The New York Libertarian show

The New York Libertarian

Summary: We discuss News, Politics, Economy, Crybaby snowflakes, Culture Wars, and add gasoline to the political/social fire.


 Ep. 13. Jim Acosa loves Jim Acosta, China Warns the US Navy, North Korea threatens to stop de nuclearization, Jeff Sessions almost held in contempt, MORE Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:50

Ep. 13. Jim Acosa loves Jim Acosta, China Warns the US Navy, North Korea threatens to stop de nuclearization, Jeff Sessions almost held in contempt, MORE Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez

 Ep. 12. Trump puts new sanctions on Russia, Congressman proposes way to pay for wall, The Real Way for Mexico to pay for the Wall, Child Destroys Socialist Utopia, More Alexandria Occasio-Cortes, Philly Mayor allowed illegal alien to be able to Rape Chil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:22

Ep. 12. Trump puts new sanctions on Russia, Congressman proposes way to pay for wall, The Real Way for Mexico to pay for the Wall, Child Destroys Socialist Utopia, More Alexandria Occasio-Cortes, Philly Mayor allowed illegal alien to be able to Rape Child, NYC Cracks Down on Uber

 Ep. 11. The Nazis were Socialists Too, The erie similarities between National Socialism (Nazis) and Democratic Socialism, (Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Occasion Cortes), Rick Gates testifies against Paul Manafort, Judge yells at Mueller's prosecutors, Fox N | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:20

Ep. 11. The Nazis were Socialists Too, The erie similarities between National Socialism (Nazis) and Democratic Socialism, (Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Occasion Cortes), Rick Gates testifies against Paul Manafort, Judge yells at Mueller's prosecutors, Fox News wins big, New Iran Sanctions, Alex Jones BANNED, Venezuela Crisis

 Ep. 10. Trump Strikes Back, Trump-Lebron spat, Another Illegal Alien Murder, Crazy Congo Climber expresses her feelings for USA, Greatest Economy ever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:00

Trump Strikes Back, Trump-Lebron spat, Another Illegal Alien Murder, Crazy Congo Climber expresses her feelings for USA, Greatest Economy ever

 Ep. 9 Still Fake News Jim. CNN SUCKS, Trump Tweets Mueller should be fired and MSM goes nuts, Crazy Kathy Griffin strikes again, Venezuela admits Socialist Model failed, | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:01

Ep. 9 Still Fake News Jim. CNN SUCKS, Trump Tweets Mueller should be fired and MSM goes nots, Crazy Kathy Griffin strikes again, Venezuela admits Socialist Model failed,

 Ep. 8. The Manafort Show, Mueller Squeezes Trump, China Feels the Squeeze from Trump, US Takes in less Refugees, Dem. Billionaire funds anti Trump movement, Jim Acosta booed and proven to be a big fat liar, Ron Desantis builds that wall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:05

Ep. 8. The Manafort Show, Mueller Squeezes Trump, China Feels the Squeeze from Trump, US Takes in less Refugees, Dem. Billionaire funds anti Trump movement, Jim Acosta booed and proven to be a big fat liar, Ron Desantis builds that wall

 Ep. 7. Socialism vs. Free Market Economy, Living w parents v. living in your own, The Palestinians about to fight, Treasury Secretary says Econ outlook AWESOME, Bret Kavanaugh defender of the faith, Iranian Truck Drivers, Cynthia Nixon, Goat gang raped an | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:07

Ep. 7. Socialism vs. Free Market Economy, Living w parents v. living in your own, The Palestinians about to fight, Treasury Secretary says Econ outlook AWESOME, Bret Kavanaugh defender of the faith, Iranian Truck Drivers, Cynthia Nixon, Goat gang raped and killed

 Ep. 6. The RAGE Episode, Leftist Youthful rage, Alt Right, Nazis, Intolerance, Spoiled Kids today, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, Imbeciles, | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:47

Ep. 6. The RAGE Episode, Leftist Youthful rage, Alt Right, Nazis, Intolerance, Spoiled Kids today, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, Imbeciles,

 Ep. 5. The Propaganda Episode, CNN, Trump-Cohen Tape, GDP, EU Trade Deal, Mueller Investigation, Italy Migrant Crisis, Uber, Jyft, Airbng | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:11

In today's Episode we discuss CNN's growing use or propaganda and lies to further their agenda. The Mueller Investigation resorts to Twitter. GDP SKYROCKETS, Trade Deal with the EU, Migrants get a pay reduction in Italy. The New York Taxi systems fights with Uber

 Ep. 4. Democrats abandon the center, Trump's attorney Records Trump's calls, The Handmaids tales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:06

Democrat have given up on centrist policies, Pres Trump's Attorney Records His calls, Protesters Live in a Handmaids Tale fantasy land and more

 Ep. 3. The New York Libertarian - | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Remember Carter Page? Of Course not no one remembers that cuck. Well he has a storied history of trying to make himself a player in the Russian Energy Industry. So much so that the FBI thought he was a spy and was able to launch a FISA investigation against him and consequently, the Trump Campaign, for whom Page briefly worked. President Obama tells Africans in Africa that being rich is bad even though he is worth 20 Million dollars. President Trump RAGES against the Russia Hoax. 

 2 - The New York Libertarian - 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

President Trump poops the bed in Helsinki and allows his rage against the Justice Machine to get him to put his foot in his mouth. Libs and Leftists LOSE THEIR MINDS and call President Trump everything under the sun. Chicago law makers introduces FREE MONEY for losers who do nothing for a living.

 The New York Libertarian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:54

President Trump travels to Europe to straighten out delinquent NATO members like an angry landlord. Then flies over to the UK to tell their Prime Minister how best to escape the clutches of the EU. President Trump scolds CNN Fake News reporter Jim Acosta in front of the world.  Republican Congressmen grill a sadistic looking FBI Agent Peter Strzok while Democrat Congressmen come to his aid. 


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