REG4L show


Summary: Join Reg4l Ministries as they honor God's call to share the message of love found in the ministry and life of Jesus Christ.

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 GQ PODCAST EPISODE EIGHT - IS MY ABORTION FORGIVEN (BROADCAST) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:13

There are many questions when it comes to sin. Many today concern the subject of abortion. More specifically, people often ask does God forgive when an unborn life is terminated? This episode discusses why abortion defies God's plan and it also explains what one must do in seeking forgiveness.

 EPISODE SEVEN - DOES GOD LOVE GAY PEOPLE (BROADCAST) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:10

With the world divided on so many topics concerning homosexuality, many are interested in knowing if "GOD LOVES GAY PEOPLE?" This question seems like it has an obvious answer but based on the behavior of the Christian church toawrd gays, many wonder what the truth actually is.

 EPISODE SIX - AS A CHRISTIAN, SHOULD I STILL LISTEN TO RAP/ HIP HOP MUSIC? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:44

GQ Podcast continues with a question from a fellow believer, seeking whether she should continue to listen to rap music as a Christ-follower? Get your Bibles and note pads ready for the answer.

 GQ PODCAST EPISODE FIVE - SMOKING WEED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:13

AM I STILL A CHRISTIAN IF I SMOKE WEED? The answer to this episode's question may shock you. Listen and share Brother Art's response to the listener's question on: THE GQ PODCAST

 GQ PODCAST EPISODE FOUR - (For some reason,) I CAN'T LAND A MAN! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:59

This episode's question surrounds why one cannot obtain the "significant other" that they desire. The question ends up becoming; Is what they want, what God wants for them? Tune in to this episode of THE GQ PODCAST To hear Brother Art's response.

 GQ PODCAST EPISODE THREE - NOT GETTING ANYWHERE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:05

GQ PODCAST - Episode Three Question: Why does it seem as if I'm getting nowhere in my life? Send your questions: GQTALK@GMAIL.COM Visit us at: REG4L.ORG Follow us on FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM @officiallyreg4l

 GQ PODCAST EPISODE TWO - MY MAN IS AN UNBELIEVER | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:05

GQ PODCAST This Episode's Question: "My man is an unbeliever, should I stay with him? Email your questions to: GQTALK@GMAIL.COM Visit our website: REG4L.ORG Follow REG4L on Facebook & Instagram @officiallyreg4l

 EPISODE ONE - SKIPPING CHURCH | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:22

This episode's question: Is it wrong to skip church in order to work? Can you guess Brother Art's response? Tune in and see if your thoughts, not only line up with Brother Art's but if they line up with scripture.

 JUST A TASTE, OF REG4L WORSHIP | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:40

Friends, Here's a sample of how our worship goes down each and Every Sunday @ THE REG4L ROOM Join our facebook group @REG4L to stay connected and Get a better taste EVERY Sunday Morning with REG4L WORSHIP .For more info visit: REG4L.ORG

 PRIDE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:11

As we continue our series, The Best life with God, now that we have surpassed the actions that bring us closer to God, we must examine what causes us to shift away from Him. Though there are many, Pride is atop of the list of characteristics that challenge our relationship with God. Listen, learn and become aware of what might be standing in the way of a fruitful relationship with our Lord.

 Message - For The Single Mothers - He Believes In You! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:16

Our world paints a picture that every family fits the status quo: Dad, Mom kids, career, and home. Yes, that is the dream for most but for some, it is not reality. Too many families lack fathers today which means Mothers have to constantly step up and raise our future children by themselves. With this responsibility comes tremendous pressure, exhaustion, and loneliness. Our mother's think less of themselves and like a true Christian, think more of their loved ones, this being their children. With Mother's day upon us, God placed a message in our hearts to speak to the single mothers. Our goal was to connect them to scripture, let them know that they are not alone, and even in the Bible, struggling single mothers dealt with the same hang-ups that they do today. The message: God hasn't forgotten you and knows when you are doing what you do, you are doing it in his Holy Name.

 The #1 Spot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:09

This message plainly asks you, "Who has the number one spot in your life?" We often are confused when we think of our answer because we answer based on our human instincts and our secular lifestyle responsibilities. Our prayer is that this message offers you insight on how to correct "order" in your heart will open the lives of you and your loved ones to an overcast of God's protection and blessings.

 PATH TO RECONCILIATION (BROADCAST FINAL) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:43

To be reconciled means, to bring two parties, that are separated back together. Many are separated from God and truly do not know it. This Resurrection weekend is a great opportunity to make amends and accept the invitation God has extended to return to his flock. This brief message is the culmination of the last 4 messages which brings understanding to the modern person; why they are or have been distant from God, the cause for the separation, and the reason why we should reconcile with him.

 TESTIFY - TELL THE WORLD HOW GOD DID IT! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:34

In the second part of the series, "Through the Fire", we conclude with a discussion on Testimony. When God joins us in the midst of our struggles, he aims to make an everlasting connection with us. Through his grace and because of our faith, the relationship we have with Christ blossoms. Through that understanding, it is Gods will for man, his children, to share his Good News. God wants us to spread the ways that Jesus has impacted and blessed our lives. We invite you to listen, enjoy and connect with God as you play this message.

 THROUGH THE FIRE (BROADCAST) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:09



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