Jen Gotch is OK...Sometimes show

Jen Gotch is OK...Sometimes

Summary: Hi. I’m Jen Gotch and this is my podcast. It’s kinda weird, and original, and funny and honest just like me. Each week I’m gonna get in your ear, tell you about my fears, my pain, my triumphs and hopefully in the process help you become more self aware, build your own emotional intelligence and more than anything else FEEL LESS ALONE. Please subscribe and leave a nice review with all the stars; my parents are checking them every day and I really don’t want to let them down.

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 Conquering The Creative Block | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2373

Have you ever had a creative block? Yeah, me too—and they are the worst, especially when your job is tied to your creative performance. And even if it isn't, we all want to be able to access our own creativity. That's why I want to use this episode to get to the root of creative blocks, outline some reasons why we get them, and of course, offer some solutions to get past them. Oh, also, there’s singing. OK, let's knock the socks off these blocks.

 I Cry At Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1937

Hi. Welcome to an episode about having emotions in the workplace—also known as crying at work. As a C-level work crier, I wanted to share some of my most emotional experiences with you. I also want to discuss how we can regulate and manage our feelings as both employees and bosses, without making work a cold-hearted place where emotions are non-existent. I'm not crying, you're crying. JK, we're all crying. 

 Let's Deal With This Anxiety | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2040

In this episode, I am going to talk about my good buddy, anxiety. This is a mental health issue that I have struggled with for a large portion of my life and one that has been on my mind a lot lately. Over the last eight months or so, I have been actively trying to understand and reduce it—and I actually think a lot of my efforts are paying off. So, here’s what i’m going to do: I'll tell you a bit about what anxiety feels like for me (and probably for a lot of people), and then I’m going to talk you through identifying your own anxiety. Plus, I'll share some tips on how to manage it. If you’re suffering from anxiety (and 40 million of us are), this one's for you! 

 Are We Addicted To Social Media? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2809

Alright, here it is, the "Everybody quit social media right now!" episode. Not really, but at the least, I want us all to become aware of how and when we use social media and identify what our intentions are when we use it.  Let's take a step back and evaluate whether or not we think we are addicted. Oh, and even more importantly, let's recognize that it can contribute to our anxiety and depression and obviously our FOMO. I'll share some ways that we can combat the downsides of social media and embrace the positive aspects.  Let’s start a movement by setting a positive example. Set boundaries with your social media, be intentional, avoid the obvious pitfalls, pass it on. Tell your friends. We can do it. Bye.

 All About Therapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1905

This episode is dedicated one of the topics I get the ~most~ requests for: THERAPY. I am so excited to answer many of the questions you've emailed me, messaged me, or stopped me in the street to ask. Today, I’m talking about my own experience with therapy to give you insight on what to expect, how to find a therapist, the benefits and responsibility of therapy, tips on financing therapy, and a whole lot more. Therapy is another great way to invest in your mental health and personal development, so I wholeheartedly support it. It is an investment that you make in yourself—and you're absolutely worth it! 

 Medication: Friend or Foe? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2391

I get asked a fair bit about my experience with my meds, a.k.a. psychiatric medication, so i wanted to share more about it with you. Hopefully, my story can help some of you figure out if this is something you want to pursue—or even help you if you've already started to pursue it, but are wondering if you're “doing it right.” Going on medication for a mental health issue is a big step and a huge responsibility. I want to use this episode to give you insight and know-how to help get to the right medication faster (with your doc). Plus, for anyone who wants to understand what being on meds—and figuring that out—is really like, this should help. So, whether you're curious for you or just trying to understand a loved one better, there's something important here. Oh, and the after-show is a compilation of some of my favorite voicemails my dad has left me over the past year. Too good to miss!

 Building Ban.Do: The REAL Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2443

In this episode I’m going to tell you how my team and I built from the ground up—with no prior business knowledge. Maybe that’s not something to brag about, but I actually think it is. Because I want you to understand that it can be done—and is done, more often than you think. What we used, and still use every day, to build this thing: passion, creativity, optimism and a touch of anxiety. That’s right. You, too, can start a business even if you feel challenged by a lack of experience or struggles with mental health. Listen up and then go become a millionaire. Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee that; I just said so you would listen. Bye. 

