The Osher Günsberg Podcast show

The Osher Günsberg Podcast

Summary: A weekly conversation that endeavours to help you make today a little better than yesterday.

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 Ep 162: Phoebe Dunn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:12

Phoebe Dunn ( is the CEO of the Amy Gillett foundation. They're the people that are behind the "a metre matters" bicycle safety campaign in Australia. She's a very accomplished person, having worked as a lawyer, for the Federal Government as an advisor to the Federal Attorney-General and National Security advisor, and on the state level as Chief Of Staff for the Victorian Government. Phoebe and I met on the weekend that we went down to Lorne in Victoria to ride in Amy's Gran Fondo - a 120km ride through the mountains behind Lorne and Apollo bay including a 30km stretch along the fully closed Great Ocean Road.

 Ep 161: Carly Findlay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:26

@carlyfindlay is an appearance activist, blogger, and writer from Melbourne, Australia. Carly was born with Ichthyosis - two forms in fact - Netherton's Syndrome and erythroderma. This basically causes her skin to renew itself at an incredibly fast rate, leaving her susceptible to dryness, inflammation, itchiness, and gives her a noticeably red complexion - which is also shiny because she has to constantly apply paraffin to her skin so as to alleviate the pain and discomfort - and this paraffin gives her a shiny appearance. Carly reached out to me via email, and we organized a time to chat when I was in Melbourne last. Follow her on twitter, have a listen - there's a lot in this, and a lot that I was certainly unaware of as far as my own able-bodied privilege and how that has shaped my view of the world. I'm still learning, and am grateful to be pulled up when I say the wrong thing, and Carly certainly pulled me up once or twice which I'm grateful for.

 Ep 160: Paul Middleditch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:37

Paul Middleditch is a multi-award winning director originally from New Zealand. Follow his adventures at @plazafilms on instagram He's the mastermind behind bringing some of the most memorable commercials you've ever seen to your screens. Remember "It's a big ad" for carlton draught? The brilliant Aussie Lamb diversity campaign from this year? And of course his incredible "It's a Big Ad" for Cartlon Draught, including the skydiving one where the beer glass demolished a few houses? That's Paul. He's also the guy behind the new Air New Zealand campaign featuring Dave the goose - which I'm sure you've seen by now. As you'll hear Paul actually donned the green skin suit and acted out all of the physicality of Dave so that the animators would have something great to work with. He's a funny guy, we had a great chat. A special thanks to Air New Zealand for helping tee up this chat with Paul Middleditch. You can actually watch an edit of this episode of Paul and I at which includes some behind the scenes footage of the making of Air New Zealand's brilliant new content featuring Dave the Goose. New Zealand creative agency True created the idea and Paul was the director who brought it to life. We actually recorded this conversation in the very swish Air New Zealand lounge at Sydney International Airport which is an interesting place to come and go from if you aren't traveling. We even went through the "Kidman Corridor" which is where they walk Nicole and Hugh and anyone else through when they come or go from an international flight. Glad you can be a part of this chat. Enjoy an afternoon with the wonderful Paul Middleditch.

 Ep 159: Deng Adut/Dr.Karl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:39:10

When war came to his village in South Sudan, Deng Adut was taken from his mother by rebels and forced to fight in the Sudanese People's Liberation Army. He was just six years old.  In his recent book "Songs of a War Boy" Deng describes in chilling detail the life of a child soldier - which includes horrific first hand accounts of battle, torture, death, and the kind of barbaric brutality that only humans inflict on other humans. When he was twelve, he was rescued by his older brother and smuggled out of Sudan into Kenya where he met an Australian couple that helped him and his brother come here to start a new life.  Deng is now a lawyer here in Sydney, and took the time on a warm friday afternoon in November to come out to the apartment to have a chat.  Deng's story is familiar with many Australians because he featured in a University of Western Sydney commercial that chronicled his journey - so he and I didn't talk too much about the story that's already been told.  Instead we talked about his views on the US election, happiness, Africa, and what life is like living with the constant threat of death every minute of the day.  There's some heavy conversation in this episode - however it's almost unavoidable when you're speaking with someone who was a child soldier in a rebel army in one of the more horrible conflicts in recent history.  You can follow Deng on instagram, he's @DengAdut He's a breathtakingly handsome man with a slick sense of style, and he turned up to my house looking like he had stepped out of the pages of GQ.  So come now to my new apartment in Bronte in Sydney for a cup of coffee with lawyer, author, former refugee and one time child soldier - Deng Adut.

