The School of Intuition | Self Realization Training for the Empathic Badass show

The School of Intuition | Self Realization Training for the Empathic Badass

Summary: For the smart, ambitious, soulful empaths. Weekly energetic transmission to tone up your vibration, condition your mind, expand your consciousness. Deepen your intuitive connection with your higher self for clarity, guidance, healing. Leverage your empathic gift to create a juicy life and make a dent in the Universe. Taught by personal growth teacher and award-winning podcast host Natasha Che. Join the SoI community at

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 21: How Do You Know If It Is Time To Quit? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1170

Recently someone wrote to me and asked, "I have an inspired vision for my life direction. However, my day-to-day life for several years has been filled with failures and setbacks. How can I discern if my vision is truly inspired and this is just a process of learning? Or was my “inspiration” merely wishful thinking or fantasizing? Are the repeated failures and losses a sign to give up and change to another direction, or should I persevere and practice resilience and patience?" At some point in life we're all going to face this question. How do you know the life vision you have for yourself is "real", when things don't seem to be working out? In this episode I talk about the difference between life vision and strategies to get to that vision. Most of us tend to confuse the two. And when a strategy doesn't work out, we tend to question whether the vision is valid, while the truth is they are two totally different things. I'll tell you how to discern the difference. And give you tips on how to know whether you need to change strategy or practice perseverance. Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 20: Your Life Purpose Is Not What You Think It Is | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1164

It's tempting to think that your life purpose is an item, a thing, a career, or something to do. But the truth is it's none of that. The concept of life purpose is only relevant when you find it missing from your life. And the reason you find it missing, is not actually because of a lack of purpose, but instead, is the result of two things: 1) you are not in the "flow state"; 2) you don't feel ok with being in emptiness. In this episode, I talk about where the question "What's my life purpose?" actually comes from, and what you really need to get back the feeling of "purposefulness". Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 19: How To Bring Your True Self To Work Without Being Unprofessional | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1176

We spend over half of our waking hours at work, yet most people can't say it's their favorite place to be. The corporate environment often perpetuates the notion that being "professional" means that you cannot fully be yourself, that you need to wear a robot-like persona that is more perfect and less interesting than who you really are. Unfortunately we often internalize that notion ourselves, which is in fact helpful to no one. You cannot truly thrive in a career where you feel you have to hide half of you. If you want to make a real impact at your job and be genuinely happy about it, you need to take your true self to work. In this episode of the True Voyage, I'll give you a few exercises that can help you bring more authenticity into your workplace.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 How To Read People's Energy In 3 Seconds, Ep 18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1177

Being able to intuitively read other people's energy is useful in so many situations. No matter whether you're just meeting someone at a cocktail party, or trying to make significant decisions about the person, e.g. deciding if to hire them, date them, become their business partner, knowing "what the person is about" intuitively will help you make better decisions and have better relationships. In this episode, I'll tell you a simple 4-step process to read others' energy quickly. As any skills in life, it does take practice to develop. And the #1 principle of developing any kind of intuition is this: the more you respect your intuition, the more intuitive you get. Listen to find out what I mean. If you like this episode, don't forget to check out my audio course: How To Get Anything You Want: A Course On Inner Mastery to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 How To Be More Productive By Aligning With Your Dharma Cycles, Ep 17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1094

Nature has seasons. Your body and energy system have cycles. They exist for a good reason. On your journey to fulfill your purpose on earth, there're also cycles. I call them "dharma cycles". The dharma cycle consists of three phases-- transformation, transition, and service. Your job in each phase of the cycle is different. And when you're aware of the phase you are in and align your actions with the purpose of the phase, you're less likely to get frustrated with things not progressing the way you want and more likely to be productive in whatever you're meant to create.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 You Are A Weirdo. Stop Hiding! Ep16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1008

