The David Knight Show show

The David Knight Show

Summary: David Knight brings you news, interviews and analysis LIVE every weekday morning. With decades of experience as news anchor, reporter and radio host, political candidate, David has broadcast live from events ranging from political conventions to the Bundy ranch standoff. With guests ranging from the former tech head of the NSA to the New Jersey Weedman, the broadcasts are diverse in topics. As an entrepreneur with a background in engineering and politics, Knight explores the junction of business, technology and freedom with experts in their field.

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 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 30, Wednesday - Sadistic Crimes of the CIA; Virtue Signaling Media Fascists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

Disney & ABC’s hypocrisy on Roseanne and the threat to everyone’s free speech, Tommy Robinson’s “D-Notice” and the parallels to USA’s NDAA “indefinite detention by military” and Leo Zagami joins to talk about the globalist overthrow of elections in Italy & the Vatican’s involvement, declaring a populist political party “anathema”. Then, David Knight looks at the government mind control programs — origins, aftermath and future tech — and talks to a survivor of the MK-Ultra program.

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 29, Tuesday - Theresa May To Pull Out Of BREXIT, Globalists Overthrow Italian Election | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

The overthrow of the Italian election, throwing out eurosceptic winners to put a former IMF Director in power may be such naked aggression by the globalists that it will backfire. But the more subtle measures to overthrow BREXIT & the Trump 2016 election expose the global conspiracy of the DeepState. Then, new moves by DHS & TSA show the public/private partnership to spy on the public using GeoSpatial intelligence and the coming control grid of 5G & Smart Cities. And, Lionel joins to talk about the state of free speech in the light of developments in the UK with Tommy Robinson & Julian Assange.

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 25, Friday - Kids Movie Pushes Pedo-Grooming & Hollyweird Sinks Deeper | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

“Show Dogs” was pulled from theaters and edited after the animated children’s movie presented a genital grooming joke that could easily be grooming children for pedophile abuse. As Weinstein is arrested & Morgan Freeman accused, the Obamas rake in an undisclosed amount to make Netflix “community organizer” TV. And, the astonishing news that emergency braking and other safety systems were disabled on the Uber that killed a pedestrian, a Tesla car was actually accelerating as it crashed into a parked fire truck and the Congress wants to accelerate testing on public roads. Then, its back to the 60s with Minuteman Missile guards dropping LSD and MK-Ultra victims protesting mind control abuse.

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 24, Thursday - Judge’s Attack On Trump May Free Internet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

The unintended consequence of a lower court federal judge prohibiting Trump from blocking or muting people on Twitter may have multiple unintended consequences to free the public from social media oligarchs’ censorship or enforcing executive independence from judiciary. Then, free speech and social media censorship are at the center of the abortion fight in Ireland. And, Matt Bracken joins to look at the connection between China, North Korea as Trump pulls out of the nuclear talks and talks of more strategic moves against Chinese aspirations of economic & military hegemony

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 23, Wednesday - NFL Bans Kneeling But Taxpayers Kneel To $4B Stadiums & Bike Paths Cost $12M Per Mile | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

Gas prices are going up, hitting $5/gal in NYC but a federal mandate for only high octane fuel going to make pump prices soar if lobbyists have their way with the GOP. And as a sink hole appears on the White House lawn, Congress vetoes a modest Penny Plan to save $TRILLIONS & NFL billionaires pour taxpayers’ money into stadiums. Then, David Knight looks at SpyGate & how similar conspiracies by the Intel Community played out decades ago without being exposed as Trump is exposing it now.

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 21, Monday - DANGER: Red States Pushing “Red Flag” Laws | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

Last week began with the establishment with Big Media, Big Govt & Big Hollywood defending Hamas and ended with them defending MS13 and attacking law abiding gun owners. Not to be out done, “Red States” have their own gun control measures. But is the SCHOOL SYSTEM the problem? Have we produced a generation that can’t call mass murder evil? And, Pakistan is building a wall on its border — using its military & military budget. Then, can liberals who push gun prohibition learn from the failed War on Drugs? Can conservatives?

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 18, Friday - Dems Embrace MS-13: Being Illegal Covers A Multitude Of Sins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10794

The media’s gross misrepresentation of Trump’s comments made it look like he was calling ALL immigrants “animals” but even after the context was clarified, Dem politicians & entertainment celebrities continued to defend MS-13. Just as surprising is the bi-partisan embrace of the first KNOWN criminal to be appointed to head the CIA. Then, China denies they agreed to cut $200 BILLION from the trade deficit saying it’s “inconceivable”. Do you know what that means? And, Council Nedd joins to talk about Project 21’s proposal for law enforcement reform.