 Ep 158: Nathan Appo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:04

Nathan Appo is an athlete, activist, TV host and Health and Lifestyle officer for Deadly Choices - which is an initiative targeting Urban Indigenous Health, particularly the mental health of young indigenous men.  He's raising money for Movember at I'm at  He's a great guy, I'm stoked to have him on.  We met in the radio station so there's some BG noise.  Follow him on twitter @elusive_sausage

 Ep 157: Danielle Cormack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:42:40

Danielle Cormack is a talented actress from NZ who's worked across both sides of the Tasman and the Pacific over her successful career. She was an original cast member on the landmark NZ soap "Shortland Street" and has appeared in brilliant TV such as "Rake","Deep Water" and the women's prison drama "Wentworth". Danielle is a fantastic human with a brilliant energy I know you'll resonate with. We really go for it in this one, we dig super deep. It might need two listens. Danielle rocked up at my house with a helmet in one hand - so I was thinking it's anything from a Vespa to a Ducati that she got here on. Afterwards I walked her outside with the dog and there's this massive and very sexy Harley Davidson, which had wonderfully loud pipes, and she handled expertly as she roared off up Bondi Road with a goodbye wink an a smile. Please let her know you heard her by tagging her on twitter @daniellecormack - she's also on instagram. Enjoy the show.

 Ep 156: Phil Anderson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:57

Phil Anderson is an Australian cycling legend. In a sport dominated by Europeans - Phil was the first non-European rider to wear the yellow jersey in the Tour De France. Think about the Jamaican Bobsled team turning up at the Olympics but actually winning. That's what it was like - a rider from a country no one associated with cycling, riding so well he wore the leader's jersey during the Tour De France. He's still a big part of world cycling, he does a lot for young riders and regularly leads riders around Europe on guided tours of the very same mountains that the big cycling classics are ridden on. After swimming - Cycling is the 2nd most popular participation sport in the country, more people cycle than AFL, League, Union, Netball and Surfing COMBINED. It's a big deal. With so many bikes on the road, cyclist safety is a subject very close to my heart. Every cyclist has had a near-death experience, and every cyclist knows someone who's been seriously injured in a traffic accident. That's where the Amy Gillett foundation comes in. They campaign at a policy level to help change the traffic laws around the country, pushing the "A Meter Matters" message all around Australia. So here's a conversation we recorded the weekend of Amy's Gran Fondo, the big event that the foundation puts on every year - a 120Km along a fully closed Great Ocean Road down in VIC.

 Ep 155: Jono Coleman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:59

Jono Coleman (@jonocoleman) is a legendary broadcaster from Australia who has had an incredible career here and in the UK. He worked on landmark stations like the earliest incarnations of JJJ, the BBC and at the huge upstart that was Virgin Radio in the 90s. Starting in the late early 80s I first came to know him on a kids' after school show called "Simon Townshend's Wonder World" you could really get away with wordy names back then. Now Jono's a big bloke. He's always been a big bloke, even when he was starting out. There was even one particular character that he played on that show, which was a super hero called "Flash Flab". He was a crime-fighter who was there to save the day, and he was a bigger man. It's fair to say that in this conversation I have with Jono I tell him what that meant to me - to see someone that looked like me on the TV and who wasn't being teased for being fat. It's all I've got to relate to when it comes to the diversity discussion - in that you can't be what you can't see. And I get it. Until I saw that he was a fat super hero, I had nowhere to look for some reason to feel anything but shame for my body. I still felt it in years to come - but for that short period of time, I felt empowered. So when it comes to seeing all body types, and all colors of body types, ones that look standard, and ones with less arms or legs, or different shapes of torso - that sort of thing is so important. I don't work in casting for TV, but if I did - I'd try to work hard to make sure what you see on TV looks like what you see in the street.

 Ep 154: Dr Jen Rayner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:08

Dr Jen Rayner is a native Canberran who has written a remarkable book Generation Less: How Australia is Cheating the Young. If you're a parent, if you're a young person in Australia, if you're at all interested in the Australian economy and what the future holds for our younger population - this is a very interesting chat.  If politics makes you yawn, don't worry - Jen is a brilliant communicator and puts forward her argument in such a clear and concise way you'll leave this hour feeling smarter than you started. 

 Ep 153: Andrew Valder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:10

Andrew Valder is co-founder of Garage Sale Trail, who are on Twitter @garagesaletrail What they do is coordinate a nation into having garage sales all on the same day, some 300,000 sales in all - in a way to bring communities together, reuse items and think about what waste really is.  They're in their 6th year and are gearing up for October 22 which is the date of this year's sale. Check out their site to investigate some of the items - there's everything on there from pots and pans to a yacht. Yes an actual yacht.  Hope you enjoy this show with Andrew Valder.

