The Tightrope: Reflections for Busy Catholics show

The Tightrope: Reflections for Busy Catholics

Summary: The Catholic podcast where we take three to five minutes to see and embrace the opportunities embedded in our busy, messy lives that are meant to help us move towards heaven. Together, we walk the tension between living this life fully while being on our way to the next.


 Can God be Found in Entertainment Culture? | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4:49

Entertainment culture has a pretty bad reputation in Christian communities, but is there a way for us to find God when we go to the movies? Even though there is a lot of brokenness in entertainment culture, we can’t help but point to something greater when we encounter a good story. We tell stories over and over again about redemption, love, sacrifice, and hope. These all point back to the gospel story. We can use this to start conversations about faith with others. Watch the next Marvel movie you see with the gospel in mind and find out how it can prepare you for God’s love.

 The Immaculate Conception and Real Freedom | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4:44

The feast of the Immaculate Conception, the day that Mary was conceived, turns our thoughts toward Mary as we begin Advent. Mary, the New Eve, is not a holy robot. She isn’t boring or predicable. Sometimes our narrow vision of what it is to be without sin sabotages our vision of Mary who was alive, dynamic and truly free. As you hear her story over these next few weeks allow a three-dimensional vision of her to come alive in your mind, heart, and imagination and know that she—who is your mother—is right there with you as your step forward on your tightrope.

 Episode 32: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like … Advent | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4:34

Christmas has been unleashed, but it’s not even Advent yet. How can we give Advent it’s due without belittling any early Christmas celebrations? Colin’s family has come up with a few ideas: Light candles on an Advent wreath Add straw to a Nativity scene manger every time you do a small act of charity Sing an Advent song, “Come Lord Jesus, come and be born in our hearts” Trim the tree with Jesse tree ornaments and purple and rose decorations.

 Episode 31: Should Sisyphus have been Grateful for his Suffering? | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 2:58

Life without God can feel like pushing a boulder uphill all day and seeing it back at the bottom every morning, which was the punishment of Sisyphus. But life in Christ offers so much more. With God, we have a destination, and every stress, struggle, and trial is imbued with purpose through him. Instead of meeting our daily cross with dread, let’s approach it with gratitude, knowing that it brings us closer to God. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Happy Thanksgiving!

 Episode 30: The Feminine Genius of St. Scholastica | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4:52

We’ve all heard of St. Benedict, but people often neglect to mention Benedict’s twin sister, St. Scholastica. Colin talks about what we know about St. Scholastica (suffice to say, she made it rain) and how she is a fantastic example of what St. John Paul II called the feminine genius. For more on St. Scholastica, check out Colin’s article The Scholastica Option: Women Who Make it Rain.

 Episode 29: Lay Down Your Burdens | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4:28

We hear this all the time—just lay down your burdens at God feet and he’ll take care of it—but it takes on new meaning when you hear it sung by your little daughter. _I cast all my cares upon You I lay all of my burdens Down at Your feet And any time I don't know what to do I will cast all my cares upon You -Cares Chorus by Kelly Willard Colin connects his own desire to take care of his child to that of God the father, who wants to take care of us. When you don’t know what to do, sing this song unto God and let him carry your worries.

 Episode 28: Remind Halloween of its Baptismal Promises | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4:03

Catholics have the ability to celebrate Halloween better. Halloween can be reduced to a glorification of gore, terror, fear, and even the demonic, but it really points to something much greater. When Christians think of death, we recall that Jesus conquered death, and has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life. In fact, we should remember our death everyday, and allow it to spur us toward holiness. So don’t turn off the lights and stay home. Celebrate in the right way, a way that reminds Halloween of its baptismal promises.

 Episode 27: St. John Paul II and Who You Really Are | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3:56

“You are not who they say you are. Let me remind you of who you really are.” St. John Paul II reminds us that our identity does not lie in fear, anxiety, or any extrinsic force. This quote is an echo of what Christ teaches us, reminding us of our real identity as children of God. Reflect on this quote today in adoration. Silence all the false voices and listen to God.

