Whole Life Healing show

Whole Life Healing

Summary: Dr. Alexander Loyd, best-selling author of The Healing Codes, helps people live their happiest, healthiest and most successful lives. With a Ph.D. in psychology and ND in naturopathic medicine, Dr. Alex combines proven psychology, medical science, energy medicine, and spiritual principles to help you reduce stress and identify and heal the root causes of emotional and physical problems.

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  • Artist: Dr. Alexander Loyd
  • Copyright: 2018 DR. ALEX LOYD SERVICES LLC


 50 How you and your loved ones can be finally free of your addictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:30

Please forgive the inferior sound quality of this podcast, as this was a recorded conference call. Everyone knows someone whose life has been ruined by their own addiction or that of a loved one. Our basic programming from birth is to seek pleasure and avoid pain, but by the time we are about 6 years old, we should outgrow this programming and come to understand the path of love and truth. If this reprogramming does not occur, we start to seek love substitutes to fill the void of the perceived pain or lack of pleasure. This leads to an imbalanced life, which often leads to addictions originating from fear. But fear cannot heal fear – only love can. There are several ways to break an addiction, some healthy, some not: Be separated forcibly from the substance or person This has a 97% failure rate Hit bottom Your programming can be changed in an instant Transformational “aha!” moment Prayer and meditation can change your programming over time God can do a miracle This comes when you release your expectations Consciously deprogram and reprogram using the tools Look at pain, pleasure, addiction, and desire individually You and your loved ones can be finally free of your addictions by choosing to live in love in the present moment and leave the results up to God. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls

 49 What age are you stuck at? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:38

This week Dr. Alex talks about what age you are stuck at and how to find out.

 48 Why do people enjoy violance? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:06

Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. Our world celebrates and encourages violence, bad things happening to people, either mentally, emotionally, or physically. Ultimately, if you find yourself enjoying violence, this boils down to issues with your significance and security. Issues with significance will cause you to want to make yourself feel better by pulling other people down, judging others, comparing yourself to others, and even wanting bad things to happen to other people who make you feel inferior. Likewise, issues with security will make you dwell on your perceptions of superiority and inferiority as well as rejection instead of the areas of your life where you have been accepted. The root of these feelings is likely in the anger family and is based on creating wrong goals that are focused on seeking pleasure and avoiding pain externally rather than on truth and love regardless of the end result. Using pain (violence to others) to fix pain (that you feel internally) never works and will only lead to more and more pain. Ask yourself this question: “Is the way I am living the way I really want to be living?” If you find yourself focusing on the wrong goals and seeking love substitutes, you should pray, pray, pray to be reprogrammed to live in light, love, and truth instead of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls

 47 Living beyond your expectations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:07

This week Dr. Alex talks about how to living beyond your expectations and dreams

 46 How to instantly know what you should do right now! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:57

This episode of Whole Life Healing is part of a foundational series that we will be featuring. Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. Many times in life, you will probably be faced with a decision and you will say to yourself “I just don’t know what to do.” Perhaps an “aha!” moment occurs and you automatically know what you should do and you immediately shift your beliefs and behaviors to make that happen. Imagine yourself in these two situations: You are given 3 months to live, based on a new medical diagnosis. What will you do? What will you stop doing? You are given 3 months to live, based on a new medical diagnosis, but you are approached by an angel or a genie who tells you that you will live indefinitely as long as you habitually do what you believe you should be doing. As soon as you stop doing what you believe you should be, you will die. What would you start doing? What would you stop doing? What would you change? Now ask yourself this question: “Why am I not already doing these things?” The answer probably comes down to your perception that you have plenty of time left in your life to do what you should be doing and you get caught up in the “tyranny of the urgent”, focusing on short-term things rather than long-term. Or you experience fear related to the results of starting, stopping, or changing your beliefs and behaviors. You can overcome the excuses of time and fear by internally sacrificing the external results and trusting that living what you believe will lead you to love and truth in the present moment and in the future. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls  

 45 One thing changes one never does | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:13

In this episode Dr. Alex will talk about "One thing changes, one never does"    

 44 Never be on the wrong side | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:16

This episode of Whole Life Healing is part of a foundational series that we will be featuring. Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. Maybe you come from a background like Dr. Alex’s that told you the balance of your good and bad deeds determined who you were as a person and there wasn’t much you could do to change that except for doing more good things and fewer bad things. This is a very wrong approach to life because it removes grace and love from the situation and encourages you to pursue love substitutes instead. Ultimately, what matters is what is in your heart, and everyone has done wrong things internally, externally, or both. That is a fact of life that cannot be denied or changed, but there are ways to make sure you do not go down the path of pain and fear, where you will be lost. If you are being tempted to do wrong, you are still on the right side. You can’t be tempted to go somewhere you already reside, so when you are on the wrong side, you will not be tempted; you will just be acting according to your nature at that point. If you are on the right side, you will experience a struggle with the darkness that is tempting you. We go into the darkness to get something, not to lose something, but darkness always causes us to lose the most important things to us and gain nothing in comparison. You can experience or do some bad things and still be living in the light, as long as you are still experiencing temptation and you believe in your heart that you are on the side of light and love. After this episode, spend some time in prayer and meditation asking God to heal and renew your heart and bring you back to the right side if you feel you have gone astray. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls  

