KUDEN! Martial Arts, Self-Defense & Survival show

KUDEN! Martial Arts, Self-Defense & Survival

Summary: Welcome to Kuden! The podcast for practitioners and enthusiasts of Ninjutsu, the self-defense, survival, and personal development system of Japan’s ancient Ninja Night Warriors; hosted by internationally-recognized self-defense expert, author, and master instructor, Dai-Shihan Jeffrey Miller, one of the longest training students in the art with ACTUAL life and street experience using these powerful, life-changing and saving lessons! Join us live each week on platforms like Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter Periscope as we dive deeply into the art of the ancient Ninja and Samurai, and learn how to really apply these lessons in your life today, against the threats, challenges, and attacks that exist in the real world of the 21st century!

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  • Artist: Jeffrey M. Miller
  • Copyright: Copyright 2021 Warrior Concepts International


 E94 - KUDEN! - Warrior "Class" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:56:25

During this episode we'll be looking at the idea of what it means to be a "warrior", historically, as well as some of the insights I've gained over the years from my teachers - including the grandmaster - about the concepts of "class" and being a budoka and Ninja. Careful...this one just may ruffle some cocky "feathers" of some who think they've got their own "warrior" shit together!

 E93 - KUDEN! - Perception, Reality, & Success! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:29:58

During this episode, I'll be sharing some core secrets of the ancient masters that I learned from my teachers- lessons that have been validated through discoveries in modern brain science. These critical pieces explain why some people are successful and have the life they want, and how you can tap into them to have the success you want and deserve!

 E92 - KUDEN! - Ninja Knowledge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:36:13

During this episode we'll be looking at a part of the Ninja no Hachimon (8 Gates of Authentic Traditional Ninja Training), that points to breaking free from the limited, martial arts-only mentality that most students and instructors are trapped in. THIS is the part of the powerful, life-changing system that everyone needs, but virtually NO ONE is practicing!

 E91 - KUDEN! - Warrior Action | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:29

During this episode we'll be exploring the concepts of the Warrior as a person of action, and what that means in how we think, speak, move through, and engage with the world. I'll also be sharing a framework of 4 Levels of Action and why most people either fall or fall WAY short of the goal they say they're trying to achieve.

 E90 - KUDEN! - Warrior Perspective | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:54

One of the most important things I've learned from my teacher, the grandmaster, is how to look any "thing" from different angles. This lesson held for not just personal combat skill but also those things in life that we think we know for sure. But...being a warrior involves more than just knowing some "cool moves".

 E89 - KUDEN! - New Beginnings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:57

Bring in the New Year with me as we explore an important concept, both in Japanese culture and in the realm of personal development and success...the concepts of new beginnings! Let's do this Warrior-style!

 E88 - KUDEN! - Stop Dreaming Small | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:49:46

During this episode I'll be sharing some tips and suggestions for breaking out of what I call "THE RACE TO BE AVERAGE" and why you can't do what everyone else (including 95% of the people training in this art) is doing and see the kind of results you know you want for yourself!

 E87 - KUDEN! - Training with My Teachers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:35:36

During this episode I'll be talking about my experience training with a few of my own teachers along the way, from Hatsumi-Sensei and a few of the Japanese master teachers, to my original teachers and mentors in this art. And the "experiences" won't be what you might think!

 E86 - KUDEN! - Training with Injuries and Limitations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:25

During this episode I'll be giving you my take on a few topic suggestions/questions that came in regarding how to train through injuries, as well as some supplemental ideas and/or suggestions for fostering the "warrior spirit".

 E85 - KUDEN! - Ninjutsu - Then & Now | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:30

The topic of this episode is based on a question that came in from a listener regarding what I see as some of the differences between Ninjutsu training as it was when it was first introduced to the Western world in the late 70's and very early 80's, and the way it's being practiced today. Join me as we discuss Ninjutsu - then & now...

 E84 - KUDEN! - Against All Odds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:03:59

What do you do when you have limited time, live hundreds or even thousands of miles from a qualified Ninjutsu teacher, and have a lifetime of programming keeping you from seeing a solution to getting the training you've been wanting for a really long time? That's the topic of this episode of KUDEN! podcast.

 Episode 83 - KUDEN! Ninja Seishin Teki Kyoyo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:05:02

Of the 18 levels of training (Ninja Juhakkei) within the Togakure School of Ninjutsu, the first area or 'level' is the focus on your personal clarity and development. In this episode of KUDEN! we'll be taking a look at this critical study, why it was there for our Ninja ancestors, and its importance to your success, not just in Ninjutsu but in life!

 E82 - KUDEN! More Wisdom from Mentors, Teachers, and Role-Models | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:05:47

This episode focuses on more wisdom from several of my teachers, mentors, and role-models along the way - people who helped me break out of the limiting, self-imprisoning programming, thinking, and belief systems that were holding me back from the results and success I wanted for both myself, and for those I could help in the world.

 E81 - KUDEN! Comfort is the Enemy of Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:57:14

During this episode we'll be exploring why being comfortable stops most practioners from realizing their true potential, any why it keeps so many from doing what they could be doing to either get the training they say they want or see the level of success they could be getting from this powerful life mastery system!

 E80 - Kuden! I'd Quit Ninjutsu in a Heartbeat! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:00

Too many students go looking for a martial art of self-defense system because someone told them it was the best, or they were looking to be the baddest MOFO on the block. During this episode I'm sharing how I found Ninjutsu and what I told all my teachers, including the Grandmaster, as to how long I'd stay with it.


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