community, a movement," discusses the role antidepressants have had in his mental-health journey. Does he like being on meds? No. Does he like their side effects? No. Does he hate his depression more? Absolutely! Listen in as two mental-health advocates discuss the role meds have had in their depression-management and how to talk with someone who may be taking them off the table.

 167- Depression- A Sickness Not a Weakness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:13

One of depression's most insidious characteristics, is its intent to convince us we don't have it; that our dark thoughts, loss of energy, and inability to experience joy are personal characteristics and failings vs. symptoms-- that we are just too weak to handle life the way others are able to. Believing that dissuades us from treating it like a medical condition for which there are treatments. Believing that keeps us trapped in a downward spiral that costs us on many levels. The time and experiences we lose to it cannot be regained. In a candid discussion with mental-health advocate and sports journalis Michael Landberg, we talk without shame about our shared experiences and battles with depression and make the important distinction between being sick and being weak.

 166- Holding on to Hope | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:14

A holistic therapist addresses the need for and importance ot hope, and offers some of the advice she gives her own clients. Lauren Bittner, who has extensive experience treating anxiety, depression and addiction, speaks compassionately and realistically about the challenges of being human in 2021.

 Are There Gifts in Depression? Rebroadcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:46

It can be very, very difficult to acknowledge or find, but some say there are gifts in our depression: "terrible gifts." Depression is, to put it mildly, an unwanted guest in our minds and bodies. Yet, for those who experience it regularly, it can help to look for some value, some lessons or even inspiration in the experience. Kristin "owns her shadow," and uses depression's voice to express herself in poetry. Hers is a gentle, allowing and unique perspective on an illness many of us simply despise. To learn more about Kristin and her poetry:

 Others Have Been Right Where You Are- Rebroadcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:10

No matter how dark a place you are or have been, and how alone you felt when you were there, there are others who have had similar experiences and made it out. By sharing their stories/experiences they also light a path out for us to follow. Jordan is one such person. He freely shares about his lowest points, knowing that his lived experience is a way to connect with others and show them that recovery is real and possible. Please take 19 minutes to listen.

 To Those Who Struggle This Christmas Rebroadcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:52

If you are struggling this holiday season, with depression, loneliness, grief or anything else that really hurts, please know that many others feel the same way, and that you will not always feel the way you do today. If you live in the U.S., please call 800-273-8255 or text 741-741 and talk to a trained listener, if you do not have another option. If you live elsewhere, please Google "crisis line." Giving Voice to Depression has a Facebook page with thousands of people with depression who support each other. Please hold on and know that you DO matter. This holiday, and this terrible feeling will pass. You Matter!! (This was recorded years ago, and referenced Christmas, but it is even more true today, and applies to any holiday and/or the end of this unprecedented year.)

 The Gift of Gratitude - Rebroadcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

Hearing the stories of how other people survive and manage life with depression inspired Dan, a GVTD podcast listener to reach out to share- for the first time publicly- about his own battle with depression, his hospitalization and more. In a wide-ranging, candid, casual conversation, he offers his comments in the hopes of both thanking the people who helped him, and to offer support and hope to those now listening to him. Please take 18 minutes to listen to Dan's healing conversation.

 165- Year in Review From a Mental-Health Perspective | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:56

2020 challenged us on many levels including economic, political, social justice, overall health and mental health. Licensed psychologist R. Kweku Smith joins us for a look back-- while also focusing on what we can do to maintain or restore our mental health as we try to recover and move on from this unprecedented year.

 164- Talking About Depression Like It's Common. Because It Is | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:51

In one of the most unvarnished, unstigmatized discussions we've had to date, rapper/comedian Zane Thomas tackles everything from helping a suicidal friend to how substance use has impacted his mental health, and how talking back to depression and finding ways to laugh at his diagnosis help him cope. We talk about depression and suicidal thoughts like they're common. Because for many of us, they are.

 163- Breath as a Mental Health Management Tool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:35

The list of things that feel or are out of our control right now is long. But for most of us, breath is something we can access anytime and breathing consciously is a quick, free and effective form of meditation. Our guest, Ambrose WB, joined us for a casual, honest and potentially-healing conversation about taking and keeping control during this pandemic, and any other time. 19-minute episode.

 162- Pandemic Holidays And Controlling What We Can | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:03

2020 has been a year like no other. Its year-end holidays will be too. Licensed psychologist Dr. Maggie Mulqueen acknowledges this year's challenges and threats and offers advice on both how to re-frame the holidays to make them better, as well as what to avoid to keep from making them worse. It's 19 minutes that could help you in the coming weeks. Link to referenced article:


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