This Jungian Life show

This Jungian Life

Summary: Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent conversations about a wide range of topics. Join them for discussion of news events, family dynamics, personal issues and more as they share what it’s like to see the world through the depth psychological lens provided by CG Jung. Half of each episode is spent discussing a dream submitted by a listener. Lisa, Joseph and Deb went through their Jungian training together, becoming friends and developing working partnerships. Now they are engaged in a new creative venture with a spirit of adventure and hope you will join them.

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  • Artist: Deborah Stewart, Lisa Marchiano, Joseph Lee
  • Copyright: CREATIVE COMMONS COPYRIGHT NOTICE for This Jungian Life by Deborah Stewart, Lisa Marchiano, Joseph Lee ©2018. All Rights Reserved under Creative Commons Copyright: This Podcast is educational, and may be utilized in full for non‐commercial purposes.


 Episode 53 - Should I Stay or Should I Go? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:42

Joseph, Lisa and Deb discuss stages of marriage / partnership, from romantic to parenting to empty nest, and the ongoing need for evolving relational awareness, especially in discerning the difference between individual complexes and relational problems.

 Episode 52 - Precognitive Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:30

Listeners contributed examples of precognitive dreams for this episode. Lisa, Joseph, and Deb discuss theoretical concepts and listener dreams from various vantage points: the intuitive capacity of the unconscious, the synchronous intersection of matter and psyche, and activation of an archetype.

 Episode 51 - What is Your Therapist Thinking? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:36

Lisa, Joseph, and Deb explore and explain what the analytic process is like for them as they work with clients. Deb describes her interactions with clients using a rectangular diagram - this represents the multi-directional flow of energy in the session between the conscious and unconscious contents of both people. The analytic process is also likened to a chemical reaction in which both people are changed.

 Episode 50 - Shopping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:42

Everyone shops—we have access to an astonishing choice of products. What are we seeking for our inner selves as we shop for outer objects? For some, utilitarian objects carry libido, whereas for others shopping is an aesthetic, adventurous, relational, or aspirational experience. Joseph, Deb and Lisa explore the possible personal meanings of shopping.

 Episode 49 - Dietary Over-regulation and the Pursuit of Purity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:49

Preoccupation and obsession with food–orthorexia-can take the form of the quest for health and purity, with rigid rules about food categories, such as the need for all-organic ingredients or omitting food groups such as dairy, sugar, and gluten in the absence of identified physiological intolerances. This overall effort to banish anxiety can take the form of an implicit bargain, a strong need for ego control, elitism, specific community values, and banishing shadow by projecting it onto “bad” foods.

 Episode 48 - Estrangement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:01

Estrangement involves psychologically cutting-off, repressing, and defending against connection with another who has come to be experienced as “all bad.” People may move away geographically, refuse to talk to a certain person, or simply give someone the “cold shoulder.” Joseph, Lisa and Deb discuss the importance of setting appropriate boundaries with others and understanding that estrangement is also an internal phenomenon.

 Episode 47 - Falling in Love with your Analyst | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:05

Eros – love – is an essential part of the analytic process. In Vol. 16 of his Collected Works Jung used alchemical images of a king and queen to illustrate the various ways in which erotic feeling can enter the consulting room. The safety of a time-limited, fee-based relationship is important to allowing a full range of feelings and fantasies to be admitted into consciousness without being enacted. Idealizing and erotic feelings for another can pave the way to finding one’s center in oneself.

 Episode 46 - Hiding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:35

Hiding can be a conscious decision, whether for fun, as in the game of hide and seek, or out of necessity, as Anne Frank’s family’s had to do. Hiding can also be an unconscious phenomenon, particularly if there has been trauma, in order to protect the inviolable life of the soul. How, then, does an individual come out of hiding to discover him- or herself?

 Episode 45 - The Wall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:49

With “The Wall” very much in the forefront of national discussion, Deb, Lisa and Joseph reflect on the archetype of walls.

 Episode 44 - The Archetypal Power of Football | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:51

Football is a uniquely American sport with millions of fans, heroic teams, and stadiums reminiscent of colosseums. As the Super Bowl approaches – television’s most-watched show – Lisa, Joseph and Deb consider the archetypal underpinnings that contribute to making football America’s most watched sport.

 Episode 43 - Heartbreak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:36

Our hearts can break over the death of a dearly loved other, including a pet…and our hearts can break over the death of a relationship and the death of our hopes and dreams, and our innocence, idealizations, and the psychic needs we believe another can fulfill. Heartbreak is mythological and fairy tale theme, which illustrates its central place in the human psyche, and in them we find clues to how one heals from this devastating experience.

 Episode 42 - Over Apologizing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:51

What is “I’m sorry” as a habitual response really about? There’s the preemptive apology that is offered to forestall possible criticism, the apology that evokes reassurance from others, the apology for falling short of perfection…and more. This episode explores developmental, interpersonal, and intrapsychic dynamics of various kinds of habitual apologizing. We’ll be sorry if it falls short of your expectations.

 Episode 41 - Regret | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:57

Along with a our guest podcast Brazilian Jungian analyst Leticia Capriotti, we explored the psychological underpinnings of regret.

 Episode 40 - What's Unique about Jungian Analysis? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:42

How is Jungian analysis different from other psychotherapies? What are its major components and distinguishing features? And what makes it effective? Lisa, Deb, and Joseph discuss Jungian analysis as a nonlinear process that is not limited to problem-solving or reducing symptoms.

 Episode 39 - Shrink Rap Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:32

This week we sat down with Dave from Shrink Rap Radio to discuss dream analysis. We hope you enjoy and happy holidays!


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