New Mindset, Who Dis? show

New Mindset, Who Dis?

Summary: Hi, I’m Case Kenny (@case.kenny on Instagram) and this is my twice weekly podcast where I offer practical thoughts on self improvement, mindfulness and how to live your best life. It’s a different kind of podcast. I'm just a dude living his life sharing some perspective. No gurus, no fluff and no preaching of generic life advice… just my thoughts on self-help, wellness, and mindsets with practical and personal insights on how to live a passionate, purposeful and happy life. Join me Mondays and Thursdays. Let's go!


 54 - Tough love yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:17

In this episode, I talk about the power of how you can literally use your internal or out loud dialogue to snap yourself out a funk or out of overthinking or out of choosing to be comfortable or when making a big move. You can use some key words and a little tough love directed towards yourself to get yourself moving and taking action. I talk about the idea of how you need to "Case Kenny that sh*t." Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 53 - Let's get this bread | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:15

In this episode, I talk about waking up each morning and saying to yourself "let’s get this bread." But for a bit of a different reason. I talk about how you might think Monday through Friday sucks. They’re days you generally dread. I talk about how you can choose to be intentional with your mindset on those days so you can wake up each morning with positive intention and enjoy every minute of every day. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 52 - Ya gotta be more decisive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:59

In this episode, I talk about why I think being decisive in life can be one of the most empowering things you do for yourself and why I think - no matter the outcome of the decision you make - something good will always come of it.  Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 51 - Weird flex, but ok | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:56

In this episode, I talk about why I think that, despite what other folks might say, you should flex your confidence a bit. That you should be loud and not so humble sometimes. That you should showcase your skills, your personality, your success… because to me, at the end of the day, a little flex here and there reminds you of your growth and further solidifies your self confidence and your unwavering self acceptance.  Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 50 - How to get out of a funk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:41

In this episode, I talk about being in a funk, a slump, a rut. It happens. And when it happens you don’t feel particularly motivated or successful. You just feel kinda meh like nothing big is happening. Nothing bad is going down necessarily, but at the same time, nothing big is happening either. You’re just existing. But that’s no way to live! I talk about a couple of simple ways that I get myself out of a funk and how they can help you. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 49 - Be curious | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:25

In this episode, I talk about why I think you should be more curious. Like intentionally and energetically curious. I've found that amazing things, people and experiences come from just genuinely wanting to know and do more... to find things out for yourself.  Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 48 - Stop taking things so personally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:13

In this episode, I talk about how to deal with critics and how to react to negative feedback in life. I have some thoughts on how to deal with this and most of all… how to not take things so personally in life. If you find yourself taking everything very seriously and personally, you’ll get a lot of value from this episode.  Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 47 - Spend some time alone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:09

In this episode, I talk about the times in your life when you should should spend some time alone. I’m not going to give generic advice about how you need to be comfortable with yourself or anything like that… that’s a given. I talk about a couple of specific scenarios in your where the best thing you can do for yourself is to be alone. Not for long… just enough time. And in a good way! It’s a positive practice! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 46 - Don't you dare give up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:40

In this episode, I talk about not giving up. I don’t want you to give up for the sole and specific reason that you literally never know how close you are to where you want to be. If you give up now, you’ll never know… and the reality is... you could be right there! You could be so freakin close! And I don’t want you looking back, asking yourself what if?  Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 45 - Is your life a sh*t show? Good. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:59

In this episode, I talk about what to do if you feel that your life is a hot mess right now… a real sh*t show... because I have a feeling that a lot of you feel that way. I’m going to talk about why there’s nothing wrong with that at all and why I actually think you saying that your life is that way is a good thing and means you’re ahead of everyone else. I think you’ll agree with me once you hear why. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 44 - Ya gotta be best homies with yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:55

In this episode, I talk about why, at the end of the day, you need to be best homies with yourself. I think a lot of us lose sight of that as we get absorbed in our relationships or our careers or our passions so in this episode I give one practical idea to help. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 43- How to be a luckier person | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:56

In this episode, I talk about luck and that to be lucky… you have to put yourself in a position to be lucky. You have to put yourself in a position where all that is the “luck” part is the outcome. There are a couple of specific things you can do each day to become luckier and I outline those in today's episode. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 42 - Please stop saying "aspiring" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:30

In this episode, I talk about a simple mindset tweak you can do that will set you on the right path. This mindset is all about not being afraid to be a beginner. It’s about removing the word "aspiring" from your vocabulary because, if my experience has taught me anything, you don’t need anyone’s permission to be something. As long as you’re working on it, you are that thing. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 41 - Get the BS out of your head | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:12

In this episode, I talk about how to get all that BS out of your head so that you can appreciate more. I talk about why I think this is so important and more than just the usual self help headline you so often might read. This stuff is real and if my experiences have been any indication, you’ll be a lot happier once you start committing to doing this one simple thing each day. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

 40 - No more FOMO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:41

In this episode, I talk about FOMO and why it's gotta go. I talk about what to do when you feel the emotions associated with FOMO - inadequacy, feelings of being left behind and just trying to keep up with everyone else who is happy and fulfilled. I talk about a couple of ways to fight these feelings and how to be happy in the process.


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