Jewish Money Matters show

Jewish Money Matters

Summary: Want to discover the secrets to Jewish wealth? Gain practical and spiritual tools to break free from the shackles of financial worry? Design the joyful, rich life that your soul desires? Welcome to Jewish Money Matters Podcast, hosted by award winning Podcast Host, MBA, and International Speaker, Yael Trusch. This is the podcast where Jewish wisdom & spirituality meet your money and your business.

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 Episode 24: Nomi Freeman, Expert in Near Death Experiences | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:42

B”H What would it take for you to totally turn your life upside down? Do an entire 360! How would you change your life if you could suddenly see all of the far-reaching consequences of everything you’ve ever done? Today’s guest has interviewed hundreds of people who have experienced close encounters with death, well more than close, they’ve actually died and come back… And she has found through her interviews that those who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) often report going through a “life review” in which they see the ripple effects of all of their behaviors. Impactful, right? Today, I welcome Nomi Feeman to Jewish Latin Princess. Nomi is is the daughter of the renowned Argentinian Kabbalist Professor Avraham Polichenco, of blessed memory. She is a sought out speaker on spirituality and Jewish mysticism and has become an expert in the topic of NDE lecturing about it all over the world. In fact, Nomi visited Jewish Latin Princess a few weeks ago in fabulous episode in Spanish: Episode 22. At the request of my English language listeners who wanted to benefit from this incredible topic and this insightful woman, Nomi has graciously agreed to come back and discuss this topic again with me; now in English. Nomi and I talk about what prompted her to embark on this comprehensive study. Is it creepy for her? What can we learn about our behavior and our observance of mitzvot in this world, from these eerie accounts? Are there any differences between the NDE’s of Jews and non-Jews? Has she had one of these experiences? Are you in suspense yet? I am! Here’s Nomi Freeman. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisodio 22: Nomi Freeman, experta en episodios de cercania con la muerteEpisode 57: Chana Weisberg, Editor of The Jewish WomanEpisode 26: Michelle Poler, Founder of Hello Fears, Speaker & Fear FacerEpisode 30: Stacy Middleman, Author of Dear Cancer, Love Stacy B”H What would it take for you to totally turn your life upside down? Do an entire 360! How would you change your life if you could suddenly see all of the far-reaching consequences of everything you’ve ever done? Today’s guest has interviewed hundreds of people who have experienced close encounters with death, well more than close, they’ve actually died and come back… And she has found through her interviews that those who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) often report going through a “life review” in which they see the ripple effects of all of their behaviors. Impactful, right? Today, I welcome Nomi Feeman to Jewish Latin Princess. Nomi is is the daughter of the renowned Argentinian Kabbalist Professor Avraham Polichenco, of blessed memory. She is a sought out speaker on spirituality and Jewish mysticism and has become an expert in the topic of NDE lecturing about it all over the world.

 Episode 23: Erica Keswin, Founder of The Spaghetti Project | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:03

B”H Do you have a love hate relationship with technology? We all do to a certain extent, don’t we? Being plugged so to speak affords us so many wonderful opportunities, flexibility and so on. On the other hand, it can keep us hooked to the point that we’re just not connecting as human beings. As my guest on the show says, “left to our own devices, we’re not connecting.” I have Erica Keswin on Jewish Latin Princess. Erica is the founder of The Spagetti Project, a platform devoted to sharing the science and stories of relationships at work. She is a workplace strategist who has worked for the past twenty years with some of the most iconic brands in the world as a consultant, speaker, writer and professional dot-connector. Her forthcoming book, Bring Your Human to Work: Ten Sure-Fire Ways to Design a Workplace That is Good for People, Great for Business, and Just Might Change the World, will be published in the Fall of 2018. So we’re very lucky to be catching her on the show now. In the meantime, Erica’s work and insights can be seen in varied media outlets, from Huffington Post, Harvard Business Review, O Magazine, Better Homes and Gardens, Ellevate Network, Mogul, Conscious Company. I find this topic fascinating and so relevant. My family and I unplug for 25 hours every week for Shabbat and for Jewish Holidays, but still the use of technology is something inevitable in today’s world and as Erica will tell us today, we’re still in diapers when it comes to knowing how to manage all this new technology. In her words, “it’s the wild west.” We can all use Erica’s wisdom… business owners – especially those having to manage millennials, employees, parents, spouses… it’s time to learn how to be more intentional about how we relate with technology and bring back the human to our work… Here’s Erica Keswin. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 76: Yehudit Abrams, Founder and CEO of MonitHerEpisode 24: Nomi Freeman, Expert in Near Death ExperiencesEpisode 30: Stacy Middleman, Author of Dear Cancer, Love StacyEpisode 26: Michelle Poler, Founder of Hello Fears, Speaker & Fear FacerEpisode 57: Chana Weisberg, Editor of The Jewish Woman B”H Do you have a love hate relationship with technology? We all do to a certain extent, don’t we? Being plugged so to speak affords us so many wonderful opportunities, flexibility and so on. On the other hand, it can keep us hooked to the point that we’re just not connecting as human beings. As my guest on the show says, “left to our own devices, we’re not connecting.” I have Erica Keswin on Jewish Latin Princess.

