Us & Them show

Us & Them

Summary: We tell stories from the fault lines that separate Americans. Peabody Award-winning public radio producer Trey Kay listens to people on both sides of the divide.


 Hillers & Creekers! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:09

Americans tend to sort themselves into tribes that share similar culture, ideas and values. Trey recalls kids at his West Virginia high school sorting themselves into different camps and how one dressed was a defining factor, right down to the shoes.

 Confederate Reckoning: When Will The Civil War End? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:37

The tragedy in Charlottesville, VA makes us wonder if it’s possible to reconcile different versions of history. This episode features two American foreign correspondents of color who’ve sought to answer this quandary. They fly from Kenya to New Orleans to report on the angry protests over the dismantling of Confederate monuments.

 Remembering New Math & Common Core | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:54

When conservatives and liberals fight about school curriculum, the disagreements aren’t just about science and history. Even math has been a battleground in the culture wars. Also, Common Core was a hot button issue during the 2016 Presidential Campaign. Have you heard much about it lately?

 Deanna, Tymel & Amarie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:30

Deanna McKinney’s been through one of the hardest things a parent can endure. Her teenage son was gunned down on her front porch by a kid looking to join a gang. Now she’s making meaning out of the tragedy by working to ensure a better community for the daughter her son left behind.

 Amazing Grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:21

Everyone knows the song. People who don’t consider themselves spiritual or religious find it meaningful. John Newton penned the hymn to connect with Christians, but it has transcended that and become a folk song and an anthem for civil rights. The origins of the song are complicated -- Newton was a slave trader who did not renounce slavery until long after he wrote it. 

 Sodomy, Stonewall & Pride | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:46

Not that long ago, you could get locked up for being gay. A West Virginia man tells Trey about being sent to a mental institution for violating sodomy laws. While standing in front of the historic Stonewall Inn in NY’s Greenwich Village, gay activist Brendan Fay tells Trey how things have changed over the past five decades for LGBT people in America and around the world.

 The Elephant in the (Class) Room: How I Survived Iraq and Vassar College | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:41

After four years of commanding a tank in Iraq, David Carrell, a Republican from Texas, had the opportunity to study at a liberal college in the northeast. He tells Trey what he’s observed about Red and Blue America.

 Gentrification: That Kumbayah Moment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:19

When a neighborhood transforms, newcomers can feel unwelcome, while longtime residents feel threatened. But is there a sweet spot when everyone in the community lives in harmony?  

 What I Learned About Empathy from a Textbook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Empathy... it's a word we've heard a lot in the past year. But what is it? And do we need it? Trey explains what he learned about empathy from... a textbook!

 Reasserting Femme Voice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:23

North Carolina repealed its notorious bathroom law, but not necessarily for the better. Transsexuals remain outside NC’s equal protection laws—whether in the bathroom or in the workplace. All of this has got me thinking about my friend Anne Kelly.

 Love, the Ayatollah & Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:24

Essi and Katie fell in love before the backdrop of the Iranian Revolution and growing antipathy between America and Ayatollah Khomeini. Despite many fantastic twists and dangerous turns, their love has triumphed over archenemies' hatred.

 Coming Out of the Closet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:37

Where some Trump supporters have been loud and proud, others have remained in the shadows. With the new boss installed, it’s “olly olly in come free!” Trey speaks with Trump voters about their hopes, dreams and expectations.

 Serious as a Heart Attack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:50

An Us and Them conversation turns ugly and Trey loses it. He becomes concerned about with his physical, mental and spiritual health.

 Taking an Ass Whoopin’ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:25

The 2016 presidential campaign was one of the most brutal in America’s history. Trey was stunned by the outcome and is trying understand what the whole thing means. Are truth and bitter reality the new Us? Have our news sources become Them?

 Hello Mary Lou... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:49

Mary Lou Bruner, who made headlines with her wild accusations about President Obama, is running for Texas State Board of Education. If elected, she’ll be responsible for guiding the nation’s second largest public school system. Could she influence the content of textbooks across the nation?


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