Quintus Curtius  show

Quintus Curtius

Summary: Quintus Curtius is an attorney, writer, translator, and former Marine officer. His books deal with a variety of ethical, moral, and character topics, using examples in history, biography, literature, and philosophy. The result is both unique and inspiring. His podcasts are his personal dialogues with listeners. He can be found at www.qcurtius.com

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 The Trial Of Galileo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:35

The Italian astronomer Galileo was examined by the Inquisition for heresy in 1633. At issue was his advocacy of the heliocentric (sun-centered) view of the solar system. What was the significance of the trial, and what were the motivations of the participants?

 Are Paranormal Phenomena Real? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:58

Is there any truth to the proposition that paranormal phenomena are real? If so, in what way? Is there more to this world than just physical material? And does science have all the answers? We discuss these issues.

 The Continued Progress Of The Plutocratic Insurgency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:50

This podcast accompanies my most recent article. In it, we explore two additional dimensions of the "plutocratic conspiracy": the techno-palaces of the global elite, and the creeping confiscation of public lands by private actors. The end result of these two trends is to accelerate already destabilizing wealth imbalances.

 The Legal Merits Of The Michelle Carter "Texting Suicide" Appeal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:09

In this podcast, we discuss the legal merits of Michelle Carter's appeal of her involuntary manslaughter conviction in the notorious "texting suicide" trial. What were the relevant issues in the case? Was the conviction proper? What is the likelihood of the conviction surviving appellate review?

 How To Deal With The "Dirtbag Shuffle" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:06

Our society seems to be producing more dirtbags than ever before. They're everywhere, and they love to seek out people to take advantage of. We discuss how to spot a dirtbag, and how to deal with the common games (the "dirtbag shuffle") that dirtbags love to play. The only person who cares about you is you, and knowing a few key points will help you protect yourself from their games.

 Never Sleep On Your Rights | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:17

When you are faced with a serious problem or issue, you need to spring into action to deal with it. Anyone who "sleeps on his rights," and thinks the problem will go away by ignoring it, is in for a rude awakening. The "dirtbag shuffle" never works in the real world. Legal rights, once constructively waived, can be very difficult to reassert later. This is the basis of the legal theory of laches.

 The Loss Of Memory And Attention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:27

As individuals and as a society, we are steadily losing our long-term memories. Endless stimulation and "choices" have nearly turned us into the protagonist in the film "Memento," whose memory-loss condition puts him at the mercy of others' manipulations. Rote memorization--unfairly maligned by modern educators--has its merits and deserves a reconsideration.

 We Can't Expect Too Much From People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:46

One big frustration we can experience in life is having unrealistic expectations. We can want people to behave in ways that are just not within their desires or capabilities. What is the best way to deal with this? We use the example of the humanist Petrarch's strained relationship with his son.

 Julius Caesar's Speech In "The Conspiracy Of Catiline" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:08

This podcast is a reading and commentary on Julius Caesar's speech found in Sallust's "Conspiracy of Catiline." Caesar's address to the senate made important points about the value of precedent, leniency, and how abuses of power can follow from seemingly good intentions.

 Mentorships And Career Concerns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:25

We deal with two reader questions in this podcast. The first one is about mentors and mentorships. The second question concerns career advice for someone who's feeling a bit down about his current situation.

 You Do What You Have To Do To Survive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:46

A recent news article talks about how young, unemployed urban Greeks are leaving the city to return to agricultural work in the countryside. It's part of a wider economic trend that has a lot of positive features.

 How I Got Robbed In Rio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:43

I tell the story of how I was robbed in Rio last month. You take your hits, and you keep moving. Suck it up.

 "Sallust: The Conspiracy Of Catiline And The War Of Jugurtha" Is Now Available | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:08

My book "Sallust: The Conspiracy Of Catiline and The War Of Jugurtha" is now available for purchase. In this podcast, I read the book's foreword.

 "How Do I Convince A Student That His Ideas Are Wrong?" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:14

A reader who is a teacher is troubled by the fact that one of his teenage students firmly believes in in fascist government. The teacher seeks advice on how to deal with this situation. He relates this situation to similar experiences he had as a soldier in Afghanistan when he was dealing with local villagers.

 A Meeting With Stalin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:06

A former NKVD agent describes a meeting with Joseph Stalin and the special assignment he was given. We reflect on the fact that power and glory are fleeting, and that they can vanish faster than most people believe.


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