 Episodio 22: Nomi Freeman, experta en episodios de cercania con la muerte | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:56

B”H ¿Cómo cambiarías tu vida si pudieras de repente ver las consecuencias de todo lo que has hecho en este mundo, hasta de las cosas que parecen mas insignificantes? Mi invitada de hoy ha entrevistado cientos de personas que han tenido encuentros cercanos a la muerte, o mas bien lo que se conoce como experiencias cercanas a la muerte (NDE serian las siglas en inglés) – ósea han muerto y han regresado. Hoy tenemos a Nomi Freeman, experta en el tema de experiencias cercanas a la muerte y conferenciante en este tema y en espiritualidad y mística judía. La hija del reconocido cabalístico arjentino, el profesor Avraham Polichenco, zl”b. Nomi nos cuenta las similitudes entre las experiencias de estas personas, y nos explica como funciona el repaso de vida que muchos vivencias cuando van al otro lado – a un mundo totalmente espiritual. ¿Qué es lo que ven durante este repaso y que es lo que sienten? ¿Y qué ocurre con sus vidas una vez regresan a este mundo? ¿Hay diferencia entre las experiencias cercanas a la muerte de los judíos y los no-judíos? Nomi nos cuenta. Y ¿por qué ocurre esto, por que llevarse a un alma y volverla a enviar? La contestación que nos da Nomi tiene lindas implicaciones para todos los que aún estamos aquí. Amigas, esta entrevista les abrirá los ojos a una realidad que tal vez no tenemos tan presente, les hará pensar sobre sus acciones y hasta tal vez tomar diferentes decisiones a luz de lo aquí dicho. Un tema algo misterioso, pero que cuando Nomi nos lo cuenta, nos llena de esperanza, aliento y francamente inspiración para seguir adelante, aprovechando de cada minuto que tenemos aquí para hacer bien y traer mas amor y luz al mundo. ¡Nomi Freeman!   You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisodio 22: Nomi Freeman, experta en episodios de cercania con la muerteEpisode 24: Nomi Freeman, Expert in Near Death ExperiencesVisiting Design Megillah || Visitando el blog Design Megillah¿¡Cómo voy a celebrar my llegada a los 40!?Giñada divina B”H ¿Cómo cambiarías tu vida si pudieras de repente ver las consecuencias de todo lo que has hecho en este mundo, hasta de las cosas que parecen mas insignificantes? Mi invitada de hoy ha entrevistado cientos de personas que han tenido encuentros cercanos a la muerte, o mas bien lo que se conoce como experiencias cercanas a la muerte (NDE serian las siglas en inglés) – ósea han muerto y han regresado. Hoy tenemos a Nomi Freeman, experta en el tema de experiencias cercanas a la muerte y conferenciante en este tema y en espiritualidad y mística judía. La hija del reconocido cabalístico arjentino, el profesor Avraham Polichenco, zl”b. Nomi nos cuenta las similitudes entre las experiencias de estas personas,

 Episode 21: Julie Starr, Founder of Possibility Life Coaching for Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:11