 43 Foundational Series: How do you feel about what you do | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:14

This episode of Whole Life Healing is part of a foundational series that we will be featuring. Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. It is not so much what you do, but what you feel about what you do. Everything in life ultimately boils down to why you do it, either out of love and truth or fear and pain. You can live your life viewing everything as something you “have to” do or you can choose to have joy and put your passion into those things and make them things you “want to” do. As we have discussed before, you can experience these different effects in life: Placebo – you believe that something will make you feel better, so it does, even if it was just a sugar pill No-cebo – you believe that the thing will not make you better, so it doesn’t, even if it is legitimate medicine De facto – believing the truth about reality and experiencing permanent change You can think through every situation in life in terms of WHAT you do or don’t do, WHY you do or don’t do it, and WHO you are that makes you do or not do it. If you have doubts about doing something that other people may say is fine to do, you are denying your identity and sinning in your heart if you do it. Something can be right for your friend and wrong for you, so it is best to just follow your conscience and stop judging others and yourself. By healing fear and choosing to live in love in the present moment, you can turn your “have to’s” into “want to’s.” After listening to this episode, think about these questions: What is your thing? How do you feel about what you do and who you are? You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls  

 42 Foundational Series: It's all me - or is it? About blaming yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:56

This episode of Whole Life Healing is part of a foundational series that we will be featuring. Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. It is very common for people to blame others or their circumstances when they experience pain in their lives, even if the blame is misguided. The conscious mind must have a reason that explains the pain being felt, which often leads to using twisted logic and results in more pain and fear than were experienced in the original situation. As has often been said: “The problem is never the problem.” However, at the end of life, almost everyone will look back at specific situations and take responsibility in their part of the misunderstanding or disagreement, realizing that they allowed the pain and fear to have a foothold in their heart. Looking back, people see that they placed too much value on work, money, and fulfillment and not enough on family, relationships, love, and forgiveness. So why can’t we all start changing that as we go through our lives, rather than just at the finish line? The Apostle Paul says that when we do things we don’t want to do or we don’t do the things we do want to do, it is not us doing those things, but the sin living in us which could be caused by the memories of fear, shame, and guilt that we are holding on to. Everyone must realize that God does not view us as guilty for those things, but He wants us to embrace the love and truth and live like we believe it. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls

 41 The Love Test | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:05

In this episode Dr. Alex will talk about "The Love Test" Do you want to experience true love? True love can only be found in relationships.  George Vaillant (part of the Harvard Study of Adult Development): “When the study began, nobody cared about empathy or attachment. But the key to healthy aging is relationships, relationships, relationships.”  

 40 How to live in the present moment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:09

Some of us live as prisoners to the past and some of us live as prisoners to the future, but we all have a difficult time living in the present moment, which is the only place we can be truly happy, content, joyful, and at peace. We are preprogrammed to focus on the present moment, which makes it so hard to break the habits and addictions that are bringing us pleasure or helping us flee from our pain. It is easy to say that we will stop doing those things tomorrow, but when tomorrow comes, we will not want to stop then either. These expectations we are creating for what we stop or start doing tomorrow puts us in a state of chronic stress today that drains our energy, gives us a negative perspective, and makes us feel like we are withdrawing pleasure from our lives. We lead ourselves to believe that planning is always going to be painful and stressful, when it should really help us do what is right, best, and love-based in the present moment. By seeking the right goals, and leaving the end result up to God or love, we will receive better results than ever before. This converts our pain with no meaning to pain with real meaning, which will help us walk toward our love-based desires. After this episode, ask yourself this question for every one of your roles in life: “Am I living more in the past, present or future?” You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls

 39 Foundational Series: SIN sick - are you? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:54

In this episode Dr. Alex will talk about "Sin sick - are you?"   This episode of Cutting Edge is part of a foundational series that we will be featuring. Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. Many of us have grown up in religious households, where we were told that if we do good, we are good; if we do bad, we are bad; and if we do neutral, we are ok. In fact, when we have done bad things or one of our relationships is not in good standing, we often feel physical symptoms and negative emotions such as guilt, shame, fear, sickness, or misery. In Galatians 1 of the Bible, Paul writes to Jews and Gentiles who were followers of Jesus but who had reverted back to believing the “old law” that was a long list of rules and regulations, which would only lead to death. When Jesus came, He destroyed the old law and brought the new law that would be in effect forevermore: love. Essentially, if you love right, you will do everything right, but if you love wrong, nothing you do will be right. Once the new law was established, the old law lost its necessity, so trying to keep those rules now will only lead to stress and eventually death from stress-related illnesses. By being in right relationship with God and accepting His free gift of grace, you will live in love and your identity will never be bad. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them.  https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls  

 38 Foundational Series: The crisis without crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:47

In this episode Dr. Alex will talk about "The crisis without crisis" This episode of Cutting Edge is part of a foundational series that we will be featuring. Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. Many of us have grown up in religious households, where we were told that if we do good, we are good; if we do bad, we are bad; and if we do neutral, we are ok. In fact, when we have done bad things or one of our relationships is not in good standing, we often feel physical symptoms and negative emotions such as guilt, shame, fear, sickness, or misery. In Galatians 1 of the Bible, Paul writes to Jews and Gentiles who were followers of Jesus but who had reverted back to believing the “old law” that was a long list of rules and regulations, which would only lead to death. When Jesus came, He destroyed the old law and brought the new law that would be in effect forevermore: love. Essentially, if you love right, you will do everything right, but if you love wrong, nothing you do will be right. Once the new law was established, the old law lost its necessity, so trying to keep those rules now will only lead to stress and eventually death from stress-related illnesses. By being in right relationship with God and accepting His free gift of grace, you will live in love and your identity will never be bad. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them.  https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls  

 37 Savant or Idiot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:29

In this episode Dr. Alex will talk about Savant or Idiot. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them.  https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls  

 36 "This" is so much easer! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:00

In this episode Dr. Alex will talk about "This" is so much easier! You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them.  https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls  


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