Early to Rise Radio show

Early to Rise Radio

Summary: Hi, this is Craig Ballantyne, host of Early To Rise Radio. Have you ever wanted to become wealthier, healthier, wiser, or just have more time to appreciate the finer things in life? On this show, we reveal what high performers are doing every day to be more successful WITHOUT sacrificing their personal lives. Early To Rise Radio is sponsored by The Perfect Day Formula. Get your free copy of this game-changing success guide at FreePerfectDayBook.com.


 124 – 20 Motivational Tips and Mindset Strategies for Unstoppable Success in Business and Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:01

My clients Rob and Bob both attended this summer’s workshop in London. This was Rob’s third workshop. As he described his results, his daily schedule, and his profits, Bob’s eyes opened wide as saucers and jaw dropped to the floor. Now listen, Rob was once like Bob: working too much, doing the jobs of incompetent people, and missing out on life. But over time – and with the help of a few workshops and three years of my coaching on his side – Rob’s followed a few success principles that I want to share with you today.

 123 – The Power of Turning Words into Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:32

Justin was once a blue-collar person that thought rich people were jerks. Today he's known as The Greens Powder Man and has overcome the mentality of selling to make millions of dollars a day. In fact, he got to the point where he was generating 500 customers a day - all through the power of copywriting.

 122 – The Mindset Miracle: From Depression to World Famous Motivational Speaker and Business Coach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:14

Today, you're going o meet Rafael Eliassen, a former janitor turned international motivational speaking sensation. We all LOVE a good 'rags to riches' story because they show us that it's possible to achieve something incredible, even if we start with humble beginnings.

 121 – 6-Figure Second Career: How Busy Parents Can Build a Side Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:08

At the age of 38 with 2 kids under 3 years old Ron Mourra was able to earn a 5 figure monthly income by transitioning to Online Fitness Coaching. He followed the Blueprint laid out by his Coach and Mentor Craig Ballantyne and took massive action. Find out how he did it and more in today’s episode.

 120 – 3 Businesses Lessons from Shoe Dog and The Best Books of 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:10

Halfway through the year and I’ve already read 20 books – including my book of the year. I’m also halfway through an EPIC monster of a book that I’ll tell you about in today's show. You will get a greater perspective on leadership, and a look inside the darkest book I’m reading about the darkest time of the 20th century.

 119 – 7 Success Secrets of the Perfect Week Formula for High Performers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:24

Today we’re giving you a deeper dive into the Perfect week formula. This is the same formula I teach at my $10,000 workshops, and while we touched on the basics of this formula in episode 74 of ETR radio, you still had questions.

 118 – How To Be Creative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:38

People always ask, how do you do it? Today I’ll reveal what you must do if you want to 10X your creativity which allows you to 3X your productivity and sales. This is how I wrote my books, crank out two 4000 word newsletters to clients and staff each week, produce a new book every year, and write 3000 words of video scripts in 90 minutes.

 117 – How to Use Social Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:56

Today, I'm not only going to show you how to use social media, but I'm also going to teach you the art of turning social media into business media to grow your sales and 10x your business.

 116 – How to Make One Million Dollars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:36

Imagine you made $114 an hour. That would be alright, wouldn’t it? Or would it? What if you wanted to make a million in a year? How many hours would you have to work per week in order to make a million? We’re about to do some millionaire math so that you can become a millionaire.

 114 – 5 Money Stealing Myths About Morning Routines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:40

Parden the interruption - We break from our previously planned Millionaire Math episode (which we’ll save for next week) and jump right into something you MUST hear about. Your morning routine could be costing you millions.

 113 – How Rich Entrepreneurs and Successful People Think Differently | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:22

Last time we left off with this quote: “If you want something you’ve never had, You must do something you’ve never done.” – Jeremy Piven. So let’s talk about how rich and successful people think differently.

 112 – 25 Quotes to Think Differently and be Ultra Successful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:35

Learn my favorite good quotes from bad people. I truly believe that even if someone is considered a bad person you can still learn something from them. Today, you're not only going to learn some game changing quotes to keep with you every day, you're also going to learn how to think differently.

 111 – 10 Rules for Building a Business Empire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:45

If you want to make more money, you have to do a few weird things. We’ll get to that, as today we dive really deep into all 10 Rules for Building an Empire, in this epic episode of ETR Radio

 110 – 5 Secrets of Time Ownership | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:43

This is the questions I get most in regards to me, my clients, and the wildly successful people I surround myself with on a daily basis. The truth is, you don't need to work all hours of the day, every day to move the needle. You just need some key techniques to make you a time master.

 109 – Life Lessons from a Dog | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:46

Today, I will be teaching you about some things my brand new puppy, Daisy, has taught me during our time together. Now, she is so much different than Bally but the lessons are none-the-less valuable.


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