Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, Plunder and Deceit, debuted at number one on the New York Times Best-Seller list. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.


 3/13/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Early in our Republic, the press aligned with one party or cause and would identify themselves as such. Today too many media outlets are simply dishonest about who they are and what they are doing. They claim to be journalists, pursuing facts but all too frequently that’s not the case. When you dress up partisan politics as freedom of the press, it’s destructive to freedom of the press. It’s time to focus on those abusing their power and more thoroughly call them to account. Also, Sen Mike Lee calls in to discuss the Republican replacement healthcare bill, which has ended up as something different than Obamacare repeal. It’s half repeal and half replace, which is a disaster. He’s pretty sure this bill, as of right now, won’t pass the House or the Senate. Later, John Solomon calls in to explain that the FBI investigated a Trump server in its Russia probe, but no charges are expected. If you were watching CNN you would swear there are connections between Russia and Trump but the FBI has found little evidence. Finally, the big news today is that after 3 years the Arizona state legislator passed convention of states resolution, making it the ninth state to do so. This movement has gone under the radar but if we can get 20 states people will start to realize this is a real movement.

 3/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Full repeal of Obamacare through the budget reconciliation process in the Senate is possible and they can do it with 51 votes. Paul Ryan even said on the Mark Levin show in 2012 that 85% of Obamacare could be repealed through this process. But neither the House nor the Senate, have even attempted to pass a full repeal of the law through this process. So why won’t the Republicans do this? Because there are so many moderates and liberals in the Republican party that some of them want some aspects of Obamacare to stay. Also, the NY Times pushed sleazy reporting with their February 14th piece – “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence.” If there was no evidence of cooperation in their story then why write it? This is a smear job with innuendo and comingling of information with selective leaks. The media are caught red-handed in their propaganda. They wanted so badly to find something nefarious placing Trump’s campaign in cahoots with Russia that they engaged in Alinksy-like journalism tactics. Now, they have completely pivoted. The media are backed into a corner and all they can do is try and flip the story. Finally, AG Jeff Sessions fired 46 Obama appointed U.S Attorneys and the media is trying to make this out to be a scandal. Was there a scandal when Janet Reno fired 93 U.S. Attorneys in 1993 under Bill Clinton? A President has the right to pick his own appointees who he can trust to carry out his policy.

 3/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Paul Ryan is way off on RINOcare and not answering any important questions. How much will the average premium or deduction go up or down? How much will the federal government be spending on subsidies for certain individuals? Where is it written that Ryan or President Trump can tell us what kind of insurance we can have? At the end of the day, the problem with RINOcare is that it embraces the Left’s assumption that government involvement is needed to make health insurance affordable. It embraces progressivism and centralization. Republicans have blown it. There is something horribly immoral about RINOcare. Also, Ryan is targeting conservatives, not democrats, with ads promoting RINOcare. Once again the establishment is against conservatives. Later, Sen Ben Cardin, who is Jewish, came out against David Friedman as Trump’s pick for Israeli ambassador. This is a prime example of how liberal Democrats put their party ideology first before their religion.

 3/8/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Trump is 100% behind the RINOcare replacement plan, which is a combination of establishment Republicans and the Trump administration pushing a massive government program. This plan will create a massive amount of regulation that will have a devastating impact on the economy. They are leaving price hike regulations in place and getting rid of the individual mandate, and then putting in place a 30% fine for those who don’t have insurance and decide to come back in. In addition, there will be tax credits, where the tax payer is going to be subsidizing an enormous amount of money. How will we ever move towards a completive market system for insurers to market to the middle? Also, the government is throwing money at the states to help them deal with high risk pools but it won’t be enough. The Republican plan doesn't address the cost increasing mandates and it will affect Republicans at the ballot box. Why are the Republicans talking like liberals to get their big government program through? Conservative’s opposition is not based on purism or perfectionism but based on promises to fully roll back the core pillars of Obamacare which are hurting the country. After that, GOP leaders, like Steve Scalise are trying to shore up support for the bill are sending a dire message to conservatives. He’s telling principled constitutional conservatives that they have 2 choices, either you support Donald Trump who supports the American Healthcare Act, or you support Nancy Pelosi and Obamacare. These Republicans are acting like leftists and are creating a false dilemma. Later, Jim Jordan calls in to discuss his effort in fighting RINOcare. Finally, the fact that it was revealed that there were wiretaps on a Russian ambassador is outrageous. Why did the New York Times put a story out there about wiretapping if it wasn’t true? What was the point of the story? It was to create suspicion and a false impression.