B”H Who thinks they could benefit from working with a life coach? I think it’s very a valuable experience. And today I get to talk to a very special life coach – a life coach who has been doing this way longer than most coaches out there. In addition, you will hear how her background as an Activist and as a Dance Therapist, as well as the challenges she’s faced with disease and an unexpected divorce, have all informed her work as a Coach. I have Julie Starr on the show. Julie is the founder of Possibility Life Coaching for Women. Julie is a graduate of Coach U, where she honed her natural ability to empower women, strengthen their self-esteem and teach them the tools and habits necessary to achieve success, self-confidence and fulfillment. As I told you Julie originally trained as a dance therapist getting her degree from York University in Toronto. While working in schools and hospitals, she became acutely aware of the need for positive change in the world and became a respected social issues activist. Working tirelessly to effect change on real issues, she learned first-hand the “how to’s” of making things happen. She soon became interested in helping women find confidence and joy in taking control and making things happen in their own lives. Julie and I talk about failure, success, shame, and Julie has a lot of words of wisdom for women going through divorce. Julie’s mission is to help women live their best lives and leave a positive mark on the world. So we talk finding our mission in life. That sounds like a big deal, but it can be done, and Julie leads us through that process, on a practical level. We talk about loving yourself – something that women tend to struggle with – and stress management, or as Julie calls it, “self-managment.” We talk about fear and what should be our approach towards it. You will love Julie’s great analogies and examples and the way Judaism comes through in her work. Be sure  listen till the end of this episode because Julie has a great offer for Jewish Latin Princess listeners who enroll in her Vision Accomplished: Creating the Life You Love 3 week program. After listening to Julie, her loving kindness and wisdom, I know many of you will want to take advantage of the offer. Here’s Julie Starr. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 26: Michelle Poler, Founder of Hello Fears, Speaker & Fear FacerEpisode 57: Chana Weisberg, Editor of The Jewish WomanEpisode 30: Stacy Middleman, Author of Dear Cancer, Love StacyEpisode 24: Nomi Freeman, Expert in Near Death Experiences

 Episode 20: Rebecca Schweiger, Artist & Founder of The Art Studio NY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:10

B”H Have you ever said, “Well, I’m really not that creative?” or “No. I’m not the creative one…” Or are you the creative one? My guest today has a unique take on creativity, which she will share with us. With her approach, she’s been able to transform the lives of thousands of students who have walked past her studio, The Art Studio NY. I have Rebecca Schweiger on the show! Rebecca is not only an internationally renowned artist, who has exhibited her work in major galleries and sells it across the globe, but she is the Founder of The Art Studio NY and the Author of the newly released book, Release Your Creativity: Discover Your Inner Artist with 15 Simple Painting Projects Today, Rebecca and I talk about the concept and promise of The Art Studio NY, which has become the #1-rated New York City art studio offering hundreds of monthly art classes and programs. The Art Studio NY offers a unique community for those seeking an uplifting, fun and creative home to relieve stress, reconnect within, and express themselves authentically through art on the canvas and in daily life. We discuss what was the impetus for her to take a non-traditional route within the art world. You will hear in Rebecca a woman who’s found a clear mission and calling in life and has, with much determination, embarked on fulfilling it. She tells us about resistance she faced, and on the flip side, shares how her work has made a profound impact in her students’ lives – one that as you will hear, goes well beyond the canvas. And how do you get an approbation from Elie Weisel, obm? Rebecca tells us how she and him crossed paths. And if you wonder what you could be doing better to nourish your children’s creativity, Rebecca has some wonderful tips for you! As I told Rebecca in the interview, what I love about her work is that it is both so spiritual yet so practical. Ladies, you’re in for a treat. Here’s the lovely Rebecca Schweiger. You can purchase Release Your Creativity here.   You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 60: Barbara Hines, Visual Artist & PhilanthropistEpisode 18: Robin Saex Garbose, Film Writer, Producer & DirectorJLP Profile: Meet DeborahFriendship Circle: Redefining the Word DisabledJewish Calendar Art || Calendario judío 5777 B”H Have you ever said, “Well, I’m really not that creative?” or “No. I’m not the creative one…” Or are you the creative one?

 Episode 19: Sarah Chana Radcliffe, Parenting Expert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:31

