Bruthas N Law show

Bruthas N Law

Summary: In this podcast, two urban intellectuals who just happen to be lawyers discuss pop culture from a decidedly black point of view.

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 Episode 44 -- PRINCIN' AIN'T EASY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:45

For the first episode of 2020, the Bruthas talk about the current crisis in public housing, at which J Hamilton McCoy is at the forefront, fighting for the rights of the people. The Bruthas also discuss the recent departure of Cory Booker, the last surviving person of color, from the Democratic presidential field. The Bruthas then shift their focus overseas and recap the narrowly averted escalated of tensions between America and Iran; and firmly state that as representatives of Team Black, our name is Bennett and we ain’t in it. Slightly closer to home, the Bruthas weigh in on Megxit — the recent decision of the Prince Harry and Princess Meghan Markle to “step back” from their royal duties as a result of, among other things, the racism of the British tabloids. This leads the Bruthas to ponder whether today’s youngins have gotten soft. Or perhaps, they have just concluded that they will no longer put up with the nonsense. Returning back across the pond, the Bruthas discuss the proposal by Evanston, Illinois to become the first US city to implement reparations for slavery by using tax revenues from the sale of marijuana. This prompts a discussion about the possibility of using marijuana sales to finance reparations nationwide. Finally, the Bruthas make their picks for the AFC and NFC Championship games and the Super Bowl.

 Episode 43 -- Bruthahood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

In this special episode, the Bruthas-N-Law are joined by the Distinguished Twins as the four bruthas discuss the concept of brotherhood.

 Episode 42 - Queen & Slimmer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:49

In this episode, the Bruthas talk about the biggest story of the week -- the collapse of the Kamala Harris campaign and what it says about black voters and our expectations of politicians in the post-Obama era. The Bruthas also discuss the bitter sweet irony of one of Jussie Smollett's main accusers -- Chicago Police Chief Eddie Johnson -- being fired for lying to the mayor about alleged improprieties with a co-worker (who was not his wife). The Bruthas also discuss the outlandish $100 million lawsuit filed by George Zimmerman against the parents of the young man that Zimmerman brutally murdered back in 2012. In entertainment news, the Bruthas addressed the very short-lived celebration of Billie Dee Williams as the new voice of gender fluidity. They also discuss the controversy surrounding the movie that has been dubbed "the black Bonnie & Clyde" -- Queen & Slim -- and their mutual efforts to get slimmer as they embark on a new life of healthy eating and exercise.

 Episode 41 -- What the HIPPA is Going on With T.I.? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:14

In this episode, the Bruthas are joined by Dr. Kari Claudia Allen, a leading voice for improving medical outcomes for ALL Americans. Dr. Allen helped the Bruthas to navigate the thorny medical, ethical and legal issues surrounding one of the big stories of the week -- Rapper TI's disclosure that he attends his 18 year old daughter's gynecological exams to ensure that her hymen (and presumably, virginity) is still intact. #ewwww The good doctor also helped to add some needed perspective to the ongoing debate around sexuality that was sparked by comments made by R&B singer Tank. Specifically, the question raised in this latest controversy was how is one's sexuality defined -- by their actions or by how they identify their sexuality. Finally, in light of the renewed frenzy over Popeyes, the Bruthas get advice on nutrition and the best long-term diet regimen. During the course of this conversation, they learn about something called "Keto Crotch," which we suspect will be a game changer for many.

 Episode 39 -- All Hugs Matter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:45:24

In a stunning surprise, ex-cop Amber Guyger was found guilty of murder for shooting Botham Jean in his own Dallas apartment. However, black America's relief turned to anger when the same jury that convicted Guyger sentenced her to just ten years in prison. And then black folks watched in disbelief as the national conversation changed from the taking of innocent black lives by police officers to how soon we should extend our forgiveness to those who brutalize us. In this episode, the Bruthas are joined by civil rights attorney extraordinaire Michele K. Rayner-Goolsby. The three lawyers discuss the trial, the verdict and the sentencing. They also discuss the controversial hugs given to Guyger by the brother of the victim and the judge and whether black folks are too forgiving in these circumstances.