 3/7/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The problem with the Republican RINOcare healthcare plan is that it is not a market-oriented plan. The substance of this thing is politics through and through. Republicans embraced the progressive agenda, and Barack Obama and the Democrats have won. The worst part is that the Republicans are dressing their RINO plan up with conservative propaganda. Every one of the Obamacare fundamentals is being preserved, because Republicans fear being blamed. In addition, more and more of our society and what the government does revolves around the centralization of power, because the people are apparently too stupid to decide for themselves what kind of healthcare they need. Now, we need politicians, professors and surrogates to develop our healthcare plans. Later, Daniel Horowitz, Senior Editor at Conservative Review, calls in to talk to explain that the new RINO care not only doesn’t replace Obamacare, it doesn’t repeal it either. Also, Rep Dave Brat of Virginia calls in to talk about his opposition to the Republicans replacement healthcare plan. After that, we are leaving our children and grandchildren a broken Social Security system, a broken healthcare system, broken education system and trillions of dollars of debt. We have gone from a nation that was consent of the governed to a nation where the government gets to make every decision for us. What kind of a country do we want to be? Finally, Chuck Todd sounds shocked to hear from James Clapper there were no FISA warrants issued. This is an important revelation. The media in the aggregate have reported about FISA warrants. They allowed this story to hang out there. Are the media so ideologically driven that they have to take ten sides on one issue? At the end of the day, whether there was FISA Court involvement or not or wiretaps or not, the media reported it.

 3/6/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The media have been caught in a web of contradictory lies when it comes to the FISA court issuing a warrant for wiretapping on President Trump’s 2016 campaign. Why is the media now denying that the Obama administration asked for FISA court warrants to surveil the Trump campaign? For weeks the media wanted us to believe that so serious were the connections between Trump, his campaign and Russia, that a probable cause standard was reached to launch wiretaps on Trump and his campaign. Now they would have you believe that there was no FISA warrant and no investigation. If there were no FISA court warrants issued last year, then why did the media report that there were for weeks? When is the media, including Jake Tapper, and Joe Scarborough going to track this down? Why didn’t Chuck Todd or Brian Stelter raise this issue about whether or not there were FISA court orders weeks ago? The media were basing their information on anonymous sources. The media is so ideologically driven they can't even get their story straight. In addition, James Clapper former Director of National Intelligence denied there was a FISA court order. If Clapper is telling the truth, it helps Trump and his presidency. It shows that not only was there nothing, but there was never anything there. After that, is this a criminal investigation or intelligence investigation? You won’t get any help in answering this question from the newspapers such as the New York Times. James Comey should come out with a statement to say, not only did Barack Obama not give an order to investigate the Trump campaign but there was no FISA warrant issued.

 3/3/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

Dan Bongino Contributing Editor of Conservative Review fills in for Mark. All of a sudden the Democrats remember who the Russian ambassador was, because as a member of the Senate, Jeff Sessions met with him. Sessions has a reputation of being an upstanding and honest guy, even among Democrats. Now that he is Attorney General, all of a sudden he is dishonest. Democrats are using this as a false bludgeon to take out the Trump administration. This massive treasure trove of evidence against Sessions is nowhere to be found. In addition, an illegal wiretap on Gen Mike Flynn happened under the Obama administration. They were imbedding people in the bureaucracy. Before Barack Obama left office, those bureaucrats had a job to sabotage the incoming administration. They were there to violate federal law and release sensitive information. If this is allowed to happen without media exposure and investigation, what does this mean for our country going forward? No one thinks this is even a mild controversy, that there are people in the government committing felonies to take down President Donald Trump and his administration. This is what unprincipled people do. After that, the conservative movement is a proud movement. We want to keep our money, pick our own healthcare and choose where we send our kids to school. We don’t do what the left is doing. In addition, the Democrats are trying to make Trump look like the worst thing ever, which is their usual line about Republican presidents. You would think principles would take over and the liberals would see the truth. Fortunately, Republicans haven't changed their mind on Jimmy Carter, and FDR’s new deal. At least they are not trying to rewrite history and call destructive liberal policies great.