B”H Ladies today we discuss a topic that is near and dear to most of us: marriage and parenting! We can never learn enough about it, in fact we should be constantly learning about it! Because as my guest today will tell you, both marriage and parenting require work! I have Sarah Chana Radcliffe a foremost expert on the topic of marriage & parenting. Sarah Chana is a psychologist in private practice, and the author of the much acclaimed parenting books Raise Your Kids without Raising Your Voice and The Fear Fix. In addition, she has published 6 other books on Jewish family life and emotional well-being, including her latest work Make Yourself at Home: Family Life as a Key to Personal Growth, which we discuss today. Sarah Chana is a weekly columnist for the Family First section of the internationally distributed Mishpacha Magazine and a regular contributor to the parenting pages of She conducts online webinars for Jewish Workshops and writes and presents on topics relating to relationships, parenting and stress management both locally and internationally. I have been a big fan of Sarah Chana’s work for a number of years now and I’m thrilled to have her on the show. She is so knowledgable, so real and practical. Plus, her foundation and knowledge of Torah comes through her work, which makes it all the more special. She’s extremely prolific in her work and is a constant resource of great information. In fact you can go to to receive her parenting, family life and emotional well being tips right in your inbox four times a week. Sarah Chana and I about family life as an opportunity for personal growth. We discuss the difference between popular culture’s concept of marriage and Jewish marriage. When is divorce and option and why it should be a last resort. What is the number one thing that we can all be doing right now to nourish and strengthen the romantic relationship with our spouses? Sarah Chana walks us through good feeling communication, what is it and how do we achieve it and the optimal ratios of positive to negative interactions with our spouses and children. And you’d be surprised to hear why Sarah Chana is not a fan of the Jewish concept of nachas. This and much more, in this insightful conversation with: Sarah Chana Radciff. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 107: Ask Yael with Special Co-host Kayla LevinEpisode 44: Rivka Fishman, Author of Sara the Bucket Filler & Creator of Bully Proofing Your ChildEpisode 37: Ali Katz, Creator of Hot Mess to Mindful Mom & AuthorEpisode 82: Ilana Muhlstein, Creator of the 2B MindsetTake the ‘Wait Until ...

 Episode 18: Robin Saex Garbose, Film Writer, Producer & Director | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:23

B”H I love a good film and good theater…I used to act in college. I married an actor, yes my husband was an actor. I definitely have an affinity for the world of performing arts. And today’s guest knows the film, t.v. and theater business in and out, and is using her vast and top notch experience to bring high caliber productions to the Jewish world. My guest is Robin Saex Garbose. She has over 30 years experience as a director, writer and producer. Garbose’s feature films, A Light for Greytowers, The Heart That Sings, and Operation: Candlelight have garnered international press acclaim and been official selections at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival, Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, and Ashkelon Jewish Eye Film Festival. Garbose and her writing partner husband Levi Yitzhaq are in pre-production on a new film, Meet the Shustermans, a dramedy, which will be Garbose’s first general audience feature. A graduate of Brown University, Garbose has also directed over 40 plays in New York and Los Angeles and worked with much noted actors and directors. Her television credits include Head of the Class and America’s Most Wanted. She is the founder of Kol Neshama Conservatory of the Performing Arts where she trains and mentors young Jewish women who are looking to develop their artistic voice. Here we go, Robin Saex Garbose! Robin’s films are available for purchase and online stream here. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 20: Rebecca Schweiger, Artist & Founder of The Art Studio NYEpisode 60: Barbara Hines, Visual Artist & PhilanthropistVideo Interview with Leah GottfriedJewish Calendar Art || Calendario judío 5777 B”H I love a good film and good theater…I used to act in college. I married an actor, yes my husband was an actor. I definitely have an affinity for the world of performing arts. And today’s guest knows the film, t.v. and theater business in and out, and is using her vast and top notch experience to bring high caliber productions to the Jewish world. My guest is Robin Saex Garbose. She has over 30 years experience as a director, writer and producer. Garbose’s feature films, A Light for Greytowers, The Heart That Sings, and Operation: Candlelight have garnered international press acclaim and been official selections at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival, Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, and Ashkelon Jewish Eye Film Festival. Garbose and her writing partner husband Levi Yitzhaq are in pre-production on a new film, Meet the Shustermans, a dramedy, which will be Garbose’s first general audience feature. A graduate of Brown University,

 Episodio 17: Shirley Varnagy, Periodista, Anfitriona de Radio y TV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:01

