Barbara Wichman Inspires show

Barbara Wichman Inspires

Summary: Rekindle the romance with that which inspires you each day. Inspiring Stories to Inspire Change. Motivation. Transformation. Growth.

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  • Artist: barbarainspires
  • Copyright: Copyright Barbara Wichman 2018 All rights reserved.


 E8 The World of Sameness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:44

We strive to be happy. We are encouraged to chase joy, our passion, our purpose. We are told it is OK to be different. Yet judgment is real. Our brain is wired for survival. That wiring can be in conflict with the desire to live your purpose, your passion, find joy.

 E7 You are AMAZING! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:20

You are amazing just as you are!  It does not take long for a friend, a social media post, a colleague, a boss, not long at all for them to tell you that you are wrong for liking something, your skills aren't good enough, your opinion is whacko! Here is the thing... You are amazing just as you are. Tell yourself that today! Now! 

 E6 Eat the Chocolate Cake! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:56

So many things can happen in a moment that changes your life forever. Stop depriving yourself of the things you enjoy! Share your joys. Share your goals. Partake. Enjoy and share it with others! Eat chocolate cake! Do I have to say, as long as it does not hurt others? 

 E5 Each Day Has a Beginning and an End | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:29

Each every day has a start and a finish. What do you choose to do with the time in between? Are you doing what you love? Are you doing what others say you should love? Are you contributing to the greater good of someone or something? Consider how you are spending your time between the beginning and the end of each day. #barbarainspires

 E4 Let Your Sun Shine on You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:46

News comes to us every day. Good news and bad news. Don't take on other peoples tragedy. It is not yours to own. Let your sun shine on you. 

 E3 Gratitude Friday! Who is on Your Bench? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:07

Friday Gratitude Day creation was to inspire others to action. To create a ripple effect of "gratitude actions" that would manifest as "acts of kindness. Gratitude is not something that just something we have or give. Gratitude is also a response we create intentionally. There is a feeling of fulfillment by creating gratitude in others. On the surface, it often looks like an act of kindness. The simple act of opening a door for someone with arms that are full so they don't drop their packages is an everyday example. Another example is telling someone that words they shared with you years ago had a profound impact, and they most likely have no idea. How amazing would it be to tell them that their words resonated with you and had a profound impact? Even harsh words can result in you becoming a better or different you. Painful words result in learning and learning results in growth. So today, your call to action is to call or write to that person and let them know their words were meaningful, how they impacted you in a way that you are grateful. It is a moment they will never forget.

 E2 Spread Kindness Not Judgment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:28

Spread Kindness Not Judgment. Everyone will be happier including you.  It is so easy to say something that judges others. The way they dress, eat, play, or behave. Yet rather than being kind or consider the fact that we do not know their story, we think ourselves superior by being judgmental. Our role is to live life in joy. Judgment has no place.

 E1 Did You See Your Sun Rise Today? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:05

Did you see your sun rise today? Are your joy and passion still there or has it been replaced with the monotony of life? Are you focused on the should do's and have to do's, forgetting the things you love to do? Make a list. Pick one. Find your sun. Don't end up with the things that others say you must have. Create a life of joy and passion. Rekindle the Romance with that which brings you joy!


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