 Ep 152: Emma Alberici | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:57

​Emma Alberici is a journalist that lives in Sydney Australia. She hosts the national nightly current affairs show on the ABC, Lateline. Formerly she was the European correspondent for the ABC, and now she holds our public figures accountable every night of the week.   Her take-no-prisoners interviewing style has come under critique from people as high up the chain as our Prime Minister - and she and I talk about this, because she sees her role as someone who has the job of holding those in the public eye accountable to their policy. I feel this first hand towards the end of the interview where she turns the tables on me and starts to grill me about The Bachelor.   Emma has a striking presence, and dwarfed me with her intelligence and speed of thought. It's clear that I've a long way to go in interviewing because Emma is clearly the master - I'm just a goofy student compared to her ability and insight. Emma is whip-smart, an intensely critical thinker, and stunningly beautiful - a true triple threat that left me mostly gobsmacked for our whole chat.   I hope you enjoy this chat with on of the ABC's powerhouse minds - Emma Alberici.

 Ep 151: Travis Rice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:16

Travis Rice (@travisrice instagram) is one of the most talented and influential athletes to ever strap on a snowboard.   Since his explosion onto the international scene at the age of 18, Travis has been pushing boundaries and challenging gravity on mountains all around the world. As a film producer, he's behind the most successful snowboarding film of all time "The Art of Flight" and his new film "The Fourth Phase" is apparently the most expensive action sports film ever created.   His snowboarding is as effortless as it is death-defying, but his vision for how he translates the experience onto film is the thing that sets him apart from other athletes.   The new film "The Fourth Phase" is out in Australian cinemas now, and in fact we get to see it before the rest of the world. You can see the film how Travis intended - on the big screen! Australian cinemas audiences will be the only in the world to enjoy the incredible 4k + visuals and surround sound on the big screen.   It's on limited release so you may need to look around a bit but it is on about 15 screens around the country.   If you can't get to a theatre - in a special, global event "The Fourth Phase" will premiere on Red Bull TV at 9 p.m. AEST on Sunday, October 2.   This one-time screening is free and can be viewed on the Red Bull TV website or on the app across multiple devices (smartphones, smart TV). Tune-in parties are popping up worldwide from big venues and snowboard stores, to living rooms and backyards.   Travis is an incredibly humble man, a real warrior-poet. I am so happy we had this conversation and so lucky I could bring it to you.   If you like what he has to say please let him know on twitter or instagram, it really helps the show.

 Ep 150: Michelle Langstone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:16

Michelle Langstone is an incredibly talented actress from the west coast of New Zealand. You'll remember her from McLeod's Daughters and more recently 800 words.  She came over ten minutes after I'd had some rather confronting news, so I just started recording and she talked me through it.  Thanks to everyone who supports the show on - without you this episode wouldn't exist!

 Ep 149: Tommy Little | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:55

Tommy Little is a comedian, radio host and tv host from Melbourne Australia.   You can catch him regularly in Australia on The Project on a Friday Night, and he's always touring around the nation doing standup.   We talk a lot in this conversation about what it is to be a standup, what it is to have things go well - for example when you're doing breakfast radio and a late night show, and when things don't go well like when said late night show is cancelled.    He's on instagram as @MrsTommyLittle and sells a cracking coffee mug at Gangster Mugs.

 Ep 148: Montaigne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:22

Montaigne is a singer/songwriter/performer from Sydney Australia - her new album "Glorious Heights" is out now, and she's touring the country through September - details at   We met on twitter after she tagged me in a photo that she took of an old notebook full of "I love Matt Corby" signs she and her school friend had held up in a live audience at Australian Idol about ten years ago.    That she now has a job where she's a performer is so wonderful to see.  She came around to my house one morning last week, and filled the room with a powerful and loving energy - she's a really special human.    I haven't had a chance to see her live but I am hoping to get along to one of her shows because her authenticity and ability to express herself is so open and effortless, you can't help but be drawn in to what she's creating.    Even if you're not a music head or like other kinds of music, I'm sure you'll get a lot out of this chat - we cover what it means to redefine yourself through your appearance, struggles with parents around her sexuality, and what it is to make music for a living.    I hope you get as much of a buzz out of listening to this as I did recording it.  Enjoy this conversation with Montaigne. 


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