The Deadman Horror Show show

The Deadman Horror Show

Summary: Welcome to a show for horror lovers where we'll explore the depths of twisted minds, venture into fringe topics, speak with creators, and have a cynical laugh at the insanity around us.

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 Who is William Bernardara? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 911

William Bernardara is a psychotic man that is charged with domestic violence and breaking into his girl friend's house. William also glorifies rape and death of women. William hates women. He is another Nickolaus Pacione.

 Jennifer Irwin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5568

A native New Yorker and captivating storyteller with a flair for embellishment, Jennifer Irwin currently resides in Los Angeles with two cats, a dog, and her boyfriend. After earning her BA in Cinema from Denison University, she worked in advertising and marketing raised three boys, and ultimately became a certified Pilates instructor. While she has written screenplays and short stories since her college days, A Dress the Color of the Sky is her first novel. Not just horror, not just writing, a varitty

 Eat The Rich Special with Renee Miller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6422

Eat The Rich Special In Celebration of Renee Miller's Eat the Rich, Deadman's Tome is hosting a crazy special with tons of prizes. Go Here to Claim Your Prize! or

 Bo Chappell with Shawn of Horror Writers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5913

Bo Chappell and Shawn from Horror Writers talked about Star Wars, Matrix, fandom, politics, and more

 Bo Chappell - Thundernerds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2817

Bo Chappell and Mr. Deadman chat about Thunderners, Marvel's Ant Man and the Wasp, Star Wars, and more

 Jeff Dosser | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5703

Jeff Dosser - an author whose work has appeared in Deadman's Tome, Tales of Terror, Shotgun Honey, Iridium Zine, Bewildering Stories, and Down in the Dirt magazine, Mother's Revenge and Hindered Souls Anthologies. He's an ex-police officer and current software developer living in the wilds of Norman, Oklahoma.

 Nickolaus Pacione Takes Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 874

This is based on true comments left on Deadman's Tome and Facebook. Nickolaus Pacione is a crazy, delusional bigot. Pacione is banned, but his comments will remain as an example.

 Candace Robinson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5646

Author of Bacon Pie, Glass Vault and several short stories. She writes young adult novels and loves classic horror movies.

 R C Mulhare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5812

R.C. Mulhare has the distinction of reading a translation of the famous cursed play "The King in Yellow" without going mad,once successfully defended her day-job workplace from zombies, through some judicious use of clearance-rack garden tools, and fought off a group of Yog-Sothoth cultists in the hallway of a hotel in Providence, Rhode Island... Renee Mulhare (R C Mulhare) is a zombie slayer, defeater of the Yog-Sothoth cultists, and a writer. Rumor has it that she's also the inspiration behind the original Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. I hope hugging her isn't fatal, though. The original Croft had some a very dangerous rack. We talk about star wars, Salem witch trials, writing, geek culture, and more

 June -July Meat Grinder Update | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 650

Sienna Sunset- Jeff Dosser Sadie Spurs Hidey Hole for the Wicked and Weary - SHea Herlihy-Abba Willis - B B Blazkowicz A final Supper - Trev Hill Meat Grinder writing contest is the thunderdome of writing contests. Send your story to

 David P Perlmutter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5649

David P Perlmutter David P Perlmutter lives in Hertfordshire, is the proud father of four children and has one grandson. David is very close to his large family. He is also a Campaigns Ambassador for Cancer Research UK. David's second novel Five Weeks catalogues a trip during which he was almost left for dead in a Pennsylvanian wood.

 Ben Arzate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5317

Listeners of the show wanted Mr. Deadman to chat with Ben Arzate, and I can see why. Ben Arzate produces intriguing poetry with a dark and brutal delivery. I appreciate the unapologetic approach and the willingness to deliver raw, disturbing prose. Mr. Arzate’s poetry is a reality check and while many like to read to escape their troubles, many can benefit from a good ole fashion reality check. What’s a reality check? A reality check is when you get the bratty kids the car to go take a trip down to the third ward. Why? To understand the value of what they have, the reason for the daily grind, and the struggle that happens while they pout and complain about not getting what they want. That’s what Ben Arzate’s poetry does.

 Shea Herlihy-Abba | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5459

Theme by Shadrick at Author of Sadie Spurs Hidey Hole for the Wicked and Weary featured in the thunderdome of writing contests called the Meat Grinder.

 Ned The Zombie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4990

A zombie meets with Mr. Deadman to talk about his book and the zombie life.

 Marc Whipple | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5102

intellectual property attorney – that means I specialize in patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other kinds of “intellectual” property. Cockygate: Hopkins obtained trademark for Cocky, and she ueses these trademarks to force Amazon to pull down title, force authors to change their names, and that's just the beginning.


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