 Episode 38 -- Blowing the Whistle on White Tears | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:22

In this episode, the Bruthas tackle the two big news story of the week: 1) The trial of Amber Guyger, the former Dallas cop, who shot and killed an unarmed black man, Botham Jean, whom she believed was an intruder when she mistakenly entered his apartment rather than her own. We will give a recap of the prosecution's case, which has just rested. Furthermore, we will discuss the legal issues that the jury will have to address in determining whether to convict Guyger of murder under Texas law. 2) This week, the House (finally) opened an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump. The straw that broke the donkey's back was the allegations from a whistleblower that Trump has sought help from the Ukraine government in digging up dirt against Joe Biden's son in exchange for US aid. And furthermore, that the administration has engaged in a pattern of hiding the transcripts of numerous calls between Trump and foreign leaders. The Bruthas give their initial impressions of these recent developments, including predictions on whether Trump will follow in the footsteps of rapper Tekashi69 and start snitching on e'rybody.

 Episode 37 -- Meet the Real Mr. West | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:33:03

The Bruthas were honored this week to be joined by two-time NBA champion and all-star David West. After a celebrated 15-year career, Mr. West has retired from the game of basketball, but not the game of life. In fact, he appears to be busier than ever as a philanthropist, activist and the COO of the upstart Historic Basketball League, which seeks to provide an alternative to the NCAA's "one and down" merry-go-round for top basketball recruits exiting high school. In this far-ranging interview, we get Mr. West's thoughts on his playing days, the role of black athletes/entertainers as it pertains to social issues, and the current exploitation of college athletes. With regards to the latter topic, we get a sneak peek at the HBL, which is expected to begin operations in 2021. Finally, we get Mr. West to give his Final Four of the remaining Democratic presidential field. You will be surprised by one of his picks, as well as some of the unique insights he delivered on a variety of topics. This is not an episode that you want to miss. And for more information on the HBL and how YOU can become involved as an investor, please visit them on the web at:

 Episode 36 -- It's About Clucking Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:02

In this week’s episode, the Bruthas are joined by none other than attorney extraordinaire Michele K. Rayner-Goolsby to talk about an important victory for black folks everywhere — the manslaughter conviction for the shooting of Markeis McGlockton in a convenience store parking lot last July. Originally, the local sheriff refused to arrest or charge the shooter due to Florida’s notorious stand your ground law. However, the sheriff didn’t know about the skill and determination of Sista Rayner-Goolsby, who was retained by McGlockton’s parents and marshaled the community to insist that the shooter be arrested, charged and just last week, convicted for killing McGlockton. In our conversation, we learn Michele’s “origin story” — how she became one of today’s leading civil rights attorneys. She was also good enough to share with us her yearlong sojourn for justice for Markeis McGlockton. And finally, she provides us some insights on how to run the long distance race for equality. And, to top it all off, Michele is kind enough to share her Democratic “Final Four” for 2020 and join the bruthas for our weekly review of the week in blackness. We discussed Popeye’s chicken sandwich mania, the Michigan city council candidate running on the platform of keeping her town all white, and the controversy surrounding the Oklahoma City newswoman who said her co-anchor looked like the gorilla in their local zoo.

 Episode 35 -- Jigga, Please! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:44:25

This week, the bruthas are joined by lawyer and comedian Robert Jenkins to discuss, among other things, the current controversy over Jay-Z’s deal to provide music (and the end of racism) for the NFL. Uncharacteristically, the bruthas are divided on their views of the matter, which range from “Jigga ain’t shit” to “we need to wait to see if Jigga ain’t shit.” The bruthas also attempt to refocus the issue back to police brutality and discuss some ways for the NFL (and its players) to address the problem with local police departments. In that vein, the bruthas discuss the recent decision by the NYPD to fire the police officer who killed Eric Garner with an illegal choke hold; and the resulting backlash from the Blue Lives Matter crowd. Also, the bruthas discuss the current fervor over Popeye’s new chicken sandwich, which seems to threaten black loyalty to Chic-Fil-A, and possibly even start a camping trend amongst black folks as we wait in line for hours for a taste of heaven. The brothers also discuss how we can learn from Popeyes in creating new strategies for social justice. Finally, the bruthas discuss the Democratic 2020 presidential field and get Robert’s “Final Four” candidates for the nomination. We GUARANTEE that you will love this episode as much as (or maybe more than) a Popeyes chicken sandwich. And if you’d like to enjoy more wit and wisdom from Robert Jenkins, he has TWO comedy albums available for immediate download on iTunes, Amazon and everywhere else music is sold. And to see him live in a comedy club near you, visit his website at for information on upcoming performances. Attempted Salvation (2019) — Achievement Unlocked (2015) —