Most of us are driven by two conflicting desires: on one hand we want to feel we're special. The whole mission of the ego is to maintain an individual identify that makes you feel separate from the rest. Being special feels good in that sense. But on the other hand, most time we're unwilling to make the choices which make that specialness come out and shine. There're lots of perks associated with being part of a pack. And sometimes being your own person and creating something out of it is like going on a trip, alone, into the wilderness, which is most likely not a relaxing vacation. In this episode, I talk about why we all fear being "weird", yet life will always feel lacking in inexplicable ways until you have the courage to acknowledge and embody your weirdness. Check out my audio course How to Get Anything You Want: A Course on Inner Mastery: to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Feeling Drained All The Time? Here're Five Tips. (Empaths Must Listen) Ep 15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1509

Many people who're experiencing internal awakening told me they felt tired and drained all the time, to the point of not being able to complete daily routines, let alone doing productive work. And human interactions feel especially draining. Every physical experience has a spiritual aspect. The so-called "chronic fatigue" is no exception. In this episode, I talk about a common reason of why you feel drained all the time. This'll apply more if you're an empath/ energetically sensitive. I also give you five suggestions as to what you can do to alleviate the exhaustion accompanying any inner awakening/ shifts in consciousness. Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 A Simple Ritual To Expedite Positive Changes, Ep 14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1450

Different cultures and human societies have used rituals and ceremonies as a tool to manifest changes and usher in new energies, for thousands of years. Creating your own rituals can be a great way to bring your conscious mind and your subconscious into alignment to bring about desired changes in your internal and external worlds. In this episode, I explain the four essential elements of any powerful ritual and walk you through a simple ritual to bring in positive changes in the upcoming year. Check out my audio course "How to Get Anything You Want: A Course on Inner Mastery": Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Someone Called Me A Whore. Here's How I Responded. Ep 13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1141

Some stranger called me a whore yesterday. Yep, you read it right. Listen to find out what happened, what I learned from it, how I responded, and why people being mean to you is good for your personal freedom.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Self Confidence Is Horse Shit, Ep 12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1183

99% of the world suffers from low self esteem, in one form or another. If you think you’re the only person carrying that burden, it’s because everyone is so good at pretending. Because we’re all taught that to succeed you need to be confident and believe in yourself. If you doubt yourself and doubt yourself often…of your worth and your capability, that’s the sign of a healthy human. If you’ve never done any of that, time to go see a psychiatrist before you cause severe damage in the world with your overblown self-delusion. (though granted you’d be the last person to question your own mental health.) They say you should “believe in yourself”. But here’s thing…what exactly about yourself to believe in? And what is this belief based on? If your self confidence is not based on evidence, you’re simply pretending, like most people do— making up a lie and trying to sell it to yourself, yet deep down knowing you’d never buy it as long as you’re still sane. If your self confidence is evidence-based— i.e. you’ve done great in the past, therefore you’ll keep doing so in the future— such confidence will fail as soon as you fail. What goes up must come down. And fail you will. Humans are beautiful and magnificent creatures. But we’re also—more often than not—weak, fearful, cowardly, deceptive, judgmental, self-centered, morally ambiguous, and lack of discernment. If you don’t see all of that in yourself, you’re adorably naive. That’s why the more introspective and self aware you are, the harder it is to be “self confident”. Because you know your foibles and limitations all too well. And you’re not stupid enough to believe in lies. Your perception about your human self is always biased and vastly unreliable. If you base your actions off of how you feel about yourself, you’d be falling short of your true potential, one way or another. The good news is your self-confidence, or the lack of, doesn’t have any real effect on the outcome of your actions, if you learn to not give it as much weight as you were taught to. You’re born with a well-designed life path, the whole purpose of which is for your highest growth and the expansion of consciousness. When you take an action or make a choice that is inspired by that path, it is always beneficial to the growth and expansion of your soul, regardless of the immediate outcome or how your ego feels about it. In that sense, an inspired action always has a benevolent purpose and leads to its intended outcome, no matter whether your human self feels confident about it or not. When you’re taking actions from a place of inner knowing and alignment, self confidence or the lack of is entirely irrelevant. Because you know it’s not your human self that’s making things happen for you. You’re simply fulfilling your destiny. And that is a very powerful place to be. I talk a lot more about how to deepen one’s inner knowing and take inspired actions in my audio course How to Get Anything You want. But for a start, it’s useful to examine your goals and ask yourself what’s really motivating you. Is there something deeper driving you beyond your human self’s basic needs, e.g. for security, comfort, glory, belonging? Is there anything you do for the sake of itself…because somehow you feel compelled to do it…rather than as a means to some other end? Love your human self with all your heart. It’s beautiful, amazing, and deserves your admiration and respect. But know that self perceptions are fickle and the psychological inclinations of your human self swing like a pendulum. When your actions and choices are motivated by an inner knowing of your true nature, nothing you do is about you anymore. And you move faster towards where you’re meant to go, self confident or not. Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 How To Be A More Creative Problem Solver, Ep 11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1235

