The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition show

The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition

Summary: The Ted and Austin Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more

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 06-12-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Archbishop says deep state Masonic. Wow this is a must hear summary of truth. Coronavirus part two on the way. Vegas casinos open freely churches restricted. Who was Gary Webb? Who determines the culture of a country? Has the American conservative movement failed? Is Cloward and Piven in full play? What is freedom? Is immigration good or bad? This is a must listen politically incorrect green show!

 06-11-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part of Seattle under Antifa control. Will all historical monuments be removed? What are the goals of the communist? Will all police forces be disbanded?Are the brown shirts on the way? Will reparations happen? What are we to do? Will the clergy come to the rescue? How thorough is their mind control? Thought provoking show!

 06-10-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Everything is being done to discredit nationalism and promote the destruction of the USA. Another major mega church pastor targeted by the thought police. Candice Owens does it again. Was the George Floyd death a staged operation? Can whites survive globally? Will another more virulent Coronavirus be released in the fall? Are we suffering from induced shell shock to force a paradigm shift? HBO pulls Gone With The Wind. What? Why? This is an intense politically Incorrect show.

 06-09-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Was the South right in succeeding from the union? In depth discussion of the Civil war. Are white people now being discriminated against? White police chief in Massachusetts lies face down begs forgiveness? Minneapolis mayor after allowing city wide destruction asks for a bailout. Are Police are now being hunted in Georgia? What? Thought crime bill now in the US senate. The backlash of the militarization of the police is upon us. What happens if the police are disbanded. Chicago mayor says citizens can’t use guns to defend themselves. This mayor sets a new level of dumb. Plus much more!

 06-08-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The media spins the lies against nationalism using Trump as a scapegoat! Ted goes on a thirty minute rant discussing the importance of nationalism, christianity, the fall of western civilization and who is doing all of this. Update on the continuing unrest-globally. This is a thought provoking high energy green show. It explains the politics of envy and why capitalism is being attacked. Must listen green show broadcast!

 06-05-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is a must listen thought provoking green show! Is the Antichrist upon us? Is World War Three upon us? Could Jared Kushner be the antichrist? Is Q a deep state pipe piper being used to lead us away from the truth? This is a must listen expose! Why are Israel and Saudi allies? Why is Trump selling Saudi advanced nuclear weapons? Why are the international bankers always involved? How was the Frankfurt school involved ? Was it used to kill Nationalism is the USA and globally? What was the link to MK ultra, Laurel Canyon, rock and roll and LSD?Why was the nuclear family targeted? Is Trump compromised? Why are we still at war? What really is 5G and how will it affect you? This is a high energy thought provoking green show. It is a must listen! Best show in weeks!

 06-04-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Planned parenthood admits again its selling fetal tissue. Hugh Jackman criticized for promoting peace? Oxford professor says vaccine trials a failure. Modernas guinea pig speaks out against vaccine. Is Trump incapable of wielding power? Do all lives really matter? Christian leaders march with Antifa? What? Who is really in charge? Why does the flu reduce in the summer? Critical immune supplements. Ted prays for the global situation. This show is seriously politically incorrect. Must listen high energy show!

 06-03-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

From Manhattan to The Bronx looting everywhere. Pipe bombs discovered..will this be the end of the USA? Biden urges China to increase influence in USA. How many politicians have been arrested? Is looting the future of shopping? Louisville in turmoil after another police shooting. Televangelist Robertson condemns Trumps comments. What is the energy from the quantum vacuum? How does it affect you. This is a must hear segment on scalar waves and outside thought control. This is a high energy must listen show!

 06-02-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why is it always the international bankers? What is the M1 money supply. Why is this important. What is fractional reserve banking? Incredible Sheriff Grady Judd stands firm with the residents of Polk County. Discussed in detail. Zoloft falls into shortage. Why? Who was the Black Robe Regiment? Is Tucker Carlson a globalist? Why is the social contract between government and the people unraveling? Trump implements the Insurrection Act? This is a double edged sword. Plus much more! Must listen show.

 06-01-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Has a plan to destroy American been unleashed? Where is Trumps leadership? More inept tweets. The preachers in the pulpit must take charge. Are they capable of doing so? Ted gets caught in a potential riot in his county. Here’s what happened. Who ran the slave trade? Is slavery still present today? White House was under siege. Trump goes to bunker. Riots spiral out of control. Was it all staged? Is Floyd’s murder a false flag? This show asks a lot of questions.

 05-29-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

More people are taking drugs for anxiety and insomnia and depression. Are there alternatives? Minneapolis is burning. The cop who killed George Floyd has not been charged. Lines of cops firing rubber bullets protect his home. Trump warns of military intervention in Minnesota. Has he not heard of Posse Comitatus? Trump retweets the only good demo is a dead Democrat. What is wrong with Trump? Stay prepared protect your family. Plus much more.

 05-28-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Today is a high energy green show! It is a message of hope and direction. Topics covered include. Who are the real planetary rulers? Why won’t Christians discuss these topics? This is a deep deep rabbit hole show! What are we capable of as Christians having a blood covenant with the most high God? How are the global rulers tied into an inter-dimensional matrix? Why child sacrifice? Are there other species that we don’t know about inter-dimensionally? How do these entities eat? Where does their sustenance come from? What are the names of these entities? Why are they poisoning the planet? How does stress from never-ending wars affect your health? CERN, GMOs, chemtrails, AI, Morgellons, fluoride, autism, smart dust, perversion, drugs, soul cooking, secret societies, transhumanism and the Power of REAL prayer is covered. This is a must-listen green show!

 05-27-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ted discusses his shock when he entered the DMV!Coronavirus bracelet tracker...this technology is past insanity. The power of they rule the world. Black magic and masks. The face mask as a powerful symbol of oppression. The evil symbol that rules the world. The Rothschild Kabbalist UN new world order is upon us. Satanic movies to be released. Stand against this! Plus much more! Remember you are in covenant with the Most High God!

 05-26-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is a Covid passport just another form of the Chinese social credit score? What did the Nuremberg medical ethics code determine? What is psychological projection? How is Q using it? The different types of psychological coping. Who is Steven Pinker? Does he really blame evangelicals and their belief in the after life for causing the lockdown to be lifted? Who do you have hope in? Plus much much more! This is a thought provoking green show.

 05-25-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Nurenberg code established the principle of informed consent. Why is it being ignored. The economic reopening is a lie. Madonna performs in Israel as the antichrist. Constitutional scholar says Trump is a globalist! Being unplugged from the matrix. Ann Coulter stays on script and slams Trump again. The dangers of social media and children. The real vaccine agenda. Plus much more. High energy must listen show!


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