 3/2/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the investigation between President Donald Trump and Russian ties. Did Sessions give 20'% of uranium to Russians like Hillary Clinton did? No, he didn’t do anything like that. He met with the ambassador as matter of his duty as a senator not as a surrogate for the Trump 2016 campaign. However, Republicans in the house and Senate insisted that he recuse himself. You can bet Republicans will throw these guys overboard just like they did with Gen Mike Flynn. The left's desire to destroy this administration is insatiable, and they are not going to stop. Did Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch ever recuse himself on anything? This is so pathetic that Republicans are all over T.V. saying Sessions should recuse himself. Republicans like Kevin McCarthy are running for the hills whenever liberals attack. The bigger scandal here is that we've had Obama administration holdovers within intelligence agencies surveilling the Trump campaign and leaking information to the public, in hopes of getting Hillary Clinton elected. Those are police state tactics! Nothing Gen. Michael Flynn or Sessions have done are even in the same category as that. This is a massive scandal, the likes of which we have never seen. The real question should be, was Barack Obama as President using our intelligence services through the FISA court to gather information on their opponent? In addition, where did the information on Sessions come from? The Obama administration knew exactly what they were doing. They loosened NSA information gathering rules weeks before they left office. The information was then grabbed and spread to plants in the government. Finally, Dr. John Eastman, Law professor at Chapman Law School calls in to talk to discuss Trump’s fascination with Andrew Jackson. Jackson vetoed every bill by Congress that attempted to work on local and state projects.

 3/1/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Donald Trump gave a terrific speech on Tuesday. It will resonate with most Americans because of the conservative aspects and the patriotic packaging of some liberal policy items like family leave and infrastructure spending. Of course liberals and Democrats are furious because Trump is politically hijacking their issues. Rather than trying to hang onto their constituents they are letting them go. However, it’s frustrating that Trump is trying to win the Reagan Democrats with big government policies. He should instead win them over with free market economics and unleashing the economy. Trump was extremely effective in advancing both conservative and liberal policies. Maybe this is what the American people want and what the Republican Party has become. In addition, there was not a single thing mentioned about the debt by Trump, the Democrats or Republicans. Nobody wants to talk about the debt because they created it. After that, the Democrats are despicable and acting like children during the speech. They still can’t accept the outcome of the election. Finally, it has been 5 years since Andrew Breitbart has passed away. He had an exceptional and brilliant way of communicating conservative ideals.

 2/28/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

President Donald Trump will give his speech before Congress on Tuesday night and we already know a lot of what is going to be in his speech. It will include increases in defense spending, slashing aspects of domestic spending, slashing the EPA and the State Department bureaucracy. Here he is trying to do the right thing and he’s coming under attack from Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham for wanting to slash the State Department. We now have Republicans objecting to conservative elements of Trump’s budget. Barack Obama had Harry Reid’s support but when it comes to advancing a rational fiscal policy Trump won't have anybody. Trump is proposing slashing of spending, yet it is hard to do that while simultaneously supporting a trillion dollars in infrastructure spending. After that, Republicans are near a make or break moment on the Obamacare repeal. Conservatives who want to repeal Obamacare are now criticized as jeopardizing so called moderate Republicans’ plans. Conservatives like Ted Cruz are opposing refundable tax credits which are subsidies. Cruz, Rand Paul and Mike Lee won't back Obamacare lite. The left media is calling them hardliners - this is fake news. Finally, according to Juaquin Castro only illegals with violent crimes should be deported. Open borders radicals like him will never be satisfied. This phony politician wants a list of laws that would not qualify as deportable. For Castro, forging social security numbers and traffic tickets should not merit deportation. He and Washington want the scam of illegal immigration to go on and on. To add, Castro is considering running against Cruz in Texas. He doesn’t want to serve the people of Texas but the people who want to come into Texas from other countries. If Texas is gone the country is gone.

 2/27/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Since the day he took office, President Trump has been baselessly threatened with impeachment by the Democrats in Congress. Leading the pack, Nancy Pelosi clamors on and on about convincing Trump supporters that they made a huge mistake. Maybe it’s time we expel Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats from Congress. If they’re gonna talk about impeachment, then we need to talk about expulsion, it’s time to go on offense. Democrats tried to take out Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and now Trump. Who is the “Party of No” now? We have now reached the point where the Democrat Party is a soviet style party. The Democrat Party is built on violence and ethnic balkanization. It doesn’t care about the Constitution unless it can use it to take out somebody. In addition, the Democrats are trying to drive down Trump’s popularity so they can pick off some Republican seats in the House. When the Democrats are out of office they are viscous and vile. After that, Sen Chuck Schumer is saying that criticizing the media is against the core of democracy. Of course it’s not against American values to criticize them, but is perfectly legitimate. The media is supposed to be a bulwark against government but they were in the tank for Barack Obama and Pelosi. They have thrown in with the progressives. Also, Trump’s plan on infrastructure ought to be resisted. This is not free market economics and will just add to the national debt. It's not the 1930's and the New Deal. The problem is too much government, Andrew Jackson would be absolutely appalled at this. The problem with this country is too little economic freedom and too little commerce. The majority of this money is going to new projects not to fix old bridges, tunnels, etc.

