no agenda. show

no agenda.

Summary: The First 4 years is about what it’s really like day to day starting and running new business, project, or side hustle. I remember being in college and dreaming about one day starting my own company. I really had no idea what that meant, and it felt like something that was really distant. All of the entrepreneurs and speakers I’d go see had decades of experience... For me, it really started when I met someone who had been successful in starting a company but was still in the first few years of their journey. This gave me the understanding that I didn't have to wait until I had decades of experience, in fact I could start today. Everyone interviews people at the top of their game, so I want to talk to people who are in it, during the "launch" phase to bring some reality to what the early steps actually look like. What can you do today, this week or this month to really move forward your project or business? This podcast aims to answer that question as I share stories, experiences, and ideas from starting my own company out of college and bootstrapping it to $1 million revenue within 4 years of graduating college. I also interview others who have found success in the early phase of starting up, people who I find have valuable advice to share related to the topics I cover. This show is about inspiring you and encouraging you on your journey. I believe that everyone has something unique to share with the world, and my hope is that this podcast will help you find out what that is and how to find success in sharing it.

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 Episode 16 - Double down on my skills, or pick a new industry? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:12:42

When should you pick up a new skill? When should you double down on what you already know? I talk about this tension, and the way I think about it and how it relates to being productive. I also give a fun musical metaphor that helps showcase the point (originally from Kyle Cease).

 Episode 15 - Jay Clouse, Unreal Collective | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:05:48

Jay left a venture backed startup to start his own community group and business called Unreal Collective, and within months was able to pursue it full time. Jay, friend and founder(previously Tixers - acquired in 2015) and I discuss what he's working on and what he's learned along the way. We discuss what you can do to build up a network and how to test your ideas the right way.

 Episode 14 - No Matter What You Do, You Are A Teacher | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:09:37

Are you feeling like people don't get what you sell? Today I talk about how it's your job to educate your customers, regardless of what it is that you're creating. This is a simple, yet a effective way to get less frustrated if people aren't "getting" what you're selling.

 Episode 13 - The only 2 things you need to get right in business. | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:10:18

When it comes down to it, business is pretty simple. Here are the two most important functions in a business, with a simple story for you to understand how they work. Hopefully they help you think about your own project or idea!

 Episode 12 - Sian Richardson, Freelancing + Making what you're excited about. | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:31:46

I speak with Sian Richardson about my previous show on Making what you're excited about vs. doing research. We also talk about how she left her job to freelance full time, and what her approach to taking breaks from work is.

 Episode 11 - Hilary from Creative Babes | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:43:19

Hilary and I discuss how she started her event company with one evening of creativity, along with discussing "what if you have too many ideas?"

 Episode 10 - Should I Wait to be Inspired or Just Make it Happen? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:15:55

Episode 10 - Should I Wait to be Inspired or Just Make it Happen? by David Sherry

 Episode 6 - Text from Hilary "What if I have too many ideas?" | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:13:12

"how many ideas do you have a day, and how do you resist the urge to follow them all? - I got this question as a text and wanted to answer here on the podcast. It's all about a process for capturing, and then for finding the "sweet spot" idea. What's a sweet spot idea? I answer in the show. I also discuss this in our next show where I interview Hillary!

 Episode 9 - Charli from Charli Marie TV | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:37:25

In this podcast, I discuss "consistency" with Charli from Charli Marie TV. We talk about Vidcon, how to get on a rhythm and get started as a youtuber. I find her insights to be applicable for anyone looking to get momentum as a blogger/creative. Check out her channel here:

 Episode 8 - Why do we get stuck? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:23

This episode talks about getting creatively stuck or blocked and what we can do about it. Ever been hitting the wall for about a week or two or more? Here's what I found helps me get back into it with consistency.

 Episode 7 - Answering The Dreaded Question "What do you do?" | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:18:43

"So, what do you do?" I used to hate this question. Haaaaaate it. Today I'm leaving some tips for the best way to think about how to answer it, no matter what you do.

 Episode 5 - An Intervew with Claire (Love Your Customers) about the Skydive | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:49:45

Following up from the last episode, The Skydive vs. The Ladder, I spoke with Claire, formerly from the startup Calendly about how she jumped out from working full time at a startup to running her own freelance brand marketing and research business. Claire offered up her ebook for TF4Y listeners. You can get it for $1 if they use the code FIRST4YEARS at checkout.

 Episode 5 -What business are you really in? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:15:24

In this episode I talk about Chipotle and Ikea, and what their "secret sauce" might be. And how you can learn from how they see what business there in, as a way to form a competitive advantage. It's about looking deeper than the surface to see what really might be leading some companies and ideas to success.

 Episode 4 - The Skydive Vs. The Ladder | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:23:40

When should you quit your job? How do you switch career paths or jump into something new? Today I talk about what is really scary to me that people do in these situations and how to take the right approach to your big pivot, and your next success.

 Episode 3 - How Do You Get Your Momentum Back? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:04

What happens when you...just...get stuck. And you're feeling like you've lost passion or momentum in your work? Today's episode is about how to get moving forward again and get back to that feeling of making progress and having fun with your work.


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