B”H ¡Hoy nos vamos a Venezuela! Tengo el inmenso placer de presentarles a una mujer verdaderamente increíble. ¿Están listas para decir wow? Yo se que muchas ya la conocen pues es figura publica y una figura quien no oculta ser una mujer judía. Mi invitada de hoy es Shirley Varnagy, Periodista, Anfitriona de Radio y Television. Y si bien muchas la conocemos como una profesional ejemplar, una periodista venezolana que siempre se ha mantenido firme en ejercer un periodismo que informe y eduque al pueblo, hoy Shirley nos revela un ángulo nuevo de su persona con honestidad, contádonos mucho sobre ser mujer judía. Shirley nos cuenta lo que es el Shabbat en su vida, los retos que confrontó tratando de crecer en el mundo profesional del periodismo, a la vez que intentaba guardar sus tradiciones. A Shirley, quien es una mujer que conocemos por su seguridad en si misma, no siempre se le hizo fácil decir, “yo no puedo aceptar esta oportunidad por que entra en conflicto con mi práctica religiosa.” Son conversaciones duras y situaciones que como judíos, cuando nos movemos en el mundo profesional no-judío, nos ponen a prueba y no es fácil tomar una decision. Hoy escucharan lo que Shirley a notado en su vida cada vez que se han presentado estas situaciones. Hablamos de la educación de sus hijos y por que optó por ingresar a su hijo en un colegio con una tendencia religiosa mas observante que la que ella misma practica. Shirley nos contó como su herencia judía influyó en su  decisión de ejercer periodismo y convertirse en una periodista de su calibre. Me fascinó la honestidad de Shirley y aprendí una cualidad hermosa sobre ella – una que no me esperaba y todas podemos tratar de emular – cuando me comentó lo que ha aprendido y sacado de las instancias en las que se ha confrontado con familiares o amigos cuyo nivel de observancia religiosa es mayor o mas estricto que el de ella. Verdaderamente sorprendente, en la manera mas placentera. Y por supuesto no faltaron los “JLP Fill in the Blanks” llenos de honestidad y sorpresas. Las dejo con Shirley Varnagy. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisodio 17: Shirley Varnagy, Periodista, Anfitriona de Radio y TVEpisodio 29: Silvia Cohen, Food Creative Blogger en LemishmashEpisodio 70: Kelly Bendahan, Educadora, Guionista y Productora en TuTorahKids.tvEpisodio 94: Tania Gilinski & Anita Katz, Fundadora & Directora Educativa Juana la Iguana B”H ¡Hoy nos vamos a Venezuela! Tengo el inmenso placer de presentarles a una mujer verdaderamente increíble. ¿Están listas para decir wow? Yo se que muchas ya la conocen pues es figura publica y una figura quien no oculta ser una mujer judía. Mi invitada de hoy es Shirley Varnagy, Periodista, Anfitriona de Radio y Television. Y si bien muchas la conocemos como una profesional ejemplar,

 Episode 16: Perl Wolfe, Music Composer & Singer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:18

B”H Are you at all musical? I’m not the most musical in my family. I have a husband and kids who were blessed with that talent. But, I do love music. And today, I have a young woman who’s made music her career, and not in the way most women in the music industry do. Perl Wolfe is a chassidic music composer and singer who performs only in all women’s settings. Through her music and its lyrics she is able to express Jewish wisdom and the teachings of the chassidic mystical tradition, and help women find a space where they can connect with each other in a deeper level by the mere fact that no men are in the room! That can be really cool and really powerful. And it’s not just the Jewish world who’s embraced this. Perl, who used to be the lead singer in the all women’s chassidic band Bulletproof Stockings has received accolades and very positive feedback from the general public. I don’t know if you’ve even been to an all women’s performance, or even to a traditional Jewish wedding or other event where there were only women dancing and/or singing, but if you have, you might agree there’s a special energy which is very positive and very uplifting.   Perl and I go through the personal journey, which brought her to the point where she is now. Perl didn’t always know that this is what she wanted to do with her life, but at a downturn in her life, music played such an important role that it led her to where she is today. Speaking of today, it’s been about a year since Perl has embarked as a solo artist and she’s in the midst of recording her first album. So, if there are any female musicians out there, this might be a great opportunity. Perl is looking for talent. Email her at Perl and I talk about the Divine Providence in her life, fears, challenges and what it’s been like embarking on uncharted territory. Now as a solo artist, Perl continues to pave the way in the music world, and use her talents to bring goodness and light into the world. Perl is a real inspiration not just on stage but off stage, and I’ll let you hear that for yourselves. Enjoy the show. Here’s Perl Wolfe. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 103: Abbey WolinEpisode 18: Robin Saex Garbose, Film Writer, Producer & DirectorEpisode 91: Paula Eiselt, Director of 93 QueenEpisode 97: Yaeli VogelEpisode 74: Elana Silber, Executive Director of Sharsheret B”H Are you at all musical? I’m not the most musical in my family. I have a husband and kids who were blessed with that talent. But, I do love music. And today, I have a young woman who’s made music her career, and not in the way most women in the music industry do. Perl Wolfe

 Episode 15: Abigail Pogrebin, Author of My Jewish Year | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:43