 2/24/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

There’s a reason why the Republican Party is telling us to forget about Ronald Reagan, because they aren’t conservative. The failure of the Republican Party to carry out conservative principles is not a failure of conservatism, but a failure of the Republicans. Conservatism is a way of life and not about politics per say. Politics is a manifestation of conservatism. To say that conservatism doesn’t work or that it doesn’t work because it hasn’t been tried is clearly absurd. We have a recent example within the last 40 years in Reagan. Reagan faced a much worse situation than Barack Obama in 1981. However, Reagan with his 4 point economic plan involving cutting taxes, spending reductions, anti-inflation monetary policy and massive deregulation led to enormous economic prosperity for the nation. These Republicans forget about conservative success in the past and instead are chasing Bernie Sanders’ trade positions. After that, there is an issue of globalism but it is not what the Nationalists Populists think. Globalism is not an attack on capitalism, private property rights and individualism but an attack on sovereignty. Finally, Mark Meckler calls in to discuss Article V and the Convention of States movement. Right now the Convention is experiencing opposition in Arizona and Utah. Democrats and Republicans are banding together to keep the power in Washington D.C.

 2/23/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6890

What’s interesting is that many young people at CPAC are rock solid conservatives. They want President Donald Trump to succeed, to the extent that Trump remains conservative. They are not buying Trump’s Nationalist Populist rhetoric. They believe in liberty, the Constitution, building up the military, liberty, faith, private property rights, and national sovereignty. Also, Mark interviewed Sen Ted Cruz at CPAC who suggested there may be a Supreme Court vacancy this summer and said the best way to drain the swamp is term limits. After that, Sean Hannity calls in to discuss the passing of Alan Colmes. So many liberals are nasty, but Colmes was a decent person who loved his audience. In addition, it looks like Keith Ellison is in the lead for DNC chair and he’s saying we need to protect the Constitution by impeaching Trump which is laughable because the left doesn’t care about the Constitution. Trump has committed no impeachable offenses. The Democrats are trying to drive Trump's negatives up and suggest he’s acting criminally where no criminality exists. Democrats will not allow an election to get in their way of promoting their own agenda. Later, Gov Dan Malloy has told Connecticut police not to follow the DHS directive on illegal residents. Malloy said that officials should not detain any one based on their immigration status.

 2/22/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

We have these insiders trying to position themselves as outsiders. They are acting like conservative values and certain positions that President Donald Trump is taking are new and that they have never been heard of before. Building up the U.S. military, securing the border, enforcing immigration laws, slashing individual and cooperate taxes, slashing federal regulations, and appointing originalists to the courts are all part of a conservative agenda. These are not new values and it is conservative Americans and the Tea Party that have been promoting these values, not the pom-pom boys and girls. Conservatives have been fighting to promote conservatism for years and it is they who have given us people like Sens. Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. After that, Trump’s recent executive orders have been traditionally conservative, and so far he has pursued a conservative agenda. When push comes to shove this administration will join with conservative principles and when it doesn’t, they will join with leftists, code pink Republicanism and Bernie Sanders like trade positions. Later, the 4th Circuit Court is now infringing on 2nd Amendment rights. On Tuesday, the Court ruled that Maryland could ban 45 commonly held weapons and magazines that held more than 10 rounds. This is why people have lost faith in the courts and can’t stand judges anymore. Finally, Barack Obama and some Republicans have done a good job in dismantling the U.S. military. The South China Sea has been taken over and Russia has confirmed existence of its information warfare wing.

 2/21/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

There is a concerted effort to suggest that President Donald Trump has tolerated anti-Semitism in regards to threats against Jewish Community Centers. Leftists like Jerry Nadler or Peter Alexander dare to suggest that Trump is anti-Semitic. Suddenly we are being told that Trump is encouraging anti-semitism through his supporters. This is what Trump refers to as fake news. Also, the evidence was overwhelming that Obama was anti-Semitic. Trump wasn’t hanging out with domestic terrorists or embracing a professor with ties to Hamas like Obama was. There has been no president more hostile to the Jewish community than Obama. Can anyone show us at any time that Trump has demonstrated anti-Semitism? Trump’s son in law and his daughter, who converted to Judaism, are both Orthodox Jews. After that, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats are supporting Keith Ellison for DNC chair. Ellison has demonstrated anti-Semitic behavior. The Democrat Party is now the party that breeds anti-Semitism and hate. They are nothing more than a front for the power hungry in politics. The left hates Israel and is filled with bigotry. In addition, crazy infrastructure projects are not the responsibility of the government. Has the widening of the roads ever helped with traffic anywhere? They should leave it to the states and localities. Finally, the DHS is hiring more ICE and Border Patrol agents and starting construction of the wall. According to Secretary John Kelly, the DHS is going back to traditional routes of immigration enforcement. However, Trump and Kelly are not doing anything about the Dreamers.


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