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 17, Thursday - Michigan Muslim Dem Gov Candidate: “Muslims Hate You” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

Democrats' candidate for Governor of Michigan, a Muslim, tells his GOP opponent, “You may not hate Muslims, but Muslims hate you.” Then, a look at the battle for free speech & free press from Supreme Court’s pending decision, to Stormy’s lawyer’s threats, to Romney’s PC bigotry, to Julian Assange’s escalating persecution & possible arrest. And, Lionel joins to look at the many facets of Gina Haspel.

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 16, Wednesday - Rand: Was CIA Haspel In DeepState Trump Coup Attempt? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

Was Gina Haspel tough on terrorists or was she, as a close associate of Brennan, part of the CIA/NSA/FBI coup attempt? Rand Paul wants to know. But terrorists are getting rich off of welfare recipients in Minneapolis’ Somali community who are running daycare scams and sending money to jihadis while DNC Deputy Chair, Congressman Keith Ellison, defends. Then, Eric Peters looks at the hidden tax coming your way at the gas pump and the EV safety risks brought to light by the rash of Tesla battery fires. And, US sources believe there are additional secret nuclear sites in North Korea.

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 15, Tuesday - Does US Have The Will To Survive & Protect OUR Border? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

If you made $47,000 would you spend $25 to protect your family? Feds won’t spend that percentage to build a wall. And, the Supreme Court decides the legality of Sports Betting, a Florida judge exposes pro-gun teens to bullying and what happened yesterday in Gaza? Google employees resign rather than participate in “Algorithmic Warfare” as biometric police surveillance “matches” fail over 90% of the time. Then, William Jasper joins to look at Soros & DeepState strategically funding District Attorney races in a dozen counties that account for 5% of the nations population.

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 14, Monday - Suicide Family Bombers & Death of the West | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

Several suicide attacks over the weekend by ISIS terrorists now using their children. But are families in America & Europe in a much broader suicide pact? And, Mitt Romney accuses a pastor of bigotry — is Romney right or is he the bigot? Then, as Trump pulls back sanctions on China’s ZTE, will Iran sanctions be used to drive a wedge between the US & EU as China builds relationships and infrastructure in regions where we’re creating wars & sanctions?

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 11, Friday - Dick’s Sporting Hires Anti-Gun Lobbyists & Shareholders Attack Gun Manufacturers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

“Faith-based” groups are joining with liberal stockholder activists to attack gun manufacturers while a large sports retailer hires anti-gun lobbyists and California admits they are incrementally banning guns. Then, Joel Skousen joins to look at North Korea, China & Iran geopolitics. And, a look at the finances, background and legal problems of CNN’s favorite guest — Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Avenatti.

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 10, Thursday - 9/11 Lies, War & Torture: America in Freefall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10794

War between Israel & Iran is escalating quickly as the woman who destroyed evidence of CIA torture is approved by the Senate Committee and senators introduce a bill to create “forever war” and turn war authorization upside down from the Constitution. The Lawyers Committee for 911 Inquiry joins to explain the Grand Jury investigation process they have begun to look at the crime that was used to set up the surveillance police state and has kept us at war for nearly 20 years. And, John Kiriakou, CIA whistleblower on torture, examines the Gina Haspel hearing

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 09, Wednesday - NXIVM’s Real Life Clockwork Orange & YOUR Programming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

There’s more to NXIVM than the media is telling you. Their “doctor” is alleged to have literally enacted the psychological conditioning portrayed in “A Clockwork Orange”. But how are YOU being programmed more subtly? Then, David Knight looks at the reefer madness on both the left and right and the reactions and possible consequences of Trump leaving Obama’s Iran “deal”. And, Lionel joins to look at media spin on Schneiderman and the implications for privacy in how DNA was obtained to catch the Golden State serial killer

 RealNews with David Knight - 2018-May 08, Tuesday - IRAN: Let’s Break A Deal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10793

What will happen to oil after Trump leaves the Iran deal? Who are the players in the Iran conflict & what are the potential consequences of Lebanon’s election on Sunday with the victory of Hezbollah? What dangerous precedent did Obama set with the deal? How did that OTHER Iran deal — IranContra — and our previous interventions in Iran work out? Then, the man who tried to rise to political prominence as Trump’s nemesis and the protector of women is exposed — Schneiderman’s true secret identity. And, the coming economic implosion in America and how the Democrats’ “solution” is to Make America Venezuelan.


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