Epic Success with Dr Shannon Irvine show

Epic Success with Dr Shannon Irvine

Summary: In this show, Dr. Shannon and her guest experts share actionable strategies and practical steps to master your life and business so you achieve Epic Success! From proven systems to achieve big goals, master productivity and time management shortcuts, to achieving mindset and habit mastery, leadership prowess, motivation strategies, and believing God for dreams for your Epic life and Business. Grow Smarter, stronger, happier, more integrated, faith filled, and build an Epic Life and Business that you LOVE!

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 Your Success IS Inevitable with Dr. Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:18

This isn’t personal. Do you think that your success comes from outside yourself? That is common for entrepreneurs to think that. While it’s very common, it also does not leave space for inevitable success because you’re placing success as a factor outside your control - instead of within your own power.

 Entrepreneur Growth Mindset with Dr. Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:32

Do you ever notice that some days it all clicks and aligns and you feel like you’re thriving… and some days you feel like you’re just surviving and everything feels like you’re striving to make it all work? It’s normal to be learning and evolving. The key is to check in with ourselves to ask better questions so we can keep moving towards our next level self. That version of you that’s not chasing validation of value but instead adding value to others from a place of abundance.

 Stand Out in a Crowded Market with Dr. Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:13

Have you ever felt like you are doing all the things, showing up, trying hard... but you just don’t seem to get traction or much exposure? Do you ever feel like your niche in the market place is just too crowded and you’re a small fish in a big pond? What if I told you that the thought of a “crowded market” is the problem, not the market itself?

 Brain Habits for Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:11

One of the things I get asked a lot is how to change habits. I think we all have habits we would like to either get rid of or a new habit we’d like to build. What is one habit you would like to change or add to your life? Want to know how to neurohack your success through habits? Awesome! It’s not as “hard” as you may think.

 Unpacking Your Money Story with Dr Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

f you aren’t exactly where you want to be in your business… If you want more clients and sold out programs but it’s a struggle… If you are driven by impact but don’t have the cash flow to make the impact you desire… Here’s what’s blocking you: what you saw and heard when you were growing up impacts how you view money. Unpacking those money stories is the key to shifting from wanting success and actually attaining it.

 Entrepreneur Type... Do you know yours? with Dr Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:12

Why is it vital to know where you’re starting in order to train your brain for success? Our brain needs to see things before it creates things. What do I mean by that? Your subconscious mind is responsible for 80-90% of your decisions & actions. So you need to make sure your subconscious mind is programmed for what you want instead of just reacting.

 The Video 4x Effect for Scaling a Business with Brandon Lucero | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:30

You’ve already heard “video is king.” But if you’re like me, your next thought is “but why?” Why video? Why now? Why have a plan for video? As my incredible guest today puts it, video is the best way to get the right message to the right people at the right time.

 Abundance Priming with Dr. Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Are you an entrepreneur trying to have abundance in your business and it works sometimes, but not always? That inconsistency is super frustrating. I know, I’ve been there too! Priming abundance is one of my favorite topics when it comes to the brain. I know that as an entrepreneur, you’re driven and wanting to get your big mission and vision out there, but it’s a stop and start. You start to see evidence of abundance and success, but then something happens and you retract.

 Biggest Block to Abundance with Dr. Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:21

Here’s the truth: safety almost completely sabotaged my business... and it might be doing the same to you. If you want to grow your business to 6 figures and beyond, you have to learn the secrets that 7 Figure entrepreneurs know about removing the blocks to abundance!

 Hardwire Abundance with Dr. Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:23

When all of your dreams come true, who will you be? How will you spend your time? What will you see, smell, taste, feel, have, do, be? If you allow yourself to really dream, your big vision will require you to step into a new level of abundance. That big vision is totally available to you… you just need to start hardwiring your brain now to get you to where you want to be then. Your brain has to believe it so you can see it manifest.

 Self Leadership with Dr Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:03

What does self leadership have to do with your business growth? Well, everything. You cannot rewire your brain without self leadership. Self Leadership is making sure you’re governing and leading yourself in a way that will bring you to your highest and best version of yourself. Self Leadership is putting yourself out there so you are accountable to stick to your word.

 NeuroHack FEAR to Create Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:36

I love that I have so many entrepreneurs in my tribe, like you, who are go-getters, working to make things happen and trying to gain traction. The thing that I most see standing in the way between you and your biggest goals is fear. Fear often leads to procrastination, playing small and sabotage. Your brain is wired to keep you safe, not to build a highly profitable business.

 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Dr. Shannon Irvine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:02

Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? “I don’t think I have what it takes.” “I’m not expert enough.” “Who do I think I am to do that?” “People will find out I’m not really qualified.” “I need a degree first.” “If I just had 10 years experience, then I could do that.” If you’re saying “oh yeah, those all sound like me!” Then, welcome to entrepreneurship. We all have said those things to ourselves.

 Permission to Chase Your Version of Success with Christy B. Wright | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:23

As an entrepreneur and parent, have you ever felt the tension of balancing business and family? Or how about balancing between your faith and business? Based on conversations with the hundreds of entrepreneurs I’ve worked with, navigating business, family, and faith is a very common struggle, which is why I’m really excited for you to listen to today’s episode.

 Superfans with Pat Flynn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:38

Have you read the article “1000 True Fans” and wondered to yourself, “that’s awesome and I want that… but how?” In a time when everyone is crazed over the number of followers, subscribers, and customers - it’s created an inch-deep, mile wide focus. We have this culture with everyone going for the numbers instead of depth and longevity.


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