 Episode 34 -- You Ain't Ready for This Elie! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:38:07

If you're anything like us, you spend each weekend morning watching MSNBC with the hopes of getting just a dab of Elie with your toast and biscuits. Well, it is our honor and privilege to bring you almost two HOURS of a conversation that the Bruthas had with the one and only Elie Mystal. Elie (Mr. Mystal, if you're nasty) was kind enough to give us his insights on what we believe is the most pressing issue facing the Democrats in 2020 -- how to get our ashy black asses to the polls. In doing so, we discussed the highlights of the most recent round of debates. We each picked our Final Four of the Democratic contenders. Moreover, we discussed such pressing issues as: * How to get our parents to get off the Biden train? * Can Cory Booker get any blacker? * Can Kamala get past formerly being the po-po? * Does Elizabeth Warren have a plan for THAT? * Will we all eventually get off Bernie Sanders' lawn? * Is there room enough in black America for both Wu-Tang and the Yang Gang? * What damn office is Marianne Williamson running for? And did she save any of that good weed for the rest of us? * And so much more. Finally, in addition to bringing you much more of than quick soundbites for which Elie has become famous, we are bringing you the raw and UNCENSORED Elie. #fuckthefcc As a result, you should be warned that this episode is rated NC-35 ... because grown folks are talking here.

 Episode 33 -- #NotMyAirport | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:39

This episode kicks off with a never before heard audio recording of General George Washington conducting an aerial assault on Newark's Liberty Airport. The Bruthas then discuss both the varsity and junior varsity Democratic debates as well as two of the key decisions reached by the Supreme Court as it closed out its 2018-2019 term at the end of June. The Bruthas also discussed the disturbing trend of supermarket ice cream licking. And finally, they addressed the most contentious issue of 2019 (at least, for white folks) -- the casting of Halle Bailey as Ariel in the Disney live action remake of the Little Mermaid. #notmyariel #mayomaidlivesmatter

 Episode 32 -- Mitch, Please! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:26

In this episode, the Bruthas weigh in on the topic of reparations, particularly in light of Mitch McConnell's recent statements in opposition. The Bruthas also discuss: * When They See Us -- the documentary about the Central Park Five * The Craig Hicks trial * Ireland's first black mayor * AOC questioning why white killers aren't deemed "domestic terrorists" * It's Above Me Now -- the hotel clerk who refused a room to a racist * The Air BnB host who called black guests "monkeys" * The shooting of Big Papi and the spate of recent tourist deaths in the Dominican Republic.

 Episode 31 -- 10 Things We Hate About E'rybody | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:24

In this episode, the Bruthas talk about their biggest social media pet peeves, many of which were suggested by our online BNL “family.” And no one was spared from the roasting. So you may want to take a deep breath before listening to this episode, particularly if you could be described as any of the following social media personalities: * Selfie Sheila * Beach Brenda * Foodie Freddy * Hashtag Harry * Romantic Rob * Vaguebooking Valerie * Drama Debbie * Filter Frieda * Birthday Brandy The Bruthas also talk about the incredibly generous act by America’s richest black person, Robert F. Smith, who paid off ALL of the student loans owed by the 2019 graduating class of Morehouse University. And needless to say, they make pitches for a similar act of philanthropy for paying off their school loans, some of which have been outstanding since 1992.

 Episode 30 -- This Curry is Extra Spicy! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:01

In this episode, the Bruthas weigh in on the controversy caused by Ayesha Curry's appearance on Jada Pinkett Smith's Red Table web show. Is it okay for a spouse to want attention from someone other than their spouse? If so, in the #metoo era, are men still supposed to give that attention? And finally, why are people still sitting at the Red Table when the results are almost always being dragged on Black Twitter for a week as a result? Also, the Bruthas celebrate the birth of British Royal Archie Harrison Battencourt-Windsor and make predictions for the names of future Prince Harry - Meghan Markle offspring (Pookie is not out of the question). The Bruthas also spend some time discussing sports, which mainly consists of them dragging Uncle Tiger Woods and the Boston Pink Sox. And finally, the Bruthas give a little advice to the Dems on how to handle the White House's stonewalling of their information requests (i.e., start locking fools up).

 Episode 29 -- Give Me Reparations or Give Me Death | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:33

In this episode, the Bruthas discuss the death penalty, criminal justice reform and the case for reparations. They also give their thoughts on the Democratic primary field and some preliminary predictions for the outcome of the 2020 election (which you are NOT going to like).


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