The Mother Like a Boss Podcast show

The Mother Like a Boss Podcast

Summary: It's ok, you can admit it. Sometimes motherhood seems less like the sweetness of a Pamper's commercial and more like a scene out of Jaws. Here at the Mother Like a Boss Podcast, we dive into the good, the bad and the ugly of motherhood and modern homemaking, with honest conversations, tips, strategies and tools.


 An interview with my own mom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:20

It's time to speak to the mother behind the mother behind Mother Like a Boss. That was a mouthful. I'm giddy with excitement to invite my very own mama onto the show today to answer some of your audience questions and get insight into motherhood and homemaking from a woman that has been a single mother, a solo parent, a Navy wife and has raised 3 kids into adulthood through good times and bad.

 The cost of constantly complaining | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:37

The only thing worse than complaining is the complaining about complaining. This episode is complain-free. Instead, this is an honest discussion about the price we're all paying by living our lives through the lens of negativity and complaints. Complaining is more than just negativity about your situation, it's a grasp for control in the moment. But what is the cost of doing that all the time and what example are we really setting for our children?

 Finding freedom from the burdens of house cleaning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:12

It's Independence Day here in the United States and I'm celebrating the only way I know how: by talking about house cleaning. I'm loads of fun at parties, friends. Your house, just like your hair, your body, your clothes and anything else you use on a regular basis, will eventually need to be cleaned. Making it a burden rather than just another thing you do is creating undo stress in your life. Today, let's find freedom from the burdens of house cleaning and home management all together.

 How to deal with criticism and negativity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:25

I have to admit that it feels like we're drowning in negativity these days and moms are getting the brunt of it. Everyone has an opinion on how you should raise your children and live your life, but are all opinions bad? Is all criticism negative? And how to be sift through the opinions without feeling worse about ourselves?

 The real truth about the "hot mess mom" culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:01

Today, I'm getting as honest and real as I can about the pervasive "hot mess mommy" culture that's swept through motherhood over the last few decades, and giving my thoughts on why we at Mother Like a Boss™ choose to take a very different approach to empowering women.

 Creating a fresh start this summer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:23

This just in: you don't have to wait for January to create your goals or make a fresh start. Any time is a good time and the summer is no different. Use what you have during the summer months to create a fresh new beginning for yourself, your home and your family.

 When good goals go bad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:40

Not all goals are created equal. We're taught to aim for the stars and reach for the moon, but if what you want out of life doesn't require you to shoot rockets off into space, why are you? Mothers are led to believe there is one way to do things: one way to run their home, one way to be a mom, one way to do it all. Your aspirations shouldn't reflect what you "think" you should be aiming for. Putting effort into the wrong thing is what makes good goals go bad.

 Teaching kids to set goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:11

Our children are so full of potential and by nature love to dream big, but a dream can’t come true without some kind of goal attached to it. Today’s episode is call out to us as parents to help our kids reach their highest potential, measure their success along the way and accept (and even invite) “failure". I’m pouring out some great tips and steps to get your children started with positive goal setting at an early age.

 Why motherhood feels like a struggle (and why it doesn't have to be) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:31

"The struggle is real!" they say, but is it? More importantly, does it have to be a struggle? And as moms, can we have challenging moments and days without being permanent riders on the struggle bus? The answer is yes, yes we can.

 Living with an abundant mindset without needing more "stuff" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:49

We are surrounded by more stuff than ever, but feel more lack than we ever have. Having more can be a convenient way to fill the voids we feel, but that isn't based in abundance. Having an attitude of plentifulness doesn't mean we have to give in to amassing more stuff just for the sake of having more stuff.

 Why we need to stop shaming our way into gratitude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:09

Gratitude is truly a gateway to a life of joy and fulfillment, but it doesn't need to to something we shame our way into when you're feeling down. We're allowed to feel our feelings. Whether it's frustration, anger, guilt or sadness, our feelings are real. We can use gratitude as an invitation to shift those feelings, not a punishment for not feeling happy.

 Q&A with Kendra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:32

You have questions, I have answers! I love doing fun episodes like this that allow me to answer some of the most popular questions that get asked by you. From getting back on the routine horse, to the Office character I relate the most to, this episode will give you a lot of truthful answers and hopefully a bit touch of inspiration for your day.

 Makeover your long to-do lists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:42

You have a lot on your plate, mama. Don't I know it. I'm here to give you some truth (as usual) and tell you that those long to-do lists aren't doing you any good. Busy doesn't equal productive and it's time to makeover those long, busy-filled lists.

 Why we need homemaking now more than ever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:47

It is officially time to let go of all the myths and lies we've been believing as homemakers and embrace the finer parts of making a home that don't involve the likes of Pinterest-perfect perfectionism or burdened mothers acting as servants. In this busy, noisy world, it may be more important than ever to cultivate a space in your life that covers you from the stresses of the outside world. Modern homemakers, unite.

 Why I don't live with FOMO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:37

FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out I saw that acronym floating around the interwebs last year and admittedly had to Google it (old person, party of 1) I know the feeling. I've been there. Saying yes to things not because I want to do them, but because I fear missing out. Social media has made us more fearful than ever as moms of missing out (or having our children) miss out on what everything else is experiencing.


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