B”H Welcome to Jewish Latin Princess Podcast. Do you know all the Jewish Holidays? There are a lot! Do you observe them, know what they are about? And if you do observe them, do you go through the motions year after year or do you try to be mindful and intentional about the time in the calendar that you’re experiencing? My guest today is Abigail Pogrebin, who took on the task to immerse herself in the Jewish calendar by studying and observing every Holiday over a 12 month period. She chronicles her journey in her latest book My Jewish Year, 18 Holidays and One Wondering Jew – an honest and refreshing account of Abi’s dive into the entire Jewish calendar with all it’s holidays. Abi is also the author of Stars of David: Prominent Jews Talk about Being Jewish and of One and the Same, where she delves into every aspect of growing up as an identical twin. Abigail has had a very prolific and successful career as a journalist both in TV and in print. She was formerly a broadcast producer at PBS, and at 60 Minutes. She has been published in many magazines and newspapers, including Newsweek, New York Magazine, The Forward, Tablet, and The Daily Beast. She is currently the President of Central Synagogue in Manhattan. Abi and I have a beautiful conversation about her journey… what was impetus for it? And of course, in my typical style – I don’t let my guests off the hook – I gently challenge Abi to think about the fact that her journey might have stemmed from a soul’s calling and to think and tell me if  she’s now more sensitive to divine intervention or Hasgacha Pratit in her life. Abi is so honest and real and I could relate to a lot of what she was saying, as I know you will. We talk about Judaism, about her kids, feminism and more. And I leave Abi with some wonderful homework and possibly with an idea for Part 2 of her book! Enjoy the delightful Abi Pogrebin! You can find Abi at You may also like | Puede que también te gusteThe Jewish CalendarJewish Calendars for the upcoming year || Calendarios judíos para el próximo añoJewish Calendar Art || Calendario judío 5777Episode 74: Elana Silber, Executive Director of SharsheretEpisode 67: Seven Jewish Parenting Principles of a Wall Street Mom B”H Welcome to Jewish Latin Princess Podcast. Do you know all the Jewish Holidays? There are a lot! Do you observe them, know what they are about? And if you do observe them, do you go through the motions year after year or do you try to be mindful and intentional about the time in the c...

 Episode 14: Amanda Steinberg, Author of WORTH IT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:13

B”H Welcome back to Jewish Latin Princess Podcast! Do you sometimes feel like you have money coma and have no clue what in the world is happening with your money? Perhaps you want to give to a cause that is really meaningful to you, or to a family who really needs it, but you don’t even know if you can! (Even though you’re making six figures or more!) You don’t know if you have enough saved for retirement and to support the lifestyle you value later in life? Enter our guest today, Amanda Steinberg. Amanda was a successful computer programmer, earning six figures, but she had built such an expensive life that even her best attempts at saving and investing were wiped out by life’s unexpected complications. Frustrated by her inability to build net worth, she launched DailyWorth a newsletter reaches more than 1 million subscribers. In 2015, she started a digital investing service, WorthFM, which received front-page coverage in The New York Times Business section and is revolutionary because it addresses women and the way they think and relate to money. Oprah selected Amanda to the exclusive SuperSoul 100, and Forbes named her one of 21 New American Money Masters. Amanda has also appeared on GMA, Today, CNN, and MSNBC. She’s also the author of Worth It: Your Life, Your Money, Your Terms, released in February 2017. In her book Amanda flips the paradigm on “financial advice” for women and delivers it in fresh, unexpected ways. Amanda and I talk about what WorthFM does differently from other digital investment platforms. We talk about the principles of her book, which while take into account traditional financial advice, frame that in an entirely new way, and in my opinion, one that is very much needed and makes money management much more approachable. We talk about our money types as Amanda developed a test which you can find on and why it’s important to know our money types. We talk about the way to break down what Amanda calls, save, sustain and spend as well as value based spending. And to all the romantics out there you’ll love the unexpected twist that Amanda’s sweetest, fondest Jewish memory has. I’m a big fan of Amanda’s work and I’m happy I could bring her to you today. Here’s Amanda Steinberg!   You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 1: Bari Tessler, Author of The Art of MoneyVideo Interview with Debbie SassenEpisode 33: Demystifying Investing with Debbie SassenEpisode 83: Ashley Feinstein Gerstley, the Fiscal FemmeEpisode 8: Debbie Sassen, Financial Planner & Money Coach B”H

 Episodio 13: Dra. Coty Benarroch, Re-educadora Nutricional | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:21

