Cincinnati Edition show

Cincinnati Edition

Summary: Cincinnati Edition covers topics from regional government to business, education, health, technology and the arts.


 How Purchasing Power Could Improve Our Food System | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1515

The Good Food Purchasing Program provides tools and resources to support public institutions in shifting to a food purchasing model that puts local economies, nutrition, workforce, environment and animal welfare front and center. Advocates and allies are working to spread the program across the country by encouraging cities, school districts and other public institutions to adopt local policies.

 What Losing An Hour Of Sleep Can Do To Your Internal Clock | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1423

The switch to Daylight Saving Time (DST) this weekend means most of us will lose an hour of sleep Saturday night. While that doesn't seem like much more than an inconvenience, that slight change can affect our internal clocks, making it more difficult to fall asleep, and to wake up on time. It may take several days for some people to adjust and get their sleep routines back on track.

 Author Steve Kissing Discusses Graphic Memoir On Epilepsy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1550

In his 2003 book, " Running from the Devil: A Memoir of a Boy Possessed ," Steve Kissing tells the story of growing up believing he was possessed by the devil, and the steps he took to hide his condition– later discovered to be epilepsy. The book has just been converted into a graphic memoir.

 How To Stay Ahead Of A Scam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1353

With growing concerns about identity theft, cybersecurity and keeping your personal information safe from hackers, what’s a consumer to do? If your personal information is compromised or you become a victim of a scam, where do you turn for help? This is National Consumer Protection Week, which aims to provide answers to questions like these.

 Jail Overcrowding, A Home For Soccer And Accusations Against The City Manager | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2672

With overcrowding at the Hamilton County Justice Center soon to reach what Sheriff Jim Neil calls a "breaking point," the county considers a pre-jail diversion program for addicts and those suffering from mental illness. As the city and FC Cincinnati wait for Major League Soccer to make its expansion announcement, discussions continue over the location of a new stadium for the soccer team. And a former Cincinnati employee accuses City Manager Harry Black of threatening her job.

 Trump Stuns GOP With His Gun Talk, Russia Probe Intensifies And Kushner Downgraded | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2895

After the school shooting tragedy in Florida President Trump says he is willing to look at tougher gun control measures, upsetting many in his base. The Russian probe becomes more intense as another former top Trump campaign official pleads guilty to fraud and to lying to investigators. The president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has his security clearance downgraded. And another Sanders is running for Congress.

 Tips For Starting Your Spring Garden From Seeds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2857

Buying young plants from a greenhouse is a nice shortcut for home gardeners, but with the right selection, proper preparation and a little patience you can successfully start your garden from seeds. And there is a far greater variety of fruit, vegetable and flower seeds available locally and online than the plants you can typically find at your garden center.

 Massive Tax Overhaul, National Security Strategy And The Russia Investigation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2937

This week President Trump presented his National Security Strategy, calling Russia and China U.S. rivals and Iran and North Korea rogue states. A massive GOP tax overhaul unpopular with approximately 50 percent of Americans is headed into law. Congress addresses further accusations of sexual harassment as some senators backtrack on their earlier call for Al Franken to resign. And the Russian investigation moves forward.

 Year-End Tax Tips And How The GOP Tax Plan Could Affect You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2905

While it can be difficult to think about taxes during the holidays, by following a few year-end tips you can prepare now to save on your taxes due in April. And the GOP tax plan could become law by Christmas, it's a good time to start thinking about how the new rules could affect you next year.

 Focusing On Success Stories In The Fight Against Heroin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1840

Much of the reporting on the heroin crisis is focused on the tragic aspects of the epidemic, leaving people feeling helpless and hopeless without an end in sight. A local organization, the Urban Minority Alcohol & Drug Abuse Outreach Program (UMADAOP), says getting out a message of help and hope is equally as important as telling the story of risk and loss.

 Teaching Doctors To Pass Healthy Diet On To Patients | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1059

With the rising health challenges of obesity, diabetes and heart disease many patients find they need to adopt a whole new lifestyle to improve their health, and that includes diet. Physicians, however, receive little nutrition education in medical school and even less during residency, according to Dr. Josephine Elrod of Grandview Medical Center.

 Healthy Housing Initiative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1534

Working In Neighborhoods (WIN) empowers people to make informed choices for themselves and their neighborhoods through community building, home ownership, and economic learning. WIN's Healthy Housing Initiative calls for building or modifying 50 net zero energy-efficient, low-to-moderate cost homes in Cincinnati.

 Rights And Protections Under Adult Guardianship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1354

Many seniors and adults with a disability or illness come under the care of a guardian, who manages their assets. How can you be certain a guardian is acting in the best interest of your loved one when making decisions about finances and care? Approximately 10 percent of people over 65 are subject to elder abuse, and persons with disabilities are at a higher risk of abuse and neglect than the general population.

 KY State Rep Dies In Apparent Suicide, Cincinnati Leadership Changes And Questions On CPD Taser Use | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2921

Kentucky State Representative Dan Johnson apparently killed himself Wednesday night after facing sexual assault allegations. Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley appoints a new Vice Mayor and Budget Chair. Cincinnati Police officers may have violated the department's Taser policy. And the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA) board votes to continue its operation and maintenance of the Cincinnati Bell Connector.

 Bad News Fatigue: How To Curb Your Consumption | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1794

If the last political story you heard on NPR got your blood boiling, the last article you read online made you feel hopeless and the last time you scrolled Facebook to cheer you up you saw a video that made you cry, it may be time to curb your media consumption.


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