RSA Conference show

RSA Conference

Summary: Information is power. And wherever there’s power, there are people looking to steal it. But that’s also where you’ll find us. We’re RSA Conference. And we’re here to stand against cyberthreats around the world. That means being here for you. Connecting you with the people and insights that will empower you to stay ahead of cyberthreats. We do this through our online outreach and with our events around the globe. And we make a great host, if we do say so ourselves. Some say it’s impossible to stay ahead of cybersecurity threats. We disagree. We’ll always be here as your go-to resource for exchanging ideas, learning the latest trends and finding the solutions for a more secure tomorrow.

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 Networking with the Right People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:29

Networking has many advantages and has the potential to open doors of opportunity, but how do you identify the right people to network with? What do you bring to the table and what are you looking for from others? Join us for an engaging exchange with two industry leaders who will share their perspectives on the value of education, experience and relationship building. They’ll share advice on how to meet security practitioners, motivate other, be a well-rounded worker and an industry influencer.

 Zero Trust Architecture: The Defacto Network Segmentation Approach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:34

Agility is not a strategy, and Zero Trust is not a product you can buy. In a Zero Trust approach as identity becomes more important than ever, managing the lifecycle correctly is critical, during provisioning, use as well as destruction. These are some of the reasons why Zero-trust architecture is becoming the defacto segmentation approach in our digital-first world. Interrelated are the opportunities in both Edge Computing and DevSecOps to help businesses differentiate products and services by transitioning to more collaborative and risk-based security. Join us as we discuss Zero Trust, DevSecOps and Edge Computing with two industry experts who will explore the ways in which these approaches to customer-centric transformation can help businesses stay competitive.

 Proactive Steps to Securely Build for the Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:11

COVID-19 has forced enterprises to adopt new ways of working in order to ensure their data remains protected as they navigate the impacts of the global pandemic and manage a distributed workforce. As more employees work remotely and an organization’s attack surface area increases, it’s never been more important to invest in security. At the same time, IT budgets are shrinking and security is at risk of being deprioritized or compromised in this new reality, where many employees are working from home and not on secure corporate networks. The only way to protect organizations is by protecting your endpoints, and in this podcast, we’ll discuss how adopting a zero-trust strategy can help organizations quickly adapt and prepare for a different post-pandemic world.

 How Diversity is Key to Risk Management | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:43

As Camille Stewart wrote, “Cyber diplomacy and international cyber capacity building are better served by having diverse representation that understands the cultural nuances that determine how technology will move through a society.” Similarly, when it comes to managing security risk management programs, diversity matters. Risk management has many challenges, which is why a team can only be enriched and strengthened by including those with a vast range of experiences. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to risk management, however being attune to issues of race and other forms of discrimination and how they manifest themselves in their work, will result in building better programs. In this podcast, we will hear from esteemed industry experts who will share their different perspectives on why diversity matters to risk management and the consequences of not addressing the lack of diversity in cybersecurity and risk management.

 Why Your Security Organization Needs a Communications Lead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:15

Having a communications person as part of the security organization ensures that the enterprise communicates security not only through awareness programs but also across silos. A security communications lead plays a critical role in developing and executing incident response plans as well as other security policies that impact the business. In order to effectively create a security aware culture, your security organization needs to be able to communicate the risks, the strategies to mitigate risks and the policies that must be followed in the event of a security incident. People need to understand their roles and responsibilities, which need to be clearly communicated. In this podcast, we will hear from industry experts who will help you understand the value of and implement good, clear security communications.

 “Robot Downsizing”—How the Ultimate Solution to Security is Human | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:27

Security vendors come to the rescue with AI and automation to save the day. But even smart technology can only go so far, and while it can definitely help lessen the noise, it can never replace the intuition, inventiveness and insight of a human.Technology can’t replace humanity in security defense because endpoint lockdowns don’t work, and repetitive scenarios don’t advance anything but boredom. Rather, we need to give users the tools to be skeptical, aware and intuitive. Analysts need to find patterns in the process, not just the results. Security teams need to work together and across an environment to find what can be fixed, not just what individuals can break, and technology needs to assist, amplify and augment human behavior, not lead.

