The Unchained Warrior Podcast show

The Unchained Warrior Podcast

Summary: Take full charge of your life, increase your confidence, perform like a warrior, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, be inspired to greatness and realize all your ambitions and inspire and motivate others in your life, business and relationships by listening to Unchained Warrior Podcast with Chiedozie Hez loaded with simple, step by step, clearly articulated guide outlined in each episode. We are all warriors, let's change the world one warrior at a time.

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  • Artist: Chiedozie Hez's Inspirational and Motivational Podcast featuring nuggets from Tony Robins, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, John Maxwell, T D Jakes, Chris Widener, Napoleon Hill, Jack Canfield, W. Clement Stone, Chris Gardner, Seth Godin, Dale Carnegie, Gary Vaynerc
  • Copyright: © Unchained Warrior Limited All Rights Reserved


 101: The Danger of Timing Your Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:44

If you are feeling low about the stage you are at, this year in you life, relationship and business, please don't despair but ignore the pace of success and keep working on all areas of your dreams. One day very soon, you will find yourself going much faster than expected if you continue working hard. It is possible that you will hit all your targets this year, and now that you know that we are all in this together, let's go back to work until we succeed. 2018 is still our year!!

 100: Our Actions Today and the History Books | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:43

Our actions today and the history books demands standing up from all of us.. The question for you today Warriors is: What worthy cause are you giving a standing ovation? What wrongs in the society are you standing up to? What blessings and talents have been endowed with are you standing up with? Which ones are we supposed to stand up to but your are sitting down? What new action will you take today? What other ways do you hope to change the world? Abundant Blessings to you!!

 099: Resurrecting Your Gifts, Dreams and Talents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:22

099: Resurrecting Your Gifts, Dreams and Talents Years ago, you dreamed and believed the sky is not even the limit. Then something happened, they lied to your that your are wrong and you believed them, Now is the time to resurrect all your Gifts, Dreams and Talents. Abundant blessings to you! Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

 098: Achieving Greatness with Experimentation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:42

Achieving Greatness comes with frustration from a series of failures so I want to suggest that you see the attempts as experiments. The more you do, the more you achieve. Abundant blessings to you!

 097: Refresh Your Source of Knowledge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:41

In 2018, knowledge and what works have very short expiry date and if you will compete or stay relevant, we must refresh your source else progress, greatness and achieving goals and dreams will continue to be a dream and illusion. So please do this today, pick up a book, enroll in a course, look for a teacher, if you are not doing it already. Greatness and success are as far from us as our knowledge and discipline! Abundant blessing to you !!

 096: The Warriors Battle-shield for Greatness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:28

096: The Warriors Battle-shield for Greatness The Warriors Battle-shield for Greatness are crucial to achieving your greatness and include Imagination, Monitoring your thoughts, Strengthening your beliefs, Courage and Boldness and Building a team of warriors. Abundant blessings to you!!

 095: Dreaming Beyond Hardship and Challenges | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:28

095: Dreaming Beyond Hardship and Challenges Dreaming beyond hardship and challenges is one thig we must all do because we all face face it. This message is to encourage us to keep dreaming despite the current situation and believe that this season will pass and better days will come and we will all achieve our dreams. Abundant blessings to you!! Please share this with your friends, colleagues and family. and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

 094: Warrior's Call To Leadership | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:41

Warrior's Call To Leadership is a call to you and I to rise and lead in at least one area of life. Leadership is about service, sacrifice and taking responsibility and not titles and benefits! It is no longer good enough to wait for the presidents and prime ministers and CEOs to lead. You are a leader too so rise up and lead. I hope you will take this challenge Abundant blessing to you!

 093: Holding on to Your Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:39

This week we look at holding on to your dreams. Warriors, if you are like me, you are thinking; it's February already and I have not yet achieved anything significant this year. Your concerns are right and yes you should be concerned. The truth is that it takes time for most good things to happen! It is necessary that you understand that and never give up but keep holding on to your dreams. It is frustrating, yes I know but it is worth the wait.

 092: Tilting the Balance of the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:33

This week we look at tilting the balance of the world. Warriors in the world today, we have the rich and the poor, the privileged and the less privileged. What can you do to tilt this balance and move people from bad to good? This is my challenge to myself and you. I hope you will take it and help me achieve the big dream of unchaining one billion people to start living to their full potential.

 091: Guard Your Fire !! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:19

We all need that inspiration, that fire to take action and start achieving greatness and it is a huge struggle to get inspired. So today I share some ways you can keep your inspiration alive. I hope you enjoy it. Abundant blessings to you!!

 090: Focus, Work and Have Fun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:29

Warriors, focus, work and have fun. Work on the plan,ignore all distractions and work towards achieving your goals and dreams. Remember to have fun!

 089: Planning - Bring the goals to life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:24

Warriors, it's time to plan so this one is called planning - bring the goals to life. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail !

 088: Research Your Goals and Identify Options | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:37

Warriors,you must have a deep understanding of your goals: this will only be possible if will research your goals and identify options to achieve them.

 087: Prioritise your goals and dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:51

087: Prioritise Your Goals and Dreams It is necessary that you prioritise your goals and dreams. We all know that as big dreamer, there are many components to achieving our dreams. Some are key, some will help, some might help, and some are good to have. Based on your list, I invite you to spend some time, prioritising and putting numbers against each goal. Use this time to review your goals and confirm that each of these deserve to be in your list! Abundant blessing to you


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