 Lost in Pasta: Adventures in EMOTIONAL Eating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2454

As kids, we are given food to soothe us, to reward us and to celebrate happy occasions. So it makes sense that as we get older and control our own food intake, we might start to use food as a crutch, or even as a drug. It’s emotional eating - The perfect mix of self soothing and self sabotage and food, unlike many other drugs, is legal and easy to get your hands on.  If you are struggling with some bad eating habits and consider McDonald's french fries to be a stronger, more satisfying drug than cocaine, i encourage you to give it a listen.

 How to Feel Better RIGHT NOW | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3213

PSA: You can suffer from mental illness and still maintain good mental health. (I mean, look at me!) That’s not to say that every day is going to be amazing; after all, we need bad days to recognize the good ones. But it does mean that your illness and even the circumstances that might be getting you down don’t have to limit on how good you can feel. You are in control here. And there are a ton of things you can do right now—like right now, starting today—to help you begin to feel better. Let's do this. 

 Travel Anxiety and My Fear of the Overhead Bin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2183

So, this is an “in the moment” episode that i recorded at the beginning of April after having several bouts of severe travel anxiety (the very same type of anxiety that i naively thought i had previously overcome). Knowing that so many of us travel over the summer and also struggle with this kind of anxiety, I thought this would be the perfect time to put it out into the world. If the thought of travel excites you, but also simultaneously paralyzes you with fear, this one's for you.

 The MYTH of Perfection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2096

So this is an episode about perfection . . . and imperfection. The pressure and anxiety we all feel to be perfect and the idea in our head that perfection is actually a real thing, that can be achieved.  It’s not.  I’ll be honest, I’m gonna cry a little during the episode. But that’s me.  That’s all of us. And if you struggle with feelings of imperfection and not being enough this episode will have value for you.

 Buttermilk Waitress: Proof You Can Have A Million Terrible Jobs & Still Find Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2265

My first job was as a waitress at an old-age home serving primarily, you guessed it, buttermilk. In this episode I’m taking you on the journey through my twisting, turning career path so you can see how you don’t have to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life at 18, 28—or really, ever. Career paths don’t have to be linear, and horrible jobs sometimes lead to really amazing ones. Oh, and I wrote a song about the whole thing, which promises to be the song of the summer. Dance remix forthcoming. 

 A Bout of Self Doubt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2672

Hi! Hi!  As it turns out, creating and subsequently launching a podcast is hard, especially when you have tendencies towards self doubt.  I spend this episode exploring the origins of my own self doubt (hi mom, hi dad), discussing my self doubt triggers, and offering up some potential solutions for those who suffer from it as well (maybe 95% of all of us?).  Here's hoping that by hearing me talk about it you will see that you are not alone—and that self doubt does not mean that you can't face fears and ultimately find success.

 How To Rate Your Emotions & Track Your Mood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1673

Welcome to my Emotional Rating System. It’s an adaptable, numerical rating system my mom and i created to help me identify and easily communicate my mood. It also helped me and my doctors accurately diagnose my bipolar. This system is an easy way to get in touch with and convey how you are feeling at any given moment—and it's easily adaptable to other mental health issues as well. Plus, Dr. Jamie and The Amazing Saerina are back this week rating their own moods and talking about why this tool was important for them—but absolutely zero sex talk, I promise. 

 Jen, Meet Bipolar - Bipolar, Meet Jen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2679

Hi. I’m back! In this episode, I chronicle my struggles with mental illness from a young age up through my early thirties when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This episode will be especially valuable to you if you are dealing with depression, bipolar, or anxiety—or if you suspect you might be, but haven’t received a diagnosis, or if you know someone else who is struggling with it. And as always, the hope is that in sharing my personal experiences I can help you build emotional intelligence and become more self aware.


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