 Episode 26: 3 Life-Changing Catholic Ideas | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4:14

Here are three big ideas central to St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body that can keep us balanced in everything we do—from our work to the way we love. _Snippet from the Show: Life is an epic love story The meaning of life is found in self-gift Every person is an end in and of themselves_

 Your Guardian Angel Wants to Help You | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 5:25

Angels are an important part of…well…reality! There are, God knows how many, creatures out there lighting, guarding, ruling and guiding. (There are others, fallen angels, seeking the ruin of souls.) Don’t forget that when you are seeking daily balance and progress. Pray to your guardian angel. Pray that powerful St. Michael prayer to ward off evil and plant yourself firmly in the service of God in the war for souls. Angels are with you, on either side of your tightrope, trying to keep you upright.

 God is Good, Not Just Fine | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 5:25

The difference between “good” and “fine” can have a big impact on how we view God. When someone says, “it’s fine” they often mean, “I will grit my teeth and accept this, but below the surface I’m harboring a lot of resentment.” God is good, but we often think of him as fine. We gloss over the cliche “God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good,” but it wasn’t always so widely accepted. In Story of a Soul, St. Therese always refers to God as the Good God. She did this in response to Jansenism, the idea that we have to earn God’s approval through our own merit. But we don’t have to do anything to earn God’s love, because he is good, not just fine. Take ten minutes of prayer today to reflect on God’s goodness. "The idea that we’ve got to earn God’s approval by doing good things is a low view of human nature, and a really low view of God. God is good, he’s not just fine." - Colin MacIver

 Pray With Someone | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 5:21

Colin talks about the time he was stuck in traffic and called Brian Butler to talk business, but instead, he was invited to say a Rosary, and had a beautiful moment of peace with God in the middle of a stressful situation. Check out Colin’s brand new collaboration with Fr. Mike Schmitz, Quick Catholic Lessons! We should intercede for our loved ones, the whole Church, the whole world, even our enemies. As Matthew 5:44 says, “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Praying with others, though, can be even more effective, even if it is a bit intimidating. It is one thing to pray for someone. It is another to stop and pray with someone on the spot. But most things worth doing are hard. Colin shares some ways to overcome that feeling of weirdness or uncertainty and just do it! Incorporate your family into your prayer life by setting an attainable goal and following it through for a solid month. It might be something as simple as changing the time and place of family prayer, or adding a new dimension to it. Instead of offering to pray for someone at some indistinct point in the future, stop, take a deep breath, and offer to pray with them on the spot. Caught in traffic? Call Brian Butler…or any Ascension presenter … or any good friend, really…and ask them to pray the Rosary with you. Check out Brian’s work with Ascension! YOU: Life, Love, and The Theology of the Body and Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition. "If you stop and pray with someone, especially somebody who is not expecting it, who knows what can happen!"

 How St. Thérèse Can Lead You to Heaven | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4:15

As we approach St. Therese's feast day, learn how her "Little Way" can help lead you to heaven.

 St. Therese - Malaise, Hurricanes, and the Little Way | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 6:11

How exactly can you live out St. Therese’s Little Way in your daily life? Snippet from the Show: The most important thing I can do is find ways to be present in the moment and offer small sacrifices of love every day.

 The 3 Basics of Christian Life | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4:51

Colin lays out these three basics from his son’s second grade religion class that every Catholic needs to actually do to live faithful, holy lives. Daily prayer - We really need prayer, now and always. Let’s talk and listen to God everyday. Receive the sacraments - Having a clear conscience before God in confession and being nourished by the Eucharist are essential. Practice virtues - Do what is good and resist what is evil. Look at the example of Jesus and let him lead you forward in morality. "Get back to the basics and practice sound fundamentals – sounds pretty obvious right? Why aren’t we doing it? Getting back to the basic core of Christian life is the key to holiness."


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