B”H Hoy tengo el placer de presentarles a la Dra. Coty Benarroch de Carciente, Re-educadora Nutricional. Me topé con Coty y su trabajo pues tenemos amigas en común y … ¡lectoras de nuestros blogs en común! Coty tiene un blog de nutrición, vidasaludable, y además trabaja con pacientes privadas en Caracas, Venezuelas e internacionalmente a través de what’s app, skype etc. Coty Benarroch estudió medicina y oftalmología, pero las vueltas de la vida la llevaron a re-dirigir su vocación médica hacia algo mas amplio: la relación entre nuestros hábitos de vida – en especial, la alimentación – y la salud. Lo hace no sólo desde un punto de vista médico nutricional, sino enfocándose en la sabiduría milenaria de la Torá, particularmente como la decifra el Ramban, Maimonides y enfatizando que la clave del éxito son los cambios pequeños que se implementan poco a poco a través del tiempo. Coty nos explica la diferencia entre trabajar con una nutricionista y trabajar con Coty quien se enfoca en la re-educación de hábitos. Tal vez no vemos resultados rápidos, pero Coty nos ayuda a salir del “va y ven”-  el acordeón de las dietas – y mas  bien hacer cambios de hábitos alimenticios de por vida. Es una asesoría personalizada que además toma en cuenta el estílo y ritmo de vida de la persona. Entre otras cosas, Coty y yo hablamos sobre los mensajes contradictorios que recibimos constantemente sobre la nutrición – como nos afectan a nosotras y a nuestros hijos. De hecho, hablamos bastante sobre los hijos. Así que presten atención porque Coty tiene muchas palabras sabias sobre el tema de nutrición y los niños y jóvenes. El trabajo de Coty me pareció muy similar al de Rena Reiser en el episodio número 9. Creo que van a ver muchas similitudes y van a aprender muchísimo de ambas entrevistas. No se pierdan el trabajo de Coty y las entradas tan amenas y educativas en su blog vidasaludable. Las dejo con la Dra. Coty Benarroch… You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisodio 13: Dra. Coty Benarroch, Re-educadora NutricionalEpisodio 5: Jael Toledo, Autora de ¿Quién Soy?Episodio 6: Dr. Debbie Berebichez, PhD en física y anfitriona de televisiónVisiting Design Megillah || Visitando el blog Design Megillah B”H Hoy tengo el placer de presentarles a la Dra. Coty Benarroch de Carciente, Re-educadora Nutricional. Me topé con Coty y su trabajo pues tenemos amigas en común y … ¡lectoras de nuestros blogs en común! Coty tiene un blog de nutrición,

 Episode 12: Genie Milgrom, Genealogist & Crypto Jews Expert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:23

B”H Welcome to Jewish Latin Princess Everyone! Today I speak with Genie Milgrom, Genealogist and Crypto Jews Expert. And this is not a title she earned by going to university, but something she has earned with hard work, sweat and many tears – not just hers, but surely of her ancestors. Genie is the author of My 15 Grandmothers, and most recently of How I found My 15 Grandmothers a Step by Step Guide. Both books have won the 2015 Latino Author Book Award. Genie Milgrom was born in Havana, Cuba into a Roman Catholic family of Spanish ancestry, and she grew up in Miami. We talk about her personal journey, which led her to become an Orthodox Jew and later on to embark on an unparalleled work of genealogy. She was able to fully document her unbroken maternal lineage going back as far as 1405 to Pre-Inquisition Spain and Portugal. Genie and I talk about the emotional aspect of what she personally went though and what many souls – who as Genie says, come back to this world alone and searching – go through. Genie has taken it as a personal mission to educate the world about the Crypto Jews, to help those who are searching for their ancestry, and to make sure that communities are sensitive to souls who are trying to come back, or who are looking to connect with their Jewish lineage. She is currently the Immediate Past President of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Miami, President of Tarbut Sefarad-Fermoselle in Spain, Immediate Past President of the Society for Crypto Judaic Studies at Colorado State University. She was awarded the State of Florida Genealogy award for her outstanding achievements. Her work has been featured in the Jerusalem Post and The Miami Herald, among many other publications around the world. You will hear from a very brave and extraordinary woman. Get ready to get goose bumps and be wowed. Here’s Genie Milgrom. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 75: Genie Milgrom, Author of Pyre to FireEpisode 72: Bracha Goetz, Author of Searching for G-d in the GarbageEpisode 15: Abigail Pogrebin, Author of My Jewish YearEpisode 21: Julie Starr, Founder of Possibility Life Coaching for WomenEpisode 95: Ask Yael B”H Welcome to Jewish Latin Princess Everyone! Today I speak with Genie Milgrom, Genealogist and Crypto Jews Expert. And this is not a title she earned by going to university, but something she has earned with hard work, sweat and many tears – not just hers, but surely of her ancestors. Genie is the author of My 15 Grandmothers, and most recently of How I found My 15 Grandmothers a Step by Step Guide.

 Episode 11: Devorah Sisso, Motivational Speaker & Creator of BREAKTHROUGH | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:01

B”H Today I have the pleasure to introduce you to an amazing motivational speaker, Devorah Sisso. Devorah is the creator of Breakthrough, a six week mind training program. She is an acclaimed speaker, teacher and life coach empowering her students and listeners to access their inner greatness and take on a path of self growth using the framework of Torah. One of the things that makes Devorah so great and which you’ll hopefully get a sense of, from today’s interview, is that she herself is constantly practicing what she preaches. She’s been in challenging situations in which she sees, “wait I’m sort of in a rot here, something’s got to change,” so when she’s teaching us or talking to us she feels so very authentic and relatable. In the interview we talk about Breakthrough, which is a program specifically designed to help strengthen our emunah (faith) to achieve personal growth. And wait till you hear how Devorah defines emunah for us – it’s not as simplistic as you might thing and once you understand this definition, you can really take on the driver seat of your life. As Devorah tells us in the interview there’s no quick fix, but certainly plenty of things we can do and we should we doing if we want to achieve our full potential. You’ll love the two things that she habitually works on as well as her words of wisdom regarding Shalom Bayit- peace in the home, Parenting and Personal Finance. Here’s Devorah Sisso. Enjoy the show! You can find Devorah at You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 7: Shimona Tzukernik, The Kabbalah CoachEpisode 21: Julie Starr, Founder of Possibility Life Coaching for WomenVisiting Design Megillah || Visitando el blog Design MegillahEpisode 10: Bari Lyman, Author and Creator of Meet to MarryEpisode 71: Chaya Hinda Allen, Educator & Transformation Coach B”H Today I have the pleasure to introduce you to an amazing motivational speaker, Devorah Sisso. Devorah is the creator of Breakthrough, a six week mind training program. She is an acclaimed speaker, teacher and life coach empowering her students and listeners to access their inner greatness and take on a path of self growth using the framework of Torah. One of the things that makes Devorah so great and which you’ll hopefully get a sense of, from today’s interview, is that she herself is constantly practicing what she preaches. She’s been in challenging situations in which she sees, “wait I’m sort of in a rot here, something’s got to change,

 Episode 10: Bari Lyman, Author and Creator of Meet to Marry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:04

B”H Welcome to Jewish Latin Princess Everyone! Thank you for being here with me today. Are you standing in your own way of finding and keeping true love? Do you find that you might be attracting the wrong type of people? Today’s guest is Bari Lyman. Bari is the creator of the Meet to Marry Method and Author of Meet to Marry: A Dating Revelation for the Marriage Minded. Through her work, Bari has helped thousands of singles permanently break through their frustrating, go-nowhere dating patterns and meet their perfect match. Bari’s work has been praised by Stephen Covey for being “smart, principled and engaging,” and she has been featured in JDate, Self, ChristianMingle and Bari and I talk about her journey as someone who she described to have been “relationship challenged.” We discuss what changes really need to happen in ourselves in order to attract the right partner. Bari walks us through the two Phases of the Meet to Marry Method, which are profound and practical at the same time. She tells us the themes that she sees over and over again through her work, when it comes to issues around dating and relationships, and the way her Judaism has informed her work in helping others. It is no surprise to me that Bari’s program has helped thousands- she is caring, perceptive and wise, and it all shows in her program. If you can identify with the type of issues Bari describes today on the show, and/or you have a loved one who you think could use some help in the area of dating, I encourage you to go to to get The Meet to Marry Marriage Readiness Assessment for FREE, and discover why you haven’t met your perfect match, and what you can start doing right now to find that person. You can find Bari at Enjoy the show! You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 92: Kayla Levin, Marriage Coach and Host of First Year Married PodcastEpisode 71: Chaya Hinda Allen, Educator & Transformation CoachEpisode 15: Abigail Pogrebin, Author of My Jewish YearEpisode 100: Yael Trusch Interviewed by Adrienne GoldEpisode 3: Barbara Reich, Professional Organizer B”H Welcome to Jewish Latin Princess Everyone! Thank you for being here with me today. Are you standing in your own way of finding and keeping true love? Do you find that you might be attracting the wrong type of people? Today’s guest is Bari Lyman. Bari is the creator of the Meet t...


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