Any creation process has two essential aspects: inspiration and execution, which corresponds to the masculine and feminine energetic qualities in each of us. You need both the masculine and the feminine qualities to bring any new creation into being, just like in the creation of a new life. As a society we culturally worship the masculine. In school and work, we are taught mainly to speak the language of the masculine--i.e., structure, hard work, analysis, discipline... But that's only half the equation in any creative process. In this episode I talk about how to become a more effective and creative problem solver by bringing the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves into harmony. Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Your Relationship(s) Stopped Working? Congratulations! Ep 10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1291

I'm sure you've noticed…you behave differently around different people. Each relationship of yours fulfill specific psychological and energetic needs for you and the other person. There’re implicit contracts we have with everyone in our life—most time we’re not aware of it—regarding what we give and what we receive in the relationship. That’s why most relationship dynamics are quite stylized— we tend to interact with someone in the same way over and over. Even when a relationship doesn’t feel fulfilling, you’re still getting what you want out of it in the way of your contract…and for better or worse, that’s why you’re still in a relationship with that person… But the thing is people change. We all do. And when consciousness changes, it disrupts the existing equilibrium of a relationship. The set dynamics breaks down. And the ego never takes it well. We feel hurt, betrayed, confused, unloved. We want to go back to the old way. But if you’re on a path of conscious evolution, the disruption to your existing dynamics is always a calling to look beyond the social, psychological considerations and find the deeper truth of the relationship. Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Does The Universe Have Your Back?, Ep 9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1012

Is the universe friendly? Does the universe have your back? Most of us secretly want to believe that the answer is yes-- because that makes the frightened human self feel better. But I want to point out to you that the question is fundamentally absurd, if you recognize that the same consciousness that runs in you...runs the universe also. In other words, you ARE the universe. Why would you wonder about the nature of something that you can essentially change at your own will? This is not about what you "believe" to be true. This is about what you "make" to be true. But here's the thing. It's easy for some external authority to tell you that "you are the creator of your reality". But that's a useless truth if you cannot embody it. And most of us don't. It's impossible for you to be the creator of your reality as long as you still identify with the small human self, who is constantly overwhelmed by reality, let alone creating it. Your capability of creating a friendly universe for yourself is at par with the extent you identify with the bigger you that is a manifestation of divine consciousness. And that's not something you can make happen with will power. But to the very least, you can set the intention for it to happen and familiarize your human self with the truth that you have the option to change your reality. In this episode of True voyage, I suggest two exercises for you to do just that.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Why Does It Take So Damn Long To Get Anything You Want, Ep 8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1439

Have you had the feeling that going through life is like being stuck in traffic? You're never going anywhere that you want to go fast enough and you wonder, well, when exactly is this going to happen? When am I going to finally reach my goals? Or is this ever going to happen at all? Sometimes life feels like you are stuck in a sea of cars on the highway where nothing is moving. And as soon as some space seems to clear up and things start to speed up a bit…you get excited and you step on the gas pedal and you start feeling hopeful…right then the car in front of you stops again, leaving you feeling so frustrated. In this episode, I want to offer you a few alternative perspectives on why delays happen. The truth is not always what it seems to be. And if you're open to it, everything is an opportunity for you to deepen your relationship with your true self. This is no exception. Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 How To Sleep Your Way To The Top, Ep 7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1208

If you want to make things happen faster in your external reality, get more sleep. If you want to embody the light of your highest consciousness and be a force of positive change in the world, get more sleep. If you want to attract the right relationships, opportunities, partners and clients into your life, get more sleep. In this episode I talk all about this simple tool to make the life of yours and everyone else's better-- sleep.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise


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