 Researcher Relations: Building Trusted Relations Between Security Researchers and Organizations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:21

Security is one of the most evolving and impactful landscapes in the regulatory sphere. Proposed initiatives in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT) security and Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) are among the most active and developing areas of security regulation around the world. The vulnerability disclosure landscape has been rapidly evolving for the past decade, but there’s still a way to go. In this podcast, we’ll talk with industry experts about policy trends and how to build trust and understanding so that developers, researchers and vendors can all work in harmony toward the goal of promoting security. Highlights will include researchers’ collaboration, IoT Security, anti-hacking laws. We will also talk about bug bounties and vulnerability disclosure programs, what are some of the industry's best practices in this area, and how to implement programs at your organization to foster security, collaboration and transparency.

 Contact Tracing: Ethics in Privacy and Technology in a Post COVID World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:50

As the world continues to navigate what a “return to work” environment will look like and how that will play out for businesses, many are concerned about contact tracing, their role in becoming a point of contact and the privacy concerns inherent in the collection of all that data. In this podcast, we will be talking with privacy experts who will discuss how legislative proposals are responding to specific trends/worries in pandemic data response. While both are a bit bearish on any actual legislation being passed at the state/federal level, there are generalized privacy concerns that companies and employers would be wise to consider as we try to open post-COVID.

 We're Facing a Remote Working Future and It's a Security Opportunity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:01

Pieter Danhieux and Fatemah Beydoun both have a long history of working remotely, but as their company moved to a completely remote work environment in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, it presented its own set of challenges... along with some very compelling benefits. This unprecedented situation has shown many companies that remote work is not only possible, it's the future. And it's a great opportunity to improve cybersecurity and general security awareness. In this podcast, Pieter and Fatemah detail how remote teams can be effective and secure, the benefits of access-anywhere collaboration tools and cybersecurity training, and how the time won back from eliminating commutes can be used to bolster a workforce to weather larger storms, including improving development practices and considering security much earlier. With cyberattacks on the rise, it's a great time to assess and improve your security culture.

 Do This, Not That! How Remote Workers Can Secure Home Networks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:48

Yes, there are enterprise tools security teams are using to mitigate the vulnerabilities of a remote workforce, but with all the connected devices in a given home, they need to help of their employees. In this podcast, we will talk with consumer-facing security pros who can provide steps your remote workforce can take to shore up their home networks, making their homes and your business less vulnerable to cyber attacks.

 Finding Balance Between Surveillance & Safety | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:12

As countries across the globe work through various phases of opening and trying to return to a new COVID-19-tinged normal, contact tracing is a core tenant to many plans. The slippery slope of providing data to authorities to understand if shelter at home guidance is being followed to potentially using this data to alert individuals to potential exposure can serve a short term good to public safety measures, but this data is persistent, so what are the longer term downsides to increased surveillance activities. Who is the custodian of this data? How might it be utilized? How should it be governed? Many new shades of grey have emerged in the last few months will be explored in this podcast.

 Finding Balance for Cybersecurity Pros | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

Life can be downright overwhelming at times. With the stress of work and home life, one’s personal well-being can often take a back seat—but it shouldn’t. When you’re not sleeping well or sleeping at all, it has a dramatic effect on your job performance and your overall mood. Join us in this open and frank discussion why cybersecurity professionals need to take a step back and evaluate their own physical and mental health in order to find balance.

 Will You Emerge as a Leader in Your Organization by Enabling Innovation? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:34

Right now we are in what Matthew Chiodi, CSO Public Cloud, Palo Alto Networks, calls the Opportunity. There is a temptation when events like this happen to be narrowly focused on just keeping the lights on. The Opportunity Zone presents three unique opportunities: Time to reflect, Time to transform and Time to experiment. In this podcast Chiodi will dive a little deeper into how you can take advantage of the Opportunity Zone in order to enable innovation and emerge as a new leader in your organization.

 Communications Tips for Managing an Incident | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:15

When managing an incident, communication is critical. In this podcast Kim Albarella Senior Director, Global Security Organization Security Advocacy at ADP will share tips for efficient and effective communications. We’ll also discuss what lessons ADP has learned through the pandemic and how businesses can apply those lessons to their future crisis and incident response plans.

 How to Deal with the Security Challenges of Disruptions in Supply Chain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:18

Supply chains are disrupted across all industries, which makes for back-ordered webcams and many other products being unavailable. But what happens when mission-critical services completely go down? What are the cybersecurity challenges that organizations have been faced with because of the impact of the global pandemic, and how can